Sata­nism Part 1: Cur­rent signi­fi­can­ce and initi­al classification

In con­nec­tion with the Coro­na years 2020 to 2022, the public deba­te on the sub­ject of „Sata­nism“ has increased great­ly. Alt­hough often no distinc­tion is made bet­ween dif­fe­rent mani­fes­ta­ti­ons of Sata­nism, bet­ween pre­ju­di­ces, tes­ti­mo­nies and veri­fia­ble facts. Here a state­ment by Hans Gas­per and Frie­de­ri­ke Valen­tin in the book by Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk fits very well:

„In der Aus­ein­an­der­set­zung mit dem Sata­nis­mus sind zwei Feh­ler mög­lich: die Über­schät­zung und die Unter­schät­zung.“[1]

Here is the translation:

„In deal­ing with Sata­nism, two mista­kes are pos­si­ble: ove­re­sti­ma­ti­on and underestimation.“

Sata­nists are omnipresent

It can be an expres­si­on of ove­re­sti­ma­ti­on to assu­me that the­re is a Sata­nic con­spi­ra­cy behind ever­y­thing, that it has com­ple­te­ly infil­tra­ted poli­tics, the courts and the mili­ta­ry, and to equa­te Free­ma­sons[2], Illu­mi­na­ti[3] and Sata­nists as well as all forms of occul­tism indis­cri­mi­na­te­ly[4]. This does not mean that the­re may not be Sata­nists in key posi­ti­ons and that the­re may not be com­mo­n­a­li­ties bet­ween the various groups named here. The­re are more and more drug and child traf­fi­cking rings being repor­ted world­wi­de[5].The­re are various reports of Sata­nists in such cir­cle. Any­way, it can­not neces­s­a­ri­ly be dedu­ced from this that this is an indi­ca­ti­on of an incre­asing spread of Satanism.

Accu­sa­ti­ons in most cases not verifiable

An unde­re­sti­ma­ti­on results abo­ve all from the assump­ti­on that the­re are only a few (known) Sata­nists in terms of num­bers and that in many cases the indi­vi­du­al Sata­nists or Sata­nist orga­ni­sa­ti­ons accu­sed of cri­mes could not be pro­ven in court. The lack of writ­ten sources can also lead to an unde­re­sti­ma­ti­on of Sata­nic forms of expres­si­on, alt­hough it is not to be expec­ted that groups that are actively tres­pas­sing cri­mi­nal laws will also docu­ment this in writ­ten form for the pro­se­cu­ti­on authorities.

Are we in the last days?

In addi­ti­on to the indi­vi­du­al assess­ment of the dan­ge­rous­ness, such fears also play a role that see the cur­rent Coro­na situa­ti­on as the final batt­le bet­ween good and evil, God and Satan. The New Tes­ta­ment Reve­la­ti­on of John plays a spe­cial role in this con­text. Here the­re are inde­ed various points of refe­rence that can be inter­pre­ted apocalyptically.

First of all, we should refer to Reve­la­ti­on 13 ver­ses 16 to 18 (here quo­ted after the King James Version):

“ 16 And he cau­seth all, both small and gre­at, rich and poor, free and bond, to recei­ve a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the num­ber of his name.

18 Here is wis­dom. Let him that hath under­stan­ding count the num­ber of the beast: for it is the num­ber of a man; and his num­ber is Six hundred threes­core and six.”

Inter­pre­ta­ti­ons about the mea­ning of the num­ber 666 are mani­fold (here are only four examples):

1. Emper­or Nero

„Die­se Zahl soll nach dem neu­tes­ta­ment­li­chen Buch der Offen­ba­rung (Kapi­tel 13, 11 – 18) die Zahl des „Tie­res mit den zwei Hör­nern“ sein. Im neu­tes­ta­ment­li­chen Zusam­men­hang bedeu­tet die­ses Tier mit der Zahl 666 die Macht des römi­schen Rei­ches. [….] Legt man die Zah­len­wer­te des hebräi­schen Alpha­be­tes zugrun­de, so könn­te die Rät­sel­zahl 666 auf den römi­schen Kai­ser Nero hin­wei­sen.“ [6]

Here is the translation:

„This num­ber is said to be the num­ber of the „beast with two horns“ accor­ding to the New Tes­ta­ment book of Reve­la­ti­on (chap­ter 13, 11 – 18). In the New Tes­ta­ment con­text, this beast with the num­ber 666 signi­fies the power of the Roman Empire. [.…] If we take the nume­ri­cal values of the Hebrew alpha­bet as a basis, the ridd­le num­ber 666 could refer to the Roman emper­or Nero.“

2. The Pope

It is some­ti­mes clai­med that the Pope’s tia­ra bears the inscrip­ti­on „VICARIUS FILII DEI“ (Vicar of the Son of God). If one takes the Latin nume­ri­cal values (I = 1, V = 5, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500) one comes to the num­ber 666. The Ger­man Wiki­pe­dia wri­tes on this:

„Die­se Bezeich­nung kommt jedoch nur sehr sel­ten vor, als Varia­ti­on der gebräuch­li­che­ren Prä­gung Vica­ri­us Chris­ti (Statt­hal­ter Chris­ti). Dies war ein gewöhn­li­cher Titel für alle Bischö­fe, erst seit dem 12. Jahr­hun­dert ver­stärkt ein Titel des Paps­tes. Auf den erhal­te­nen alten Tia­ren fin­det sich die­se Inschrift nicht.“[7]

Here is the translation:

„This desi­gna­ti­on, howe­ver, occurs only very rare­ly, as a varia­ti­on of the more com­mon coina­ge Vica­ri­us Chris­ti (Gover­nor of Christ). This was a com­mon title for all bishops, and only sin­ce the 12th cen­tu­ry incre­asing­ly a title of the pope. On the sur­vi­ving anci­ent tia­ras this inscrip­ti­on is not found.“

3. Coro­na vari­ant Omicron

The Coro­na vari­ant Omic­ron is offi­ci­al­ly cal­led B.1.1.529. Adding the nume­ri­cal values 1+1+5+2+9 tog­e­ther gives the num­ber 18. Adding the nume­ri­cal values of 666 tog­e­ther gives 6+6+6, which is also 18.

