Tan­z­a­nia Part 6: Mon­key­pox and Polio

To free up nur­ses for the polio cam­paign, the Coro­na vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign was sus­pen­ded for the peri­od of three days. Alt­hough the vac­ci­na­ti­on was declared vol­un­t­a­ry, many peo­p­le per­cei­ved it as com­pul­so­ry. One infor­mant repor­ted that schools had also been writ­ten to recom­mend vac­ci­na­ti­on for child­ren under 5, but that par­ents were allo­wed to deci­de indi­vi­du­al­ly whe­ther to accept the offer. wei­ter­le­sen…

Tan­z­a­nia Part 2: Did Mag­ufu­li want to lea­ve WHO?

Accor­ding to a Tan­z­a­ni­an insi­der known to the edi­to­ri­al team, Magafu­li had plans to lea­ve the WHO as well as a num­ber of other inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. This had led to a rift bet­ween the late pre­si­dent and his key medi­cal advi­sor from the Minis­try of Health. wei­ter­le­sen…