Tan­z­a­nia Part 3: Mama Samia and the World Eco­no­mic Forum

When Tanzania’s pre­vious pre­si­dent, Dr John Pom­be Magafu­li, died unex­pec­ted­ly on 17 March 2021, Mrs Samia Sulu­hu Hassan, the pre­vious vice-pre­si­dent, took his place. 

The now acting pre­si­dent was born in Zan­zi­bar, stu­di­ed in Eng­land and work­ed for the United Nati­ons World Food Pro­gram­me[1], [2].  She is often abbre­via­ted as Rais Sulu­hu („Pre­si­dent Sulu­hu“) or just as respectful­ly as Mama Samia („Mrs Samia“).

Pre­si­dent for eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment in the spi­rit of the WEF?

Sulu­hu is known not only for her affi­lia­ti­on to Islam, but also for her clo­se ties to mem­bers of the World Eco­no­mic Forum (WEF)[3], [4].  Whe­ther she hers­elf is a mem­ber of the WEF[5], [6], is ques­tio­ned in a fact check dated 01 April 2021[7], howe­ver, she is cle­ar­ly named on their web­site under the hea­ding „MSc in Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment“[8]. In fact, the fact che­ckers do not reject her mem­ber­ship, but that as a mem­ber she auto­ma­ti­cal­ly par­ti­ci­pa­tes in a „glo­bal coup“:

Social media users have clai­med a World Eco­no­mic Forum web­page fea­turing the name and a pic­tu­re of Tanzania’s new pre­si­dent, Samia Sulu­hu Hassan, is pro­of that she works for the orga­ni­sa­ti­on, and the­r­e­fo­re is part of a “world­wi­de coup”. This cla­im is fal­se. “ [9]

Tan­z­a­nia at the WEF for 12 years already

To what ext­ent „Mama Samia“ sup­ports the „Gre­at Reset“ or not is not clear from the available sources. Howe­ver, the importance of the WEF for Tan­z­a­ni­an poli­tics should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted. Alre­a­dy in 2010, the first mee­ting of Young Glo­bal Lea­ders in Afri­ca took place in Dar es Salaam[10]. In 2022, the fol­lo­wing decis­i­on-makers were alre­a­dy par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the World Eco­no­mic Forum in Davos:

  • Phil­ip Isdor Mpan­go (Vice-Pre­si­dent)
  • Hus­sein Moha­med Bas­he (Minis­ter of Agriculture)
  • Mwi­gu­lu Nchem­ba Made­lu (Minis­ter of Finance)
  • Saa­da Mku­ya Salum (Minis­ter of Sta­te, Finan­ce and Plan­ning)[11]

It is worth men­tio­ning here that no par­ti­ci­pan­ts from Tan­z­a­nia have been announ­ced for the WEF in Davos in 2019[12], 2020[13] and 2021[14]. Could it be that poli­ti­cal chan­ges in the sen­se of the WEF under the for­mer pre­si­dent, Dr. John Pom­be Mag­ufu­li, were con­side­red unpro­mi­sing in Tan­z­a­nia and the­r­e­fo­re no Tan­z­a­ni­an decis­i­on-makers were invi­ted in each case?

Glo­ba­li­sa­ti­on in the spi­rit of Agen­da 21?

Phil­ip Isdor Mpan­go, as Vice-Pre­si­dent, work­ed in the past as a „Seni­or Eco­no­mist“ for the World Bank[15]. The latter’s objec­ti­ves include dere­gu­la­ti­on, i.e., pri­va­tis­a­ti­on of sta­te-owned enter­pri­ses, and the achie­ve­ment of the sus­taina­bi­li­ty cri­te­ria (SDGs) [16].