On 30.01.2020, Covid-19 was declared a Public Health Emer­gen­cy of Inter­na­tio­nal Con­cern[8]. Exact­ly 666 days later, on 26.11.2021, the WHO then desi­gna­ted Omic­ron as a new vari­ant of con­cern[9]. Sin­ce the num­ber 666 is the num­ber of a man, this could be inter­pre­ted as a refe­rence to the cur­rent WHO Secre­ta­ry-Gene­ral, Dr Tedros Adha­nom Ghe­brey­e­sus:

„Ver­schie­de­ne Medi­en berich­te­ten davon, dass der WHO-Gene­ral­se­kre­tär Dr. Tedros Adha­nom Ghe­brey­e­sus vor dem Inter­na­tio­na­len Straf­ge­richts­hof in Den Haag des Geno­zids in Äthio­pi­en ange­klagt wor­den sei. Die Kla­ge wur­de von dem ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Wirt­schafts­wis­sen­schaft­ler David Stein­mann erho­ben, der 2019 für den Frie­dens­no­bel­preis vor­ge­schla­gen wur­de. Tedros sei einer der drei maß­geb­li­chen Ent­schei­dungs­trä­ger in Äthio­pi­en gewe­sen, der wäh­rend sei­ner Amts­zeit in den Jah­re 2005 bis 2012 die die Tötung, Inhaf­tie­rung und Fol­te­rung von Amha­ra, Kon­so, Oro­mo und Soma­li-Stäm­men, mit der Absicht der eth­ni­schen Säu­be­rung, wäh­rend der besag­ten Peri­ode lei­te­ten. Oppo­si­tio­nel­le sei­ner Maß­nah­men habe man durch vor­sätz­li­che Ver­haf­tun­gen sowie Unter­su­chungs­haft ein­zu­schüch­tern ver­sucht.“[10]

Here is the translation:

„Various media repor­ted that WHO Secre­ta­ry-Gene­ral Dr Tedros Adha­nom Ghe­brey­e­sus had been char­ged with geno­ci­de in Ethio­pia at the Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­mi­nal Court in The Hague. The case was brought by Ame­ri­can eco­no­mist David Stein­mann, who has been nomi­na­ted for the 2019 Nobel Peace Pri­ze. Tedros was one of the three key decis­i­on-makers in Ethio­pia who led the kil­ling, detenti­on and tor­tu­re of Amha­ra, Kon­so, Oro­mo and Soma­li tri­bes, with the inten­ti­on of eth­nic cle­an­sing, during his ten­ure from 2005 to 2012 during the said peri­od. Oppo­si­ti­on to his mea­su­res had been sought to be inti­mi­da­ted through deli­be­ra­te arrests as well as pre-tri­al detention.“

If one belie­ves the theo­ry that the omic­ron vari­ant is actual­ly a con­se­quence of vac­ci­na­ti­on[11], one could also link the respec­ti­ve vac­ci­ne manu­fac­tu­r­ers to the num­ber of the beast.

4. Gra­phene oxide

Spain’s La Quin­ta-Colum­na said it had detec­ted a 99.99% con­cen­tra­ti­on of gra­phene oxi­de, a high­ly toxic sub­s­tance, in Pfi­zer vac­ci­ne [12], [13].

. This also gives rise to speculation:

„Gra­phen ist eine Sub­stanz, die aus rei­nem Koh­len­stoff besteht.

 In dem Bibel­vers sagt Johan­nes, der Autor der Offen­ba­rung (Apo­ka­lyp­se), dass die Zahl 666 die Zahl des Men­schen ist.

Und er sagt dies, weil die Zahl 666 mit dem Koh­len­stoff­atom und dem Men­schen in Ver­bin­dung steht.

 Koh­len­stoff ist eines der 5 Ele­men­te der mensch­li­chen DNA und besteht aus 6 Pro­to­nen, 6 Elek­tro­nen und 6 Neu­tro­nen, was der Zahl 666 entspricht.

Koh­len­stoff und Gra­phen sind iden­tisch, bei­de bil­den hexa­go­na­le Zellen.

Die Auf­nah­men, die sie machen, ent­hal­ten also die Ord­nungs­zahl 666 und sechs Winkelmuster.

Es han­delt sich um einen Code, der in der Bibel „das Mal­zei­chen des Tie­res“ genannt wird und die Kon­trol­leu­re wis­sen lässt, wer „sie“ sind.  Es kenn­zeich­net sie, wie Vieh­züch­ter ihr Vieh kenn­zeich­nen.“[14]

Here is the translation:

„Gra­phene is a sub­s­tance that con­sists of pure carbon.

 In the Bible ver­se, John, the aut­hor of Reve­la­ti­on (Apo­ca­lyp­se), says that the num­ber 666 is the num­ber of a man.

And he says this becau­se the num­ber 666 is asso­cia­ted with the car­bon atom and man.

 Car­bon is one of the 5 ele­ments in human DNA and is made up of 6 pro­tons, 6 elec­trons and 6 neu­trons, which cor­re­sponds to the num­ber 666.

Car­bon and gra­phene are iden­ti­cal, both form hexa­go­nal cells.

So, the images they make con­tain the ato­mic num­ber 666 and six angu­lar patterns.

It is a code cal­led »the mark of the beast« in the Bible that lets the con­trol­lers know who »they« are.  It marks them like catt­le ran­chers mark their cattle.“

In any case, the num­ber 666 plays a pro­mi­nent role in many Sata­nist groups, in movies (e.g., „The Omen“ from 1976) or in hea­vy metal (e.g., the album „The Num­ber of the Beast“ by Iron Mai­den). It should at least be men­tio­ned in this con­text that the num­ber 666 could pos­si­bly be due to a tran­scrip­ti­on error and that the num­bers 616 or 665 could actual­ly be meant[15].

