On 17 March 2021[1], Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, the former president of Tanzania, died. This happened to the shock of not only many Tanzanians.
To this day, many Tanzanians believe that Dr Magufuli was probably murdered. One article on Compact, for example, refers to a television report on Kenya according to which Magufuli was allegedly poisoned by the Chinese with the support of Western spies[2].
Export ban as motive?
Two press reports elaborate on this and name a possible motive:
„A high ranking Governement official in Tanzania has claimed that Dr. John Pombe Magafuli was killed by the Chinese in collaboration with the Western Countries because he stood strong and denied them entry in Tanzania and blocked them from accessing the rich mineral resources in the Country.“[3]
The „Maravipost“ appropriately wrote on this:
„President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli directed that all minerals that are extracted in Tanzania must be manufactured in the Country and no raw materials should be exported without prior approval from his officials which made it very difficult for companies from the east or western Countries to access the raw materials and export them to their countries.“ [4]
Officially, it is said that Dr Magufuli succumbed to heart failure[5]. Rumours that he had suffered from a serious illness with Covid-19 circulated[6], but according to press reports, such claims were prosecuted and severely punished[7], [8].
Disagreements with the WHO
It is conceivable that Dr Magufuli was seen as too much of a threat to WHO interests:
„Magafuli was the first president to oppose WHO instructions and he chose to go with the masses and he had done what Tanzanian people wanted not what WHO and Corona Virus Council want.“[9]
Magufule against strict Corona measures
Another journalist sounded the same horn:
„Tanzania under fire from WHO for lackluster response to COVID-19 pandemic
Authorities in the country have been lax in issuing updates on the number of coronavirus infections, while President John Magufuli has stubbornly refused to introduce stringent measures to slow the spread of the virus.“[10]
Considering that since the beginning of the crisis, Europe and the USA have relied solely on fighting the crisis with „vaccines“ developed at „warp speed“, it must have pissed off those responsible at the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or even GAVI, the global vaccination alliance, that Dr Magufuli expressed dissenting views:
„President Magufuli, who was reelected in a disputed October 2020 election, has been downplaying the virus and has told the health ministry not to rush to purchase vaccines.“[11]
Minister of Health paused from 2020 until end of Magufuli’s term of office
The Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children in Tanzania at that time was Ms Ummy Mwalimu, who was appointed to the post by President Dr Magufuli in 2015[12], [13] and held the post until December 2020[14]. Since January 2022, Mwalimu has again held the office of Minister of Health under the new President, Mrs Samia Suluhu Hassan[15]. It is particularly noteworthy in the curriculum vitae of the old and new Tanzania Minister of Health that she was Programme Officer-Governance & Gender at the Danish Embassy in Danida from 2004 to 2010[16].
Under Dr Magufuli, Mwalimu campaigned for the abolition of underage marriage[17], [18] against female genital mutilation[19] and for measures to combat homosexuality[20], [21] which is punishable in Tanzania.
According to insiders, Dr Magufuli probably relieved Ms Mwalimu of her position as Minister of Health because she allegedly held a pro-vaccination opinion.
Money and other miracles
Other people report,
„that the health minister Ummy was dismissed by magufuli because she wanted to comply with the WHO pandemic reporting requirements, and had already started releasing updated figures of infections and deaths. Magufuli was against that, saying that would only create panic and fatalism in the society.
Interestingly, the health minister who succeeded Ummy happened to be an in-law of a firebrand „Archbishop“ of one of the largest christian revivalist churches in the country, Josephat Gwajima International Ministry, who was/is (?) an outspoken critic of vaccination, and had publicly exhorted his followers not to get vaccinated. Archbishop Gwajima is a member of Parliament representing one of the constituencies (the Kawe constituency) in Dar-es-salaam.
One of the first things that Samia Suluhu did when she became President was to allocate a large fund of money (Tshs 15 Billion) for different infrastructure projects in the Kawe constituency, and then she personally went to Kawe with Gwajima to present the donation. During the event, when she was introduced, the first thing she did was pump up the crowd with the question: »are we going to get vaccinated or not?«, although she was cleverly directing the question to Gwajima. In return, Gwajima softened his tone regarding vaccination, later on suggesting that he now might decide to get vaccinated. […] People have been speculating about whether or not he has already been vaccinated, and although he has not come out publicly recommending to his followers to get vaccinated, he has not been speaking against it either. Money seems, indeed, to be one of God’s unfailing »miracles«.“
Mwalimu’s successor, Dr Dorothy Onesphoro Gwajima, was more like the late president himself. She had a reputation for getting things done quickly and quickly rose from the position of district medical officer to regional medical officer, deputy secretary in the Ministry of Health, long before she was appointed Minister of Health under President Magufuli.
As Minister of Health, Mwalimu’s links to both the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation may come as no surprise. In 2018, for example, she participated in a WHO event co-organised by the Gates Foundation on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) resulting from tobacco and alcohol use, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity[22]. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health website for April 2020 reports that Mwalimu has procured large quantities of contraceptives and provided funding for family planning at the local level[23]. It is interesting to note that the article was originally posted on the website of the „gatesinstitute“[24], but has since been removed. Was the link between the Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to be hidden?