The so-cal­led „sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment“ or „Agen­da 21“ (now repla­ced by the „Agen­da 2030“[17])

IST EINE poli­ti­sche Bewe­gung, die bemüht ist, die Welt­wirt­schaft zu kon­trol­lie­ren, ihre Ent­wick­lung zu dik­tie­ren und den Reich­tum der Welt auf der natio­na­len, der bun­des­staat­li­che und der loka­len Ebe­ne an sich zu rei­ßen und umzu­ver­tei­len. Die­ser Pro­zess ver­bie­tet die Nut­zung von Grund du Boden sowie von Roh­stof­fen durch des­sen Bewoh­ner und plant eine zen­tra­li­sier­te Wirt­schaft, wäh­rend er die Wirt­schaft, die Logis­tik, die Nah­rungs­mit­tel­pro­duk­ti­on, die Was­ser­ge­win­nung sowie das Wachs­tum, die Grö­ße und den Lebens­raum der Bevöl­ke­rung kon­trol­liert. Kurz gesagt ist die Agen­da 21 einer von meh­re­ren Plä­nen, die ent­wor­fen wur­den, um eine Koali­ti­on aus Regie­run­gen, Unter­neh­men und Nicht­re­gie­rungs­or­ga­ni­sa­tio­nen (NGOs) unter der Schirm­herr­schaft der Ver­ein­ten Natio­nen (UN) zu bil­den. Um die tota­le Kon­trol­le über sämt­li­che mensch­li­che Akti­vi­tä­ten und Güter der Welt zu erlan­gen, wird die­ses Sys­tem einer glo­ba­len Regie­rung über einen Ver­bund aus einem »Eine-Welt-Gericht«, einer »Eine-Welt-Armee», »Eine-Welt-Medi­en« etc. alles zu kon­trol­lie­ren.“[18]

Here is the translation:

„IS A poli­ti­cal move­ment that seeks to con­trol the world eco­no­my, dic­ta­te its deve­lo­p­ment and usurp and redis­tri­bu­te the world’s wealth at the natio­nal, sta­te and local levels. This pro­cess pro­hi­bits the use of land and raw mate­ri­als by its inha­bi­tants and plans a cen­tra­li­sed eco­no­my, while con­trol­ling the eco­no­my, logi­stics, food pro­duc­tion, water extra­c­tion, and the growth, size and living space of the popu­la­ti­on. In short, Agen­da 21 is one of seve­ral plans desi­gned to crea­te a coali­ti­on of govern­ments, cor­po­ra­ti­ons and non-govern­men­tal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons (NGOs) under the auspi­ces of the United Nati­ons (UN). In order to gain total con­trol over all human acti­vi­ties and goods in the world, this sys­tem of glo­bal govern­ment will con­trol ever­y­thing through a com­po­si­te of a „One World Court“, a „One World Army“, „One World Media“, etc.“

Mpan­go and Mag­ufu­li against corruption

The World Bank also has very clo­se ties to GAVI, the Glo­bal Vac­ci­ne Alli­ance[19]. In 2022, Tan­z­a­ni­an Vice Pre­si­dent Mpan­go was appoin­ted to speak at the World Eco­no­mic Forum on „Aver­ting a Glo­bal Food Cri­sis“[20]. He was appoin­ted while Pre­si­dent Mag­ufu­li was still in office and, like the decea­sed, is sup­po­sed to work to fight corruption:

Mpan­go, 63, told law­ma­kers befo­re they voted on his nomi­na­ti­on that he will con­ti­nue to imple­ment flag­ship infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects, inclu­ding a new stan­dard gau­ge rail­way and roads, and fight cor­rup­ti­on.”[21]

The Minis­ter of Agri­cul­tu­re, Hus­sein Moha­med Bas­he, in addi­ti­on to his par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on at the WEF Forum in Davos, is known for his links to the Bill & Melin­da Gates Foun­da­ti­on, which is fun­ding the BASICS-II pro­ject to give far­mers access to new varie­ties of cas­sa­va[22].

Demo­cra­tic hopes fulfilled?