Accor­ding to the Bible, the mark of the beast is to be distin­gu­is­hed from the num­ber of the beast, even though the two are often equa­ted with each other. If one looks at the text of Reve­la­ti­on quo­ted abo­ve, it says among other things as follows:

„… that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the num­ber of his name”

Vac­ci­na­ti­on as a mark of the beast?

If one con­siders that shop­ping had been (and may­be will be again) lar­ge­ly depen­dent on the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of a vac­ci­na­ti­on card, not only in Ger­ma­ny (VR), one could inter­pret the expe­ri­men­tal mRNA vac­ci­na­ti­ons against Covid-19 as a „mark of the beast“. If we think one step fur­ther, name­ly the plan­ned intro­duc­tion of the digi­tal euro[16]  and a pos­si­ble gra­du­al aboli­ti­on of cash[17], [18], it could hap­pen in the future that the kee­ping of an account would be lin­ked to the pre­sence of a vac­ci­na­ti­on card. For exam­p­le, sin­ce 11 Decem­ber 2021 until spring 2022, the cashier’s area of the Spar­kas­se Han­no­ver (savings bank Hano­ver) could only be ente­red on the basis of VRT, and the step to VR no lon­ger seems too far away.

The cir­cum­s­tances of the cur­rent and pos­si­bly future vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign also give rise to fears that vac­ci­na­ti­on could be inter­pre­ted as the mark of the beast. In Aus­tra­lia and the USA, for exam­p­le, rese­arch is alre­a­dy being done on micro­need­le patches for vac­ci­na­ti­on[19]. On such patches, the SWR wro­te in Sep­tem­ber 2021:

„Das neu ent­wi­ckel­te Poly­mer­pflas­ter ist mit mini­k­lei­nen gedruck­ten Mikro­na­deln beschich­tet. Die sind so mini, dass wir sie nicht spü­ren. Und die­se Mikronä­del­chen wie­der­rum wer­den mit dem Impf­stoff benetzt. Das Impf­pflas­ter kann man sich dann auf­kle­ben und sich damit eben selbst schmerz­frei imp­fen.“[20]

Here is the trans­la­ti­on into English:

„The new­ly deve­lo­ped poly­mer patch is coa­ted with tiny prin­ted micro­need­les. They are so mini that we don’t feel them. And the­se micro-need­les in turn are wet­ted with the vac­ci­ne. You can then stick on the vac­ci­ne patch and vac­ci­na­te yours­elf painlessly.”

Do fan­ta­sies come true?

A micro­chip implan­ted under the skin as a vac­ci­na­ti­on card also alre­a­dy exist[21] and could be inter­pre­ted not only as a fur­ther step into trans­hu­ma­nism, but also as the mark of the beast. For exam­p­le, on 04.12.2021, the Rus­sia Today web­site stated:

„Ange­sichts der neu­en Coro­na­vi­rus-Vari­an­te Omi­kron und stei­gen­der Infek­ti­ons­zah­len erlässt die schwe­di­sche Regie­rung neue Maß­nah­men und macht einen Impf­nach­weis im All­tag not­wen­dig. Dies scheint mehr Men­schen dazu zu brin­gen, sich Mikro­chips implan­tie­ren zu las­sen.“[22]

Here is the translation:

„In light of the new coro­na­vi­rus vari­ant Omic­ron and rising infec­tion num­bers, the Swe­dish govern­ment is enac­ting new mea­su­res and making vac­ci­na­ti­on pro­of neces­sa­ry in ever­y­day life. This seems to be dri­ving more peo­p­le to get micro­chips implanted.“

An artic­le from late 2019 alre­a­dy sta­ted as follows:

„Rese­ar­chers hea­ded by a team at the Mas­sa­chu­setts Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (MIT) have crea­ted a micro­need­le plat­form using fluo­re­s­cent micro­par­tic­les cal­led quan­tum dots (QD), which can deli­ver vac­ci­nes and at the same time invi­si­bly encode vac­ci­na­ti­on histo­ry direct­ly in the skin. The quan­tum dots are com­po­sed of nano­crys­tals, which emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detec­ted by a spe­ci­al­ly equip­ped smart­phone. “[23]

This may also explain why so much empha­sis was being pla­ced in Ger­ma­ny (and in a simi­lar way world­wi­de) on instal­ling a Coro­na war­ning app, a Luca app or using a digi­tal vac­ci­na­ti­on card with a QR code on the mobi­le pho­ne. The French Minis­ter of Health, Oli­vi­er Véran, made it clear in an inter­view on 18.12.2021 that the con­trol of whe­ther the indi­vi­du­al case is a genui­ne vac­ci­na­ti­on card should be accom­pa­nied by a con­trol of the identity:

„On peut repo­ser la ques­ti­on du con­trô­le d’i­den­ti­té asso­cié au con­trô­le du pas­se.“[24], [25]

Here is the translation:

„The ques­ti­on of iden­ti­ty con­trol com­bi­ned with pass con­trol can be asked again.”

In this respect, vac­ci­na­ti­on could be inter­pre­ted in con­nec­tion with the vac­ci­na­ti­on pass­port or Green Pass as the mark of the beast.

Jakob Tscharnt­ke, pas­tor of the Evan­ge­li­cal Free Church of Ried­lin­gen, expres­sed hims­elf as fol­lows in a ser­mon on 29 Novem­ber 2021:

„Wer sich heu­te imp­fen lässt, der wird eines Tages mit hoher Wahr­schein­lich­keit, das Mal­zei­chen des Anti­chris­ten anneh­men.“[26]

Here is the translation:

“Whoe­ver allows hims­elf to be vac­ci­na­ted today will one day, with a high degree of pro­ba­bi­li­ty, accept the mark of the Antichrist.”