Gates not very amused
Also, worth mentioning at this point is a donation totalling USD 149,974 in March 2020 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the WHO in Tanzania, this in connection with the outbreak of Covid-19[25]. The low number of tests against Covid-19 carried out under Dr Magufuli apparently also upset Bill Gates. He wrote in December 2021:
„Without enough vaccines available in Africa, COVID-19 marches on infecting millions of people. Even assessing the true scale of the pandemic on the continent is difficult. A recent World Health Organization assessment estimated that only one in seven cases of COVID in Africa are being detected because of a limited amount of testing.“[26]
According to a Tanzanian insider known to the editorial team, Magufuli had plans to leave the WHO as well as a number of other international organisations. This had led to a rift between the late president and his most important medical advisor from the Ministry of Health.
Whatever the actual cause of the sudden death of the Tanzanian president, who was hated in the West, one thing is clear: his death certainly suited the WHO, the Gates Foundation and the vaccine manufacturers.
Is the WHO losing its members?
Apparently, the WHO is not appreciated by all its’ member states. This has been shown by many events in recent years.
April 2020:
Madagascar is attracting media attention after President Andry Rajoelina unveiled a tea made from Malagasy medicinal herbs as a cure for Covid-19. The tea was developed by the Malagasy Institute for Applied Research[27]. Despite criticism from the western media and the WHO[28], [29], [30], President Dr. Magufuli (Tanzania) and President Felix Tshisekedi (Democratic Republic of Congo), among others, decided to import the remedy:
„So gaben unter anderem die Regierungen von Tansania, Kongo-Brazzaville, Liberia, Senegal, der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und von Äquatorialguinea Bestellungen auf. Das westafrikanische Guinea-Bissau bekam von der Regierung in Antananarivo bereits Fläschchen geschenkt und versprach, einen Teil davon an die Nachbarländer weiterzuleiten.“ [31]
Here is the translation:
„The governments of Tanzania, Congo-Brazzaville, Liberia, Senegal, the Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea, among others, placed orders. The West African country of Guinea-Bissau has already been given vials by the government in Antananarivo and promised to forward some of them to neighbouring countries.“
Various press reports claim that Rajoelina wanted to leave WHO after he was offered to put some „poison“ in the cure for Covid-19. In return, he was offered USD 20 million by the Europeans[32], [33], [34]:
„Rajoelina hatte daraufhin bereits Mitte Mai alle afrikanischen Nationen aufgefordert, aus der WHO auszutreten. Mit dem Bestechungsgeld wollte die mafiöse Organisation offenbar den madagassischen Präsidenten von seinem Vorhaben abbringen.“[35]
Here is the translation:
„Rajoelina had then already called on all African nations to leave the WHO in mid-May. With the bribe money, the mafia-like organisation apparently wanted to dissuade the Malagasy president from his plan.“
„Fact-checkers“ deny the alleged offer and claim that the Malagasy president has never made any statement in this regard[36], [37], [38].. According to the WHO website, Madagascar remains a member state of the World Health Organisation at the time of writing[39].
Mid-May 2020:
In Burundi, a WHO „team of experts“ is expelled from the country a few days before the elections there on 20 May 2020. The team was accused of inappropriate interference in the election there[40].
End of May 2020:
US President Donald Trump announces he will leave the WHO on 06.07.2021. Among other things, he had accused the World Health Organisation of being under the control of the Chinese government[41]. This was reversed after the controversial election of Joe Biden.
Russian President Vladimir Putin announces his withdrawal from the WHO and other international organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The Council of Europe had already been left at that time, he said[42], [43].
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is blocking the pandemic treaty sought by the WHO:
„Die neue UN-Aktion in Richtung Impfpässe, globale Überwachung, Impffetisch und Hygienedisziplin kommt bei Bolsonaro nicht an. Er versicherte bei einem TV-Auftritt am Freitag, dass Brasilien den Pandemievertrag nicht unterzeichnen werde“[44].
Here is the translation:
„The new UN action towards vaccination passports, global surveillance, vaccination fetish and hygiene discipline is not going down well with Bolsonaro. He assured in a TV appearance on Friday that Brazil would not sign the pandemic treaty“.
Africa against WHO paternalism
According to a report dated 24.05.2022, it looks as if 12 out of 13 points of the WHO’s planned pandemic treaty will not materialise[45]. An even more recent report suggests that Africa has derailed plans for a WHO health dictatorship:
“ Africa Day, 25 May, has made an impact. In a rare show of African power and solidarity, several African member states objected to proposed International Health Regulations amendments, discussed at the World Health Assembly 75 this week – a move many believe might shake up the World Health Organization’s dominance.” [46]
On 30.05.2022, it was reported that further WHO member states objected to the pandemic treaty being sought:
„Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.
Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either.
These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.”[47]
Perhaps Dr Magufuli has also contributed something to the growing resistance of more and more countries against the power of the WHO.