After „Mama Samia“ was initi­al­ly per­cei­ved in the West as a gre­at hope for a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent poli­ti­cal cour­se, the­re was harsh cri­ti­cism and doubts about her demo­cra­tic inten­ti­ons after only one year in office. The „Neue Züri­cher Zei­tung“, among others, wro­te as follows:

Sie hat nach und nach poten­zi­el­le Riva­len unter den Minis­tern durch Loya­lis­ten aus­ge­tauscht. Im Febru­ar erzwang sie die Abset­zung des ein­fluss­rei­chen Par­la­ments­vor­sit­zen­den und liess ihn durch eine Ver­bün­de­te erset­zen. Sie ent­le­dig­te sich so auch eines poten­zi­el­len Riva­len für die nächs­te Wahl 2025. Inzwi­schen zwei­felt kaum noch jemand, dass die Prä­si­den­tin sicher im Sat­tel sitzt.“ [23]

Here is the translation:

„She has gra­du­al­ly repla­ced poten­ti­al rivals among minis­ters with loya­lists. In Febru­ary, she forced the rem­oval of the influ­en­ti­al par­lia­men­ta­ry lea­der and had him repla­ced by an ally. She also got rid of a poten­ti­al rival for the next elec­tion in 2025. By now, hard­ly anyo­ne doubts that the pre­si­dent is safe­ly in the saddle.“ 

Accor­ding to the BBC, the media cen­sor­ship laws that exis­ted befo­re she took office[24], [25]  have not been remo­ved under the new president: 

Like­wi­se, while bans on seve­ral media out­lets have been lifted, the 2016 Media Ser­vices Act, the 2018 Online Con­tent Regu­la­ti­ons and the 2015 Cyber­cri­mes Act that enhan­ced cen­sor­ship and threa­ten­ed indi­vi­du­als and media com­pa­nies with sanc­tions such as sus­pen­si­on and clo­sure of out­lets are still in force.“[26]

Pre­si­dent as a new reality?

From con­ver­sa­ti­ons with Tan­z­a­ni­an citi­zens, it is known that for a long time many Tan­z­a­ni­ans did not want to under­stand that they would now be ruled by a woman. This is espe­ci­al­ly true for the Maa­sai tri­be, which is very num­e­rous around Aru­sha and whe­re it is quite com­mon for a man to have seve­ral wives[27]. One Tan­z­a­ni­an men­tio­ned posi­tively that Sulu­hu could be open­ly cri­ti­cis­ed on Twit­ter. This was not advi­sa­ble with her pre­de­ces­sor. On the who­le, howe­ver, cri­ti­cism of her is also asso­cia­ted with risks. One interlo­cu­tor said that even open cri­ti­cism of the WHO in Tan­z­a­nia could be dan­ge­rous under cer­tain circumstances.

Expul­si­on of Maa­sai from Ngo­ron­go­ro meets resistance

While Magufuli’s name still arou­ses enthu­si­asm among many Tan­z­a­ni­ans, the sym­pa­thy of Tan­z­a­ni­ans sur­vey­ed in April and May 2022 in and around Aru­sha for the new pre­si­dent seems to be under­coo­led at best. It is hard­ly sur­pri­sing if many Maa­sai are not very enthu­si­a­stic about the fact that they are to lea­ve the Ngo­ron­go­ro Natio­nal Park as their pre­vious home and are to be resett­led at the request of the govern­ment. The new pre­si­dent is quo­ted as say­ing that the num­ber of peo­p­le in the reser­ve has beco­me too lar­ge and that she fears for the park’s sur­vi­val[28].

„As deba­te rages about the pos­si­ble evic­tion of the Maa­sai, Prime Minis­ter Kas­sim Maja­li­wa has pro­po­sed a vol­un­t­a­ry relo­ca­ti­on sche­me to Han­de­ni dis­trict whe­re the govern­ment has allo­ca­ted 162,000 hec­ta­res (400,000 acres) for the pas­to­ra­lists.“[29]

One is remin­ded of the resett­le­ment of the Indi­ans in North Ame­ri­ca at that time. Some Maa­sai are quo­ted as say­ing that they belie­ve the govern­ment is pur­suing its own eco­no­mic inte­rests in the resett­le­ment, for exam­p­le in order to coll­ect boun­ties[30].