Micro Need­les in the White House

A state­ment made by Jen Psa­ki, the White House press secre­ta­ry, at a press con­fe­rence held by Joe Biden on 10.09.2021 also cau­sed irri­ta­ti­on among appro­pria­te­ly sen­si­ti­sed per­sons. She spo­ke of „mark­ed peo­p­le“[27], mea­ning tho­se who had been vaccinated.

A simi­lar inter­pre­ta­ti­on can be found elsewhere:

„Sie ver­än­dern Dei­ne DNS-Merk­ma­le mit tie­ri­scher DNS („Bes­tie“), wodurch das Bild Got­tes (ihre DNS-Codie­rung) mit der Tier-DNS ver­än­dert wird. Bald wer­den Sie nicht mehr in der Lage sein, etwas zu kau­fen oder zu ver­kau­fen, wenn Sie nicht nach­wei­sen kön­nen, dass Sie geimpft sind. Die Luzi­fer­a­se-Quan­ten­punkt-Täto­wie­rung ist die Gen2-Ver­si­on davon. Ja, es ist das Zei­chen des Tie­res, es ist nur noch nicht die Tat­too-Ver­si­on, bei der Mikro­na­deln auf z.B. einer Art Folie ver­wen­det wer­den… die­se Foli­en haben hun­der­te von Mikro­na­deln, die einem Vipern­zahn nach­emp­fun­den sind, um den Impf­stoff zu ver­ab­rei­chen und Sie mit einem Quan­ten­punkt-Tat­too zu mar­kie­ren.“[28]

Here is the translation:

„They chan­ge your DNA traits with ani­mal DNA („beast“), chan­ging the image of God (their DNA coding) with the ani­mal DNA. Soon you will not be able to buy or sell any­thing unless you can pro­ve you are ino­cu­la­ted. The luci­fer­a­se quan­tum dot tat­too is the Gen2 ver­si­on of this. Yes, it’s the mark of the beast, it’s just not the tat­too ver­si­on yet, using micro­need­les on, say, some kind of foil… the­se foils have hundreds of micro­need­les model­led on a viper’s tooth to admi­nis­ter the vac­ci­ne and mark you with a quan­tum dot tattoo.“

Tra­di­tio­nal Sata­nic image in flux

The enzy­me luci­fer­a­se named in this con­text is used, among other things, in the mRNA gene non-the­ra­py of Moder­na[29] as well as Pfi­zer[30]. Appar­ent­ly, it is pos­si­ble to check the vac­ci­na­ti­on sta­tus of a per­son under the influence of a spe­cial light[31]. Ine­vi­ta­b­ly, when thin­king of luci­fer­a­se, many might think of the „light bea­rer“, i.e., „Luci­fer“, who is often equa­ted with Satan. Such an equa­ti­on of the fal­len mor­ning star of Isai­ah 14 first occur­red in the New Tes­ta­ment (Luke 10 ver­se 18)[32]. Sin­ce then, an equa­ti­on of Satan and Luci­fer has been wide­spread and can also be found, for exam­p­le, in Ellen Gould White’s book „The Gre­at Con­tro­ver­sy Bet­ween Christ and Satan“ from 1888/1911. Luci­fer gai­ned spe­cial signi­fi­can­ce at the turn of the 19th and 20th cen­tu­ries, among others, with Eli­phas Lévi and within the frame­work of Hele­na Blava­ts­ky’s „Theo­so­phi­cal Socie­ty“. In the pro­cess, Luci­fer incre­asing­ly detached hims­elf from the tra­di­tio­nal Sata­nic figu­re and from the ene­my of God to an enligh­ten­ed but nevert­hel­ess dan­ge­rous figu­re[33].

For our con­side­ra­ti­on of the mark of the beast, howe­ver, what is decisi­ve at this point is rather that the micro­need­ling pro­cess descri­bed above,

„um ein Tat­too für die Hand [han­delt], die unser Erken­nungs­zei­chen und unse­re Impf­auf­zeich­nun­gen ent­hal­ten wird“[34]

(„a tat­too for the hand, which will con­tain our iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on mark and our vac­ci­na­ti­on records“).

This again fits with the Reve­la­ti­on of John 13 ver­se. 16:

“… a mark in their right hand, or in their fore­heads: …

The­re are many more topi­cal refe­rence points that make one think of apo­ca­lyp­tic end times, but this topic will not be explo­red fur­ther at this point. Ins­tead, we will first look at what is meant by Sata­nism and Satanists.

Dif­fe­rent varie­ties of con­tem­po­ra­ry Satanism

In the public sphe­re, it is abo­ve all the so-cal­led reac­ti­ve, para­dig­ma­ti­cal­ly con­for­mist Sata­nism (reak­tiv, para­dig­ma­tisch kon­for­me Sata­nis­mus[35]) that plays a role, in which Satan is wor­ship­ped as an ulti­m­ate­ly supe­ri­or coun­ter-god. Howe­ver, in kee­ping with Chris­ti­an doc­tri­ne, he remains a per­so­ni­fi­ca­ti­on of evil and, with black mas­ses, upsi­de-down cros­ses, etc., ful­fils all the usu­al cli­chés. The ext­ent to which the­re are orga­nis­ed groups of such Sata­nism that also prac­ti­se cri­mes such as human sacri­fice or can­ni­ba­lism is dis­pu­ted, at least in reli­gious stu­dies (Ger­man: “Reli­gi­ons­wis­sen­schaft”)[36], [37]. In her dis­ser­ta­ti­on, for exam­p­le, the scho­lar on reli­gious stu­dies, Dag­mar Füg­mann, wrote:

„Hin­wei­se auf ande­re Grup­pie­run­gen oder Ein­zel­per­so­nen, die unter die­ser Aus­prä­gung des Sata­nis­mus ein­ge­ord­net wer­den könn­ten (wie bei­spiel­wei­se die häu­fig beschwo­re­nen Kin­der­por­no­gra­phen-Rin­ge mit sata­nis­ti­schem Hin­ter­grund, die Straf­ta­ten mit Bezug auf ein sata­nis­ti­sches Welt­bild aus­füh­ren sol­len), konn­ten bis heu­te letzt­lich nicht veri­fi­ziert wer­den.“[38]

Here is the translation:

„Indi­ca­ti­ons of other groups or indi­vi­du­als that could be clas­si­fied under this mani­fes­ta­ti­on of Sata­nism (such as, for exam­p­le, the fre­quent­ly invo­ked child por­no­gra­phy rings with a Sata­nist back­ground, which are said to car­ry out cri­mes with refe­rence to a Sata­nist world view) could ulti­m­ate­ly not be veri­fied to date.“

What about all the indi­vi­du­al cases?

