Quite topically, we should refer to an article by the journalists Markus Fiedler and Dirk Pohlmann. Part 64 of the series „Neues aus Wikiihausen“ (News from Wikihausen) entitled „Psiram, Wikipedia und die Verharmlosung von Missbrauch“ („Psiram, Wikipedia and the trivialisation of abuse“) which deals in particular with the topics of „ritual abuse“ and „snuff videos“ (murder on camera) [1].
What is „ritual abuse“? Peter H. Jamin defines it as follows:
„Hierbei handelt es sich um schweren sexuellen, physischen und emotionalen Missbrauch, der mit Symbolen oder Tätigkeiten verbunden ist, die den Anschein von Religiosität, Magie oder übernatürlichen Bedeutungen haben. Diese Tätigkeiten oder Rituale werden über längere Zeit wiederholt, um die Kinder in Angst zu versetzen, sie gewaltsam einzuschüchtern und um sie zu verwirren.“[2]
Here is the translation:
„This is severe sexual, physical and emotional abuse involving symbols or activities that have the appearance of religiosity, magic or supernatural meanings. These activities or rituals are repeated over time to frighten, forcibly intimidate and confuse the children.“
Facts at Psiram only crude conspiracy theories
Fiedler and Pohlmann write on Telegram:
„Auf der Internet-Pranger-Seite Psiram und in der Wikipedia findet man eine seltsame Besonderheit.
Hier werden sexuelle Missbrauchsfälle als dubiose Informationen abgetan.
Filme mit Mordszenen werden als Schauspielerei oder Filmtricks dargestellt.“[3]
Here is the translation:
„On the internet pillory site Psiram and in Wikipedia one finds a strange peculiarity.
Here, sexual abuse cases are dismissed as dubious information.
Films with murder scenes are presented as acting or film tricks.“
Using the real case of Peter Scully[4], the authors impressively demonstrate that the murder of children on camera is not an urban legend or fiction, but a terrible reality[5]. Reports of torture of children on camera are also documented[6], [7].
The „AP-News“ of 11.06.1988 reports on the ritual murder of a 16-year-old in Douglasville / USA. The report says among other things as follows:
“A 16-year-old boy accused of taking part in a satanic human sacrifice of a 15-year-old girl, was convicted of murder Friday and sentenced to life in prison.
Belcher, who has been sentenced to life in prison, McIntyre and Malisa Earnest, 17, were charged in the slaying, accused of strangling her and then performing a crude Satanic ritual over her body.“[8]
The Swiss outdrop Chantal Frei, in her book “SPEAKING OUT!: My Life under and Escape from Satanic Ritual Abuse” describes many cases of (often ritual) murder[9], including those of babies and pregnant women[10], but also cannibalism[11] and snuff videos[12]. She spoke out loud in many interviews for the free media[13]. Other such reports can be found e. g. in Marcel Poltes book on MKULTRA and ritual abuse[14] and also here.
Actual number of Satanist crimes unclear
It should therefore be stated at this point that the number of ritual murders and other crimes attributed to Satanists may be exaggerated, but it would be dishonest to claim that there are no such reports. The extent to which these are the actions of mentally ill individual perpetrators or religiously or otherwise motivated actions of organised groups would have to be investigated on a case-by-case basis. The possibility of generally excluding Satanist-motivated murders[15] is unscientific and must therefore be left as a working hypothesis, at least for individual cases. In 1995, Introvigne quoted from his working translation of „Sette Regioni“ No. 5/1992[16] „about fifteen“ documented murders „committed by Satanists as Satanists and in the name of Satanism“ since the 1950s[17]. According to Fromm, at least the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Fraternitas Saturni have so far been „von Aussteigern selten oder gar nicht belastet worden“[18] („rarely or not at all incriminated by such accusations from dropouts“) . In turn, the Grandt brothers report a written interview in which a Grand Master of the Fraternitas Saturni expressed himself as follows:
„Ich bin für die Opferung von Menschen. Es sollten sowohl Tiere als auch Menschen geopfert werden.“[19]
Here is the translation:
„I am in favour of the sacrifice of human beings. Both animals and humans should be sacrificed.“
Is the sacrifice of large masses of people in the best possible interest?