[1] reu­ters „Tan­z­a­nia arrests 4 peo­p­le for report­ing that pre­si­dent Mag­ufu­li is ill” on „zim​li​ve​.com” from 15.03.2021 at 9:31 p. m.. Available at https://​www​.zim​li​ve​.com/​2​0​2​1​/​0​3​/​1​5​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​a​r​r​e​s​t​s​-​4​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​f​o​r​-​r​e​p​o​r​t​i​n​g​-​t​h​a​t​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​m​a​g​u​f​u​l​i​-​i​s​-​i​ll/, last acces­sed on 11.05.2022.

[2] See also „Samia Sulu­hu Hassan“ on „wiki​pe​dia​.org“. Available on https://​de​.wiki​pe​dia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/​S​a​m​i​a​_​S​u​l​u​h​u​_​H​a​s​san, last acces­sed on 12.05.2022.

[3] „Meet Tanzania’s first fema­le Vice Pre­si­dent, Samia Sulu­hu Hassan” on „rising​af​ri​ca​.com” from 14.12.2021. Available on https://​www​.rising​af​ri​ca​.org/​s​u​c​c​e​s​s​-​s​t​o​r​i​e​s​/​m​e​e​t​-​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​s​-​f​i​r​s​t​-​f​e​m​a​l​e​-​v​i​c​e​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​s​a​m​i​a​-​s​u​l​u​h​u​-​h​a​s​s​an/, last acces­sed on 14.05.2022.

[4] Moni­que Atou­guia „Elsie Kan­za made an Ambassa­dor for Tan­z­a­nia by Pre­si­dent Samia Sulu­hu Hassan” on „ali​n​sti​tu​te​.org” from 24.05.2021. Available at https://​ali​n​sti​tu​te​.org/​n​e​w​s​/​e​l​s​i​e​-​k​a​n​z​a​-​m​a​d​e​-​a​n​-​a​m​b​a​s​s​a​d​o​r​-​f​o​r​-​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​b​y​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​s​a​m​i​a​-​s​u​l​u​h​u​-​h​a​s​san, last acces­sed at 14.05.2022.

[5] „Neue Prä­si­den­tin von Tan­sa­nia Mit­glied des WEF“ on „neo​pres​se​.com“ from 22.03.2021. Available at https://​www​.neo​pres​se​.com/​p​o​l​i​t​i​k​/​n​e​u​e​-​p​r​a​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​i​n​-​v​o​n​-​t​a​n​s​a​n​i​a​-​m​i​t​g​l​i​e​d​-​d​e​s​-​w​ef/, last acces­sed on 11.05.2022.

[6] „Neue Prä­si­den­tin Tan­sa­ni­as ist Mit­glied im World Eco­no­mic Forum“ at „unser​-mit​tel​eu​ro​pa​.com“ from 19.03.2021. Available at https://​unser​-mit​tel​eu​ro​pa​.com/​n​e​u​e​-​p​r​a​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​i​n​-​t​a​n​s​a​n​i​a​s​-​i​s​t​-​m​i​t​g​l​i​e​d​-​i​m​-​w​o​r​l​d​-​e​c​o​n​o​m​i​c​-​f​o​r​um/, last acces­sed on 14.05.2022.

[7] „Fact Check-Tanzania’s new Pre­si­dent Samia Sulu­hu Hassan does not work for the World Eco­no­mic Forum”   on „reu​ters​.com” from 01.04.2021 at 8:44 p. m.. Available at https://​www​.reu​ters​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​f​a​c​t​c​h​e​c​k​-​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​i​d​U​S​L​1​N​2​L​U​251, last acces­sed on 14.05.2022.