The scho­lar on reli­gious stu­dies, Joa­chim Schmidt, also con­siders many of the stan­dard accu­sa­ti­ons against Sata­nists, such as „infan­ti­ci­de fol­lo­wed by can­ni­ba­lism“[39]  or the enorm­ous num­ber of ritu­al mur­ders attri­bu­ted to Sata­nists in gene­ral, to be gene­ral­ly unve­ri­fia­ble, signi­fi­cant­ly exag­ge­ra­ted and com­mon cli­chés and as such also satis­fy­ing the sen­sa­tio­na­lism of jour­na­lists[40]. Here the jour­na­list Fromm coun­ters with detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on web­sites of the can­ni­ba­li­stic sce­ne, wher­eby the tran­si­ti­ons to occul­tist, ritu­al-sexu­al mur­der fan­ta­sies as well as Sata­nist ide­as seem to be flu­id[41]. Can­ni­ba­lism is also men­tio­ned in a vic­tim report cited by him, which was even shown on public tele­vi­si­on in 2003[42]. Intro­vi­gne refers to a publi­ca­ti­on from 1980, accor­ding to which a cult vic­tim was raped, among other things, and then new-born babies were sacri­fi­ced and eaten[43]. Other simi­lar reports, inclu­ding human sacri­fice, were repea­ted­ly repor­ted by vic­tims of the same Sata­nic orga­ni­sa­ti­on over the fol­lo­wing twen­ty years[44].

In the 1995 book by Intro­vi­gne and Türk, Gas­per and Valen­tin distin­gu­ish bet­ween “insti­tu­tio­na­li­sier­ten Sata­nis­mus“  (insti­tu­tio­na­li­sed Sata­nism, e.g. First Church of Satan, Temp­le of Set) and the “sexu­al­ma­gisch-sata­nis­tisch inspi­rier­te Sze­ne“ (sexu­al­ly magi­cal Sata­nist-inspi­red sce­ne). Regar­ding the lat­ter, it is cor­rect­ly sta­ted as follows:

Weil die­se Sze­ne ins­ge­samt wenig erforscht ist, weil zudem in die­sen nur klei­ne Grup­pen vie­les auch von ganz kon­kre­ten Kon­stel­la­tio­nen abhängt, hat die Sen­sa­ti­ons­dar­stel­lung, wenn etwas Schlim­mes pas­siert, frei­es Feld.“[45]

Here is the translation:

„Becau­se this sce­ne as a who­le is litt­le rese­ar­ched, becau­se moreo­ver in the­se only small groups much also depends on very con­cre­te con­stel­la­ti­ons, sen­sa­tio­na­lism has a free field when some­thing bad happens.“

Bet­ween the abo­ve-men­tio­ned poles, Türk sees a total of five main curr­ents of Sata­nism in the Ger­man-spea­king world:

  • Okkul­ter Neo-Sata­nis­mus (Occult Neo-Sata­nism)
  • Syn­kre­tis­ti­scher Jugend-Sata­nis­mus (Syn­cre­tis­tic Youth Sata­nism)
  • Sexu­al­ma­gi­sche Grup­pen (Sex magic groups)
  • Gruf­tie­sze­ne  (Goth sce­ne)
  • Künst­ler­sa­ta­nis­ten (Artis­tic Sata­nists)[46]

Türk makes it clear – as do other aut­hors – that alt­hough the goth sce­ne likes to be seen in a Sata­nic con­text, an equa­ti­on is prac­ti­cal­ly always inaccurate:

Die Poli­zei geht von einem all­ge­mei­nen, aus der Lite­ra­tur bekann­ten Vor­ur­teil aus. Schwarz­ge­klei­de­te, auf Fried­hö­fen her­um­streu­nen­de Jugend­li­che müs­sen Sata­nis­ten sein. Es muß, so will es das all­ge­mei­ne Vor­ur­teil, viel Blut flie­ßen, und Mäd­chen müs­sen Satan geop­fert wer­den. In der Tat gestal­ten sich dann die Ermitt­lun­gen in die­ser Rich­tung als sehr schwie­rig. Der Grund dafür lieg […] in der Tat­sa­che, daß sie fak­tisch mit Sata­nis­mus recht wenig zu tun haben.“[47]

Here is the translation:

„The poli­ce start from a gene­ral pre­ju­di­ce known from lite­ra­tu­re. Black-clad youths roa­ming around ceme­ter­ies must be Sata­nists. The gene­ral pre­ju­di­ce is that a lot of blood must flow and girls must be sacri­fi­ced to Satan. In fact, inves­ti­ga­ti­ons in this direc­tion turn out to be very dif­fi­cult. The reason for this lies […] in the fact that they have litt­le to do with Satanism.”