It is also a fact that there are, for example, extremist expressions of opinion among members of the Church of Satan. Whether these are officially only tolerated or also represented in individual cases is not to be assessed here. The former member Nikolas Schreck, for example, made the following comments in a public interview:
„We would like to see most of the human race killed off, because it is unworthy. It is unworthy of the gift of life. […] A bloodbath would be a cleansing and a purification of the planet that has been dirty and degraded for too long. […] We feel that the best way to change the world into a satanic arena is by having strong individuals in different areas do their own individual work.”[20]
Schreck later resigned from the Church of Satan.
„Nach ihrer Trennung von der CoS waren Nikolas und Zeena Schreck mehrere Jahre führende Mitglieder des schwarzmagischen Ordens Temple of Set. Mittlerweile leben beide in Berlin und haben sich spirituell dem tantrischen Buddhismus zugewandt.“[21]
This is the translation:
„After their separation from the CoS, Nikolas and Zeena Schreck were leading members of the black magic order Temple of Set for several years. In the meantime, both live in Berlin and have turned spiritually to Tantric Buddhism.“
Psychological warfare specialist Aquino defends himself
On Oprah Winfrey’s show, a former member of the Church of Satan in Chicago reported that he had been present at the ritual killing of a person during a Witches‘ Sabbath on Walpurgis Night. The killing had taken place with seven daggers, in the shape of a cross. In the end, he filed a complaint with the police. They found an altar and a lot of blood, but no altar.
Dr. Michael Aquino (at that time still a member of the Church of Satan), who was also present in the show, called the actual or alleged member a liar, because he had reported details about the Church of Satan that did not fit the structures of this church. For example, there is no rank of acolyte and no Witches‘ Sabbath[22]. In the programme, Aquino was also confronted with the fact that during his time at the National Defense University in Washington D.C., allegations were made against him of child abuse of a 3 ½‑year-old girl who identified him as the perpetrator. According to Aquino, the girl made these allegations only after she began therapy[23], [24]. This is reminiscent of allegations made by a US lobby reported by the Grandt brothers:
“Diese einflußreiche Lobby behauptet, dass Therapeuten mit suggestiven oder hypnotischen Techniken (in der sogenannten Recovered Memory Therapy = „Therapie zur Aufdeckung von Erinnerungen) Kindern ihre frühen sexuellen Mißbrauchserinnerungen „heineinmanipulieren“.“[25]
Here is the translation:
„This influential lobby claims that therapists use suggestive or hypnotic techniques (in what is called Recovered Memory Therapy = „therapy to uncover memories) to „help“ children into their early sexual abuse memories.““
According to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation persons with a dissociative identity disorder are very rare and most reported memories (e. g. about ritual abuse) are in fact fake memories[26].
Grandt also cite other critics who even question any form of ritual abuse and conclude the following:
“Ofshe und Watters versuchen also klarzumachen, daß Therapeuten ihren Klienten falsche Erinnerungen suggerieren, die haltlos sind, weil es zum Beispiel keinen grundlegenden Beweis für rituellen Mißbrauch gebe. Vergessen, obwohl in ihrem Buch erwähnt, ist dabei beispielsweise das Gesetz 87 – 1176 des Bundesstaates Illinois, das am 1. Januar 1993 in Kraft getreten ist, das rituellen Missbrauch genau definiert und unter Strafe stellt. Warum also ein Gesetz, wenn doch alles nur eingeredete Fantasien irgendwelcher gestörter Therapeuten sind?“[27]
This is the translation:
„Ofshe and Watters are thus trying to make the point that therapists are suggesting false memories to their clients that are baseless because, for example, there is no basic evidence of ritual abuse. Forgotten, although mentioned in her book, is, for example, Illinois Law 87 – 1176, which came into force on 1 January 1993, which precisely defines and criminalises ritual abuse. So why have a law if it’s all just imagined fantasies of some deranged therapist?“
Grandt also refers to research that clearly questions the independence, credibility and qualifications of the authors named above[28]. The often very one-sided reporting (not only) of the German press on the topic[29] should also make one wonder – as we can currently observe in the reporting on the topic of Corona. The Grandt brothers cite examples of this from the reporting of „Spiegel“ and „Psychologie Heute“, which try to discredit therapists who believe ritual abuse to be real, for example by using questionable experts, suggestive captions and in other ways. As a positive counter-example, the authors cite a contribution by ZDF (public TV channel in Germany) from 1998[30].