Financial dependencies for the new government
It is noteworthy that in September 2021, only a few months after the death of the previous president, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave a total of USD 567.25 million to Tanzania to fight Covid p(l)andemic[48]. This creates new financial dependencies against which Dr Magufuli has consistently fought during his political career. It is not apparent how the implementation of a vaccination campaign and Covid-19 measures will help to offset the collapse in revenue from the tourism sector. Nor is it clear how borrowing from the IMF is supposed to support monetary stability. What is recognisable, however, is that Tanzania’s new government is making itself dependent on the interests of the IMF by accepting such a loan.
[1] “John Magufuli. Tansanias Präsident gestorben“ on “zdf.de“ from 17.03.2021 at 10:38 p. m.. Available at https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/tansania-praesident-magufuli-tot-100.html, last accessed on 11.05.2022.
[2] Jürgen Elsässer „Mord? Tansanias Präsident, der konsequente Lockdown- und Impf-Gegner John Magufuli, stirbt völlig überraschend mit 61“ on „compact-online.de“ from 18.03.2021. Available on https://www.compact-online.de/mord-tansanias-praesident-der-konsequente-lockdown-und-impf-gegner-john-magufuli-stirbt-voellig-ueberraschend-mit-61/?cookie-state-change=1616071632162, last accessed on 12.05.2022.
[3] Collins K’ebwato “Tanzanian President John Magafuli was allegedly poisoned by the Chinese in collaboration with the Western countries‘ spies” on “thedronemedia.ug” from 22.03.2021. Available on https://thedronemedia.ug/tanzanian-president-john-magufuli-was-allegedly-poisoned-by-the-chinese-in-collaboration-with-the-western-countries-spies/, last accessed on 26.05.2022.
[4] “Chinese allegedly teamed up with Western Countries’ spies to poison Tanzania President Magufuli to death” on “maravipost.com” from 18.03.2021 at 10:12 p. m.. Available on https://www.maravipost.com/chinese-allegedly-teamed-up-with-western-countries-spies-to-poison-tanzania-president-magufuli-to-death/, last accessed on 24.05.2022.
[5] “John Magufuli. Tansanias Präsident gestorben“ on “zdf.de“ from 17.03.2021 at 10:38 p. m.. Available on https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/tansania-praesident-magufuli-tot-100.html, last accessed on 11.05.2022.
[6] “Tansania: Gerüchte über Todesursache des Präsidenten“ on “berliner-missionswerk.de“. Available on https://www.berliner-missionswerk.de/aktuelles/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1268, last accessed on 11.05.2022.
S See e. g. Africannews and AP “Man arrested in Tanzania for reporting that president Magufuli is ill” on “africannews.com” from 15.03.2021. Available on https://www.africanews.com/2021/03/15/man-arrested-in-tanzania-for-reporting-that-president-magufuli-is-ill/, last accessed on 11.05.2022.
[8] See e. g. “John Magufuli: Tanzania arrests over missing president rumours” on “bbc.com” from 15.03.2021. Available on https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-56405313, last accessed on 11.05.2022.
[9] Cleon Tanzanian “president died after warning his people about vaccines, he died from heart complications” on “za.opera.news” from 20.05.2021. Available on https://za.opera.news/za/en/politics/6db5d210d6b26ebead1480c9b9db3329, last accessed on 20.05.2022.
[10] Ineke Mules “Tanzania under fire from WHO for lackluster response to COVID-19 pandemic” on “dw.com” from 01.05.2020. Available on https://www.dw.com/en/tanzania-under-fire-from-who-for-lackluster-response-to-covid-19-pandemic/a‑53304699, last accessed on 20.05.2022.
[11] Radina Gigova “Following controversial remarks by Tanzania’s president, WHO urges country to stick to science in fight against Covid-19” on “edition.cnn.com” from 03.02.2021. Available on https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/03/africa/following-controversial-remarks-by-tanzanias-president-who-urges-country-to-stick-to-science-in-fight-against-covid-19/index.html, last accessed on 20.05.2022.
[12] Rose Athumani “New lean Union cabinet unveiled” on “dailynews.co.tz” from 11.12.2015. Available on https://web.archive.org/web/20161018232644/http://www.dailynews.co.tz/index.php/home-news/44970-new-lean-union-cabinet-unveiled, last accessed on 29.05.2022.
[13] “PARLIAMENT OF TANZANIA“ on “parliament.go.tz“. Available on https://www.parliament.go.tz/index.php/administrations/177, last accessed on 29.05.2022.
[14] “PARLIAMENT OF TANZANIA“ on “parliament.go.tz“. Available on https://www.parliament.go.tz/index.php/administrations/177, last accessed on 29.05.2022.
[15] “Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu reshuffles Cabinet“ on “theeastafrican.co.ke“ from 08.01.2022. Available on https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/tea/news/east-africa/president-samia-reshuffles-tanzanian-cabinet-3676116, last accessed on 29.05.2022.
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[20] Kizito Makoye “Tanzania suspends some HIV programmes for gay men, says health minister” on “news.trust.org” from 31.10.2016 um 17:54 Uhr. Available on https://news.trust.org/item/20161031175735-xx3h7/, last accessed on 29.05.2022.
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