[8] „Samia Sulu­hu Hassan“ on „wefo​rum​.org“. Available at https://​www​.wefo​rum​.org/​p​e​o​p​l​e​/​s​a​m​i​a​-​s​u​l​u​h​u​-​h​a​s​san, last acces­sed on 11.05.2022.

[9] „Fact Check-Tanzania’s new Pre­si­dent Samia Sulu­hu Hassan does not work for the World Eco­no­mic Forum”   on „reu​ters​.com” from 01.04.2021 at 8:44 p. m.. Available at https://​www​.reu​ters​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​f​a​c​t​c​h​e​c​k​-​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​i​d​U​S​L​1​N​2​L​U​251, last acces­sed on 14.05.2022.

[10] Muhi­din Issa Michuzi „MEDIA ALERT ON THE 20TH WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ON AFRICA” on “issa​mi​chuzi​.blog​spot​.com” from 01.04.2010. Available at https://​issa​mi​chuzi​.blog​spot​.com/​2​0​1​0​/​0​4​/​m​e​d​i​a​-​a​l​e​r​t​-​o​n​-​2​0​t​h​-​w​o​r​l​d​-​e​c​o​n​o​m​i​c​.​h​tml#, last acces­sed on 23.05.2022.

[11] „World Eco­no­mic Forum Annu­al Mee­ting” on „www3​.wefo​rum​.org” from 18.05.2022. Available at https://​www3​.wefo​rum​.org/​d​o​c​s​/​W​E​F​_​A​M​2​2​_​L​i​s​t​_​o​f​_​c​o​n​f​i​r​m​e​d​_​P​F​s​.​pdf, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[12] See Fon Mathu­ros Chan­tanay­in­gyong and Ceri Par­ker „Who’s coming to Davos 2019?“ on „wefo​rum​.org“ from 15.01.2019.Available at https://​www​.wefo​rum​.org/​a​g​e​n​d​a​/​2​0​1​9​/​0​1​/​e​v​e​r​y​t​h​i​n​g​-​y​o​u​-​n​e​e​d​-​t​o​-​k​n​o​w​-​a​b​o​u​t​-​d​a​v​o​s​-​2​0​19/, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[13] See David Yanof­sky „The con­fi­den­ti­al list of ever­yo­ne atten­ding the 2020 World Eco­no­mic Forum in Davos” on „qz​.com” from 21.01.2020. Available athttps://qz.com/1787763/the-list-of-delegates-to-the-2020-world-economic-forum-in-davos/, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022

[14] See Georg Schmitt „Who’s who at Davos Agen­da Week 2021“ on „wefo​rum​.org“ from 23.01.2021. Available at https://​www​.wefo​rum​.org/​a​g​e​n​d​a​/​2​0​2​1​/​0​1​/​w​h​o​s​-​w​h​o​-​d​a​v​o​s​-​a​g​e​n​da/, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[15] „Bio­gra­phy” on „afdb​.org”, S. 67. Available at https://​www​.afdb​.org/​f​i​l​e​a​d​m​i​n​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​a​f​d​b​/​D​o​c​u​m​e​n​t​s​/​A​M​/​2​0​1​7​A​M​/​A​M​2​0​1​7​_​b​i​o​g​r​a​p​h​y​.​pdf, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[16] About sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment see e.g. „Tan­z­a­nia com­mit­ted to sup­port the UN Sus­tainable Deve­lo­p­ment Coöpe­ra­ti­on Frame­work” on „tan​z​a​nia​.un​.org” from 18.05.2022. Available at https://tanzania.un.org/en/182456-tanzania-committed-support-un-sustainable-development-coöperation-framework, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[17] Eileen DeRolf and Jan van Hel­sing „Wir töten die hal­be Mensch­heit  – und es wird schnell gehen! Der Plan der Éli­te, »min­der­wer­ti­ge Völ­ker« über Krank­hei­ten und Seu­chen los­zu­wer­den. Der Rest erlebt die grün-sozia­lis­ti­sche Neue Welt­ord­nung!“ Fich­ten­au (ama­de­us), 6th edi­ti­on, 2022, p. 59: „2015: Am 27. Sep­tem­ber ver­ab­schie­det Prä­si­dent Oba­ma die Agen­da 2030 für Nach­hal­ti­ge Ent­wick­lung, die von nun an die Agen­da 21 für die nächs­ten 15 Jah­re ablö­sen wird und den wei­te­ren Weg bei der Umset­zung ihrer Zie­le diktiert.“