Involvement in multiple child abuse
The reportage of „All-Ein-Sein“ (Being All-One) reports that in the late 1980s, the San Francisco Police Department accused Aquino of being involved in a Satanic child abuse ring. In the process, an estimated 86 victims were said to have been infected with sexually transmitted diseases. A total of 22 lawsuits amounting to US$66 million had been filed against the army at the time. These suits against Aquino is said to have been dropped under pressure from the army[31]. The Grandt brothers also report that the suspicion of child abuse stuck to Aquino and mention in this context that the accused had a „top secret“ secrecy qualification at that time. Also, closest members of the Temple of Set were also members of military intelligence[32]. One can see from Aquino’s appearance in the aforementioned show that he was psychologically very well trained and knew how to silence critics.
Alleged dropout reports in particular should be taken with a grain of salt. While some may be quite credible, there are others that appear to be apologetic motives to serve typical clichés. If one has studied the subject a little, the description in the book “The Satan-Seller” (German: „Der Agent des Satans“) by Mike Warnke[33], for example, does not seem very credible[34]. According to Schmidt, the dropout report „Lukas – vier Jahre Hölle und zurück“[35] („Luke – four years in hell and back“) by Jürgen Hauskeller „mit seiner Plumpheit und der Unfähigkeit, Phantasien halbwegs glaubwürdig erscheinen zu lassen“[36] („with its clumsiness and inability to make fantasies appear halfway credible“) is also not to be taken seriously as a serious source[37].
Evidence of animal and human sacrifice
On the other hand, Schmidt also names examples of Californian cults that credibly testified to animal sacrifices[38] or, in the case of the „Four Movement“, human sacrifices[39], or describes that during certain rituals of the „Velle Transcentdental Research Incorporated“ animal blood was spilled over a couple engaged in sexual intercourse[40]. Polte descirbes how two boys were forced to commit sexual intercourse with another boy who just had been killed. While they had to anal and oral intercourse with the body the boys were all over covered with the blood of the dead boy[41]. The Grandt brothers quote a qualified psychologist and psychotherapist by the name of Claudia Bommert, according to which one of her clients had to witness a human sacrifice. The police were expressly not informed of this[42].Marcel Polte also refers to an US-American group called “The Finders” where photos of animal sacrifice have been found[43].