Schmidt makes basic definitions

Joa­chim Schmidt, on the other hand, pro­po­ses in his mono­graph a sub­di­vi­si­on of Sata­nism into a total of six categories:

  • „Reak­ti­ve, para­dig­ma­tisch kon­for­mer Sata­nis­mus“ (reac­ti­ve, para­dig­ma­ti­cal­ly con­for­mist Sata­nism)
  • „Gnos­tisch umge­wer­te­ter Sata­nis­mus“ (gno­sti­cal­ly re-eva­lua­ted Sata­nism)
  • „Inte­gra­ti­ver Sata­nis­mus“ (inte­gra­ti­ve Sata­nism)
  • „Aut­ar­ker, sekun­där ach­rist­li­cher Sata­nis­mus“ (Aut­ar­kic, secon­da­ri­ly ach­ris­ti­an Sata­nism)
  • „Syn­kre­tis­tisch gebro­che­ner Sata­nis­mus“ (syn­cre­tic frac­tu­red Sata­nism)
  • „Pri­mär lite­ra­ri­scher Sata­nis­mus“ (pri­ma­ry lite­ra­ry Sata­nism)[48]

In terms of con­tent, Schmidt’s „reac­ti­ve, para­dig­ma­ti­cal­ly con­for­mist Sata­nism“ lar­ge­ly cor­re­sponds to Türk’s „occult neo-Sata­nism“, i.e., in essence a re-eva­lua­ted image of the devil based pri­ma­ri­ly on Catho­lic theo­lo­gy. Türk quite right­ly points out that such Sata­nism can only exist if it is seen as a con­scious breach of taboo, while at the same time refer­ring to the Chris­ti­an Church as a point of refe­rence[49].

Wor­ship­ping the devil is only one indication

In any case, it is not enough to call only tho­se groups „Sata­nists“ who belie­ve in a real coun­ter-god Satan and wor­ship him as a dei­ty. This would exclude from con­side­ra­ti­on all tho­se groups who do not regard Satan as a dei­ty and tho­se who focus on phi­lo­so­phi­cal and/or sexu­al-magi­cal con­cepts, e.g., tho­se of Aleis­ter Crow­ley or Anton Szan­dor LaVey, and who eit­her wor­ship Satan under other names such as Luci­fer or Set or even regard him only as a mere sym­bol[50]. Luci­fer is often not seen as per­so­ni­fied evil, but rather as a rebel for indi­vi­du­al free­dom. Intro­vi­gne calls this varie­ty of Sata­nism „Luzi­fera­nis­mus “(Luci­fe­ria­nism) [51].

It is advi­sa­ble to at least count as Sata­nist every indi­vi­du­al and group that calls its­elf so.

This artic­le first appeared on Decem­ber 19th 2021 in Ger­man on https://​cri​ti​cal​-news​.de/​s​a​t​a​n​i​s​m​u​s​-​t​e​i​l​-​1​-​a​k​t​u​e​l​l​e​-​b​e​d​e​u​t​u​n​g​-​u​n​d​-​e​r​s​t​e​-​e​i​n​o​r​d​n​u​ng/ and has been slight­ly updated for the Eng­lish version.

[1] Hans Gas­per and Frie­de­ri­ke Valen­tin „Ein­lei­tung“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ By Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 5

[2]  As ear­ly as the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the Free­ma­sons in par­ti­cu­lar were accu­sed of Sata­nism. See for exam­p­le the Taxil hoax in Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1st new edi­ti­on, 2018, pp. 102 – 110.

[3] Here, for exam­p­le, refe­rence is made to the „Tier­dra­ma“ (ani­mal dra­ma) of Anton Szan­dor LaVey’s „First Church of Satan“, which is said to have ori­gi­na­ted from Bava­ri­an Illu­mi­na­ti. See Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne „Auf den Spu­ren des Sata­nis­mus“ in Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Frei­burg im Breis­gau (Her­der), 1995, p. 176

[4] Cf. e.g. e.g. Hans Gas­per and Frie­de­ri­ke Valen­tin „Ein­lei­tung“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ By Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 17

[5] See e. g.  Mark Mobil on tele­gram:,,, oder

[6] Türk, Eck­hard „Geschich­te, Sze­ne, Prak­ti­ken – Infor­ma­ti­on und Rat“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit“ von Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 39

[7] „Sechs­hun­dert­sechs­und­sech­zig“ on „wiki​pe​dia​.de“. Available at https://​de​.wiki​pe​dia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/​S​e​c​h​s​h​u​n​d​e​r​t​s​e​c​h​s​u​n​d​s​e​c​h​zig, last acces­sed 01.06.2022.

[8] “State­ment on the second mee­ting of the Inter­na­tio­nal Health Regu­la­ti­ons (2005) Emer­gen­cy Com­mit­tee regar­ding the out­break of novel coro­na­vi­rus (2019-nCoV)” at “who​.int” from 30.01.2020. Available at https://​www​.who​.int/​n​e​w​s​/​i​t​e​m​/30 – 01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov), last acces­sed on 18.12.2021

[9] “Die Omi­kron-Vari­an­te – Sta­tus quo und Aus­blick“  at “sci​ence​me​dia​cen​ter​.de“ from 15.12.2021. Available at https://​www​.sci​ence​me​dia​cen​ter​.de/​a​l​l​e​-​a​n​g​e​b​o​t​e​/​p​r​e​s​s​-​b​r​i​e​f​i​n​g​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​s​/​n​e​w​s​/​d​i​e​-​o​m​i​k​r​o​n​-​v​a​r​i​a​n​t​e​-​s​t​a​t​u​s​-​q​u​o​-​u​n​d​-​a​u​s​b​l​i​ck/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021

[10] Ste­phan Wit­te „WHO-Chef Tedros wer­den Völ­ker­mord und Ver­tu­schung von Epi­de­mien vor­ge­wor­fen“ from 17.12.2020 on „cri​ti​cal​-news​.de“. Available at  https://​cri​ti​cal​-news​.de/​w​h​o​-​c​h​e​f​-​t​e​d​r​o​s​-​w​e​r​d​e​n​-​v​o​e​l​k​e​r​m​o​r​d​-​u​n​d​-​v​e​r​t​u​s​c​h​u​n​g​-​v​o​n​-​e​p​i​d​e​m​i​e​n​-​v​o​r​g​e​w​o​r​f​en/, last acces­sed on 01.06.2022.

[11] See e. g.  Dr. Bodo Schiff­mann from min. 11:56 a.m. at from 19.12.2021

[12] „Pfi­zer-Impf­stoff besteht zu 99,99% aus Gra­phen­oxid: „Sie wol­len Men­schen töten““ on „uncut​news​.ch“ vom 07.07.2021. Available at https://​uncut​news​.ch/​p​f​i​z​e​r​-​i​m​p​f​s​t​o​f​f​-​b​e​s​t​e​h​t​-​z​u​-​9​9​9​9​-​a​u​s​-​g​r​a​p​h​e​n​o​x​i​d​-​s​i​e​-​w​o​l​l​e​n​-​m​e​n​s​c​h​e​n​-​t​o​e​t​en/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[13] See also

[14] See

[15] „Sechs­hun­dert­sechs­und­sech­zig“ at „wiki​pe​dia​.de“. Available at https://​de​.wiki​pe​dia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/​S​e​c​h​s​h​u​n​d​e​r​t​s​e​c​h​s​u​n​d​s​e​c​h​zig, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021

[16] „Digi­ta­ler Euro – Häu­fig gestell­te Fra­gen“ on „bun​des​bank​.de“. Available at https://​www​.bun​des​bank​.de/​d​e​/​a​u​f​g​a​b​e​n​/​u​n​b​a​r​e​r​-​z​a​h​l​u​n​g​s​v​e​r​k​e​h​r​/​d​i​g​i​t​a​l​e​r​-​e​u​r​o​-​h​a​e​u​f​i​g​-​g​e​s​t​e​l​l​t​e​-​f​r​a​gen, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[17] For cor­re­spon­ding con­cerns, see e.g.„BUNDESBANK-UMFRAGE: Viel Skep­sis gegen­über dem digi­ta­len Euro“ on „faz​.net“ of 25.10.2021 at 12:19. Available at https://​www​.faz​.net/​a​k​t​u​e​l​l​/​f​i​n​a​n​z​e​n​/​d​i​g​i​t​a​l​e​r​-​e​u​r​o​-​v​i​e​l​e​-​d​e​u​t​s​c​h​e​-​l​a​u​t​-​b​u​n​d​e​s​b​a​n​k​-​u​m​f​r​a​g​e​-​s​k​e​p​t​i​s​c​h​-​1​7​6​0​1​5​0​9​.​h​tml, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[18] Robert Mül­ler-Tör­ök und Oli­ver Sie­ve­ring „Bar­geld­ab­schaf­fung aus öko­no­mi­scher und tech­ni­scher Sicht: In Deutsch­land unmög­lich?“ at „vdz​.org“ from 09.07.2021. Available at https://​www​.vdz​.org/​d​i​g​i​t​a​l​i​s​i​e​r​u​n​g​-​d​e​r​-​v​e​r​w​a​l​t​u​n​g​/​b​a​r​g​e​l​d​a​b​s​c​h​a​f​f​u​n​g​-​a​u​s​-​o​e​k​o​n​o​m​i​s​c​h​e​r​-​u​n​d​-​t​e​c​h​n​i​s​c​h​e​r​-​s​i​cht, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[19] „For­schung an Piks-Alter­na­ti­ve. Kommt die Coro­na-Imp­fung per Pflas­ter?“ on „n‑“ from 05.11.2021. Available at https://www.n‑, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[20] Anja Braun „Coro­na-Imp­fung per Pflas­ter” on „swr​.de“ from 29.09.2021 at 3:21 p. m.. Available at https://​www​.swr​.de/​w​i​s​s​e​n​/​c​o​r​o​n​a​-​i​m​p​f​u​n​g​-​p​e​r​-​p​f​l​a​s​t​e​r​-​1​0​0​.​h​tml, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[21] See e. g. „Få covid­be­vi­set under huden – går att få som ett chip“ on „tv​.afton​bla​det​.se“ from 28.10.2021 at 02:29 a. m.. Available at https://​tv​.afton​bla​det​.se/​v​i​d​e​o​/​3​3​4​5​1​0​/​f​a​a​-​c​o​v​i​d​b​e​v​i​s​e​t​-​u​n​d​e​r​-​h​u​d​e​n​-​g​a​a​r​-​a​t​t​-​f​a​a​-​s​o​m​-​e​t​t​-​c​hip, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[22] „Schwe­den machen es vor: Implan­tier­ter Micro­chip zum Nach­weis einer Coro­na-Imp­fung“ on „rt​.com“ from 04.12.2021 at 1:26 p. m.. Available at https://​de​.rt​.com/​e​u​r​o​p​a​/​1​2​7​9​4​4​-​s​c​h​w​e​d​e​n​-​m​a​c​h​e​n​-​v​o​r​-​i​m​p​l​a​n​t​i​e​r​t​e​r​-​m​i​c​r​o​c​h​ip/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[23] “Quan­tum Dots Deli­ver Vac­ci­nes and Invi­si­bly Encode Vac­ci­na­ti­on Histo­ry in Skin” on “geneng​news​.com” from 19.12.2019. Available at https://​www​.geneng​news​.com/​t​o​p​i​c​s​/​d​r​u​g​-​d​i​s​c​o​v​e​r​y​/​q​u​a​n​t​u​m​-​d​o​t​s​-​d​e​l​i​v​e​r​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​s​-​a​n​d​-​i​n​v​i​s​i​b​l​y​-​e​n​c​o​d​e​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​a​t​i​o​n​-​h​i​s​t​o​r​y​-​i​n​-​s​k​in/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.


[25] See also France 24: “Troi­siè­me dose, vac­ci­na­ti­on des enfants : Oli­vi­er Véran ser­re la vis en France“ on “fran​ce24​.com“ from 18.12.2021 um 11:34 Uhr. Available at‑v%C3%A9ran-serre-la-vis-en-france, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[26] See, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[27] “White House Press Secre­ta­ry Jen Psa­ki Holds Press Brie­fing, Sep­tem­ber 10, 2021 | LIVE“ on “you​tube​.de“ from 10.09.2021 at 1::11:50 h. Available at https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​a​p​p​=​d​e​s​k​t​o​p​&​v​=​n​U​t​i​A​j​x​W​a​e​0​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​y​o​u​t​u​.be, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[28], last acces­sed on 18.11.2021.

[29] Ste­phan Wit­te “Moder­na Teil 9: Von Hai­en, Squa­le­nen und Leucht­kör­pern“ on “cri​ti​cal​-news​.de“ from 19.05.2021. Available on https://​cri​ti​cal​-news​.de/​m​o​d​e​r​n​a​-​t​e​i​l​-​9​-​s​q​u​a​l​e​n​e​_​u​n​d​_​l​e​u​c​h​t​k​o​r​p​er/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[30] See e. g. “Decis­i­on. Sum­ma­ry of the Public Assess­ment Report for COVID-19 Vac­ci­ne Pfizer/BioNTech” on “gov​.uk” from 14.12.2021. Available at https://​www​.gov​.uk/​g​o​v​e​r​n​m​e​n​t​/​p​u​b​l​i​c​a​t​i​o​n​s​/​r​e​g​u​l​a​t​o​r​y​-​a​p​p​r​o​v​a​l​-​o​f​-​p​f​i​z​e​r​-​b​i​o​n​t​e​c​h​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​f​o​r​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​/​s​u​m​m​a​r​y​-​p​u​b​l​i​c​-​a​s​s​e​s​s​m​e​n​t​-​r​e​p​o​r​t​-​f​o​r​-​p​f​i​z​e​r​b​i​o​n​t​e​c​h​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​ine, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021: “Stu­dy R‑20 – 0072: Bio­dis­tri­bu­ti­on of BNT162b2 using the luci­fer­a­se pro­te­in as a sur­ro­ga­te mar­ker pro­te­in after intra­mus­cu­lar injec­tion in mice. Toxicology“

[31] Ste­phan Wit­te “Moder­na Teil 9: Von Hai­en, Squa­le­nen und Leucht­kör­pern“ on “cri​ti​cal​-news​.de“ from 19.05.2021. Available on https://​cri​ti​cal​-news​.de/​m​o​d​e​r​n​a​-​t​e​i​l​-​9​-​s​q​u​a​l​e​n​e​_​u​n​d​_​l​e​u​c​h​t​k​o​r​p​er/, last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[32] For more detail on this see Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1st reprint, 2018, pp. 21 – 22.

[33] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1st reprint, 2018, pp.110 – 113

[34], last acces­sed on 18.12.2021.

[35] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 14

[36] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 14

[37] Dag­mar R. Füg­mann „Zeit­ge­nös­si­scher Sata­nis­mus in Deutsch­land. Welt­bil­der und Wert­vor­stel­lun­gen im Sata­nis­mus.“ Mar­burg (Tec­tum), 2009 (also Würz­burg, Uni­ver­si­täts­dis­ser­ta­ti­on, 2008), pp. 1 – 27

[38] Dag­mar R. Füg­mann „Zeit­ge­nös­si­scher Sata­nis­mus in Deutsch­land. Welt­bil­der und Wert­vor­stel­lun­gen im Sata­nis­mus.“ Mar­burg (Tec­tum), 2009 (also Würz­burg, Uni­ver­si­täts­dis­ser­ta­ti­on, 2008), pp.. 1 – 30 bis 1 – 31

[39] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, p. 235. Howe­ver, see one of many examp­les in Gui­do und Micha­el Grandt’s „Sata­nis­mus. Die unter­schätz­te Gefahr.“ Düs­sel­dorf (Pat­mos), 2nd edi­ti­on, 2000, p. 132

[40] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, p. 234 – 239

[41] Rai­ner Fromm „Sata­nis­mus in Deutsch­land. Zwi­schen Kult und Gewalt.“ Munich (Olz­og), 2003, pp. 202 – 203

[40] Rai­ner Fromm „Sata­nis­mus in Deutsch­land. Zwi­schen Kult und Gewalt.“ Munich (Olz­og), 2003, p. 236

[41] Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne “Auf den Spu­ren des Sata­nis­mus“ in Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Frei­burg im Breis­gau (Her­der), 1995, p. 154

[42] Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne “Auf den Spu­ren des Sata­nis­mus“ in Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Frei­burg im Breis­gau (Her­der), 1995, p. 154

[43] Hans Gas­per und Frie­de­ri­ke Valen­tin „Ein­lei­tung“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Von Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 9

[44] Türk, Eck­hard „Geschich­te, Sze­ne, Prak­ti­ken – Infor­ma­ti­on und Rat“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit“ von Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 35. Expl­ana­ti­on on pp. 36 ff. Trans­la­ti­ons not in the ori­gi­nal book.

[45] Türk, Eck­hard Geschich­te, Sze­ne, Prak­ti­ken – Infor­ma­ti­on und Rat“ in Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit“ von Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 73

[46] Joa­chim Schmidt „Sata­nis­mus. Mythos und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Ber­lin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 17

[47] Sie­he Türk, Eck­hard „Geschich­te, Sze­ne, Prak­ti­ken – Infor­ma­ti­on und Rat“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit“ von Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 100

[48] Cf. also Eck­hard Türk’s cri­ti­cism of such a rest­ric­ti­ve defi­ni­ti­on: Türk, Eck­hard „Geschich­te, Sze­ne, Prak­ti­ken – Infor­ma­ti­on und Rat“ in „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit“ by Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk. Fri­bourg, Basel, Vien­na (Her­der), 1995, p. 32 – 35

[49] Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne „Auf den Spu­ren des Sata­nis­mus“ in Mas­si­mo Intro­vi­gne and Eck­hard Türk „Sata­nis­mus. Zwi­schen Sen­sa­ti­on und Wirk­lich­keit.“ Frei­burg im Breis­gau (Her­der), 1995, p. 197

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