[18] Eileen DeRolf „Agen­da 21 – Eine Ein­füh­rung in zehn Tei­len von Eileen DeRolf“ in Eileen DeRolf und Jan van Hel­sing „Wir töten die hal­be Mensch­heit  – und es wird schnell gehen! Der Plan der Éli­te, »min­der­wer­ti­ge Völ­ker« über Krank­hei­ten und Seu­chen los­zu­wer­den. Der Rest erlebt die grün-sozia­lis­ti­sche Neue Welt­ord­nung!“ Fich­ten­au (ama­de­us), 6th edi­ti­on, 2022, p. 49

[19] See Tho­mas Röper „Insi­de Coro­na“. Geln­hau­sen Hai­ler (J.K. Fischer), 2nd edi­ti­on, 02.2022, pp. 162 – 164.

[20] „World Eco­no­mic Forum Annu­al Mee­ting Preli­mi­na­ry Pro­gram­me“ on „wefo​rum​.org“. Available at https://​www3​.wefo​rum​.org/​d​o​c​s​/​W​E​F​_​A​M​2​2​_​P​r​o​g​r​a​m​m​e​.​pdf, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[21] Bloom­berg „Tan­z­a­nia Pre­si­dent Names Finan­ce Minis­ter Mpan­go as Depu­ty“ on „bqprime​.org“ from  30.03.2021 at 1:37 p m., last acces­sed on 31.03.2021 at 1:31 p. m.. Available at https://​www​.bqprime​.com/​p​o​l​i​t​i​c​s​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​n​a​m​e​s​-​f​i​n​a​n​c​e​-​m​i​n​i​s​t​e​r​-​m​p​a​n​g​o​-​a​s​-​h​e​r​-​d​e​p​uty, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022: “

[22] „Tan­z­a­nia Calls on IITA for Agri­cul­tu­ral Deve­lo­p­ment” on „the​far​mer​s​ma​nu​al​.com” from  09.03.2022. Available at https://​the​far​mer​s​ma​nu​al​.com/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​c​a​l​l​s​-​o​n​-​i​i​t​a​-​f​o​r​-​a​g​r​i​c​u​l​t​u​r​a​l​-​d​e​v​e​l​o​p​m​e​nt/, last acces­sed on 21.05.2022.

[23] See e. g. Samu­el Mis­te­li „Afri­kas mäch­tigs­te Poli­ti­ke­rin ist ein Jahr im Amt und wird gefei­ert. Zu Recht?“ on „nzz​.ch“ from 23.03.2022 at 05:30 a. m. Available at https://​www​.nzz​.ch/​i​n​t​e​r​n​a​t​i​o​n​a​l​/​t​a​n​s​a​n​i​a​-​w​i​r​d​-​p​r​a​e​s​i​d​e​n​t​i​n​-​s​a​m​i​a​-​s​u​l​u​h​u​-​z​u​-​r​e​c​h​t​-​g​e​f​e​i​e​r​t​-​l​d​.​1​6​7​5​521, last acces­sed on 12.05.2022.

[24] See e. g.  Moham­med Khe­lef „Kom­men­tar: Tan­sa­nia macht die Mei­nungs­frei­heit mund­tot“ on „dw​.com“ from 12.08.2020. Available at https://www.dw.com/de/kommentar-tansania-macht-die-meinungsfreiheit-mundtot/a‑54533748, last acces­sed on 13.05.2022.

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