In 1989, the Enquete Commission of the German Bundestag, in its printed matter 13/10950, was also able to report not only on animal sacrifices but also on other serious attacks by Satanist groups in Germany:
„Die schwarze Messe gehört zur rituellen Praxis einer jeden satanistischen Gruppe. Sie stellt die Umkehrung des christlichen Ritus, genauer: der römisch – katholischen Messe, dar. Schwarzes Tuch, Paramente und Insignien, Meßbücher, Symbole wie das Pentagramm, das umgedrehte Kreuz und die Zahl 666 sowie schwarze Kerzen und ein Altar sind die notwendigen Utensilien. Der Ablauf einer schwarzen Messe kann allerdings nicht typisiert werden. Brutale und sadistische Varianten werden nach Darstellung von Aussteigern durchaus praktiziert. Leiter von Beratungsstellen haben berichtet, daß es dabei sowohl zu Tieropfern, zu Körperverletzungen (Schnitte im Arm oder im Genitalbereich, Brüchen), rituellen Vergewaltigungen (oft durch den gesamten männlichen Teil der Gruppe) sowie zu Folterungen im Rahmen des Schmerztrainings gekommen ist. Schmerzen ertragen zu können, wird im Kult als Beweis für den satanistischen Fortschritt angesehen. Aussteigerberichten zufolge, wird ein Satanist gefoltert und foltert andere. Liebe soll in Haß umgewandelt werden, und je besser dies dem Adepten gelingt, desto weniger hat er selbst mit Foltermaßnahmen zu rechnen. Neben manipulativen Techniken (von Autosuggestion bis zur Trancearbeit) gehören Alkohol und Drogen zur Beeinflußung der Involvierten selbstverständlich dazu, um bei Ritualen bestimmte Bewußtseinszustände zu erreichen. Kommentar einer Adeptin: „Ohne breit zu sein (sie meint damit Heroin) hältst du das alles gar nicht aus!“)“[44]
Here is the translation:
„The black mass is part of the ritual practice of every Satanist group. It represents the inversion of the Christian rite, more precisely: the Roman – Catholic mass. Black cloth, paraments and insignia, missals, symbols such as the pentagram, the inverted cross and the number 666, as well as black candles and an altar are the necessary utensils. However, the procedure of a black mass cannot be typified. Brutal and sadistic variants are certainly practised, according to the accounts of dropouts. Leaders of counselling centres have reported that animal sacrifices, bodily injuries (cuts in the arm or genital area, fractures), ritual rape (often by the entire male part of the group) as well as torture in the context of pain training have occurred. Being able to endure pain is seen in the cult as proof of Satanic progress. According to dropout reports, one Satanist is tortured and tortures others. Love is supposed to be transformed into hate, and the better the adept succeeds in this, the less he has to face torture himself. Apart from manipulative techniques (from autosuggestion to trance work), alcohol and drugs are naturally used to influence those involved in order to achieve certain states of consciousness during rituals. Comment of an adept: „Without being high (she means heroin) you can’t stand all this!“
Quick termination of investigations no proof of lack of factuality
The authors of the study also address the fact that the competent state criminal investigation offices have
„kaum Erkenntnisse vorliegen und daß Ermittlungen in entsprechenden Verdachtsfällen bislang keinen hinreichenden Tatverdacht zu begründen vermögen [….]. Diese weitgehend widersprüchliche Datenlage – insbesondere das Fehlen entsprechender Tatsachbestände auf seiten der Ermittlungsbehörden 214) Vgl. Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen: Sonderauswertung „Okkultismus/Satanismus“ – Hintergründe, Straftaten, Bewertung, April 1995, S. 22. 215) Vgl. Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, a.a.O., S. 41. – darf allerdings nicht dazu führen, die vorliegenden journalistischen und therapeutischen Berichte als gegenstandslos zu betrachten. Dies verbietet schon die Härte der beschriebenen Vorfälle. Aufgrund der Darstellungen zu Dissoziation und multiplen Persönlichkeitsstörungen ist es plausibel, warum sich Ermittlungen hier als besonders schwierig darstellen und es schnell zur Einstellung von Ermittlungen kommen kann.“[45]
Here is the translation:
„hardly any findings are available and that investigations in corresponding suspicious cases have so far not been able to establish sufficient suspicion [.…]. This largely contradictory data situation – in particular the lack of corresponding facts on the part of the investigating authorities 214) Cf. State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia: Special Evaluation „Occultism/Satanism“ – Backgrounds, Crimes, Evaluation, April 1995, p. 22. 215) Cf. State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia, loc. cit. p. 41 – must not, however, lead to the present journalistic and therapeutic reports being regarded as irrelevant. This is prohibited by the severity of the incidents described. Based on the accounts of dissociation and multiple personality disorders, it is plausible why investigations are particularly difficult in this