Sata­nism Part 2: Ritu­al abu­se and human sacrifice

In her book, howe­ver, Chan­tal Frei, a dro­pout of sata­nic ritu­al abu­se, descri­bes – among others – sata­nic ritu­als in the Sagra­da Fami­lia in Bar­ce­lo­na and in West­mins­ter Abbey in Eng­land, among others, in which the hig­hest social cir­cles are invol­ved. wei­ter­le­sen…

Sata­nism Part 1: Cur­rent signi­fi­can­ce and initi­al classification

In con­nec­tion with the Coro­na years 2020 to 2022, the public deba­te on the sub­ject of „Sata­nism“ has increased great­ly, alt­hough often no distinc­tion is made bet­ween dif­fe­rent mani­fes­ta­ti­ons of Sata­nism, bet­ween pre­ju­di­ces, tes­ti­mo­nies and veri­fia­ble facts wei­ter­le­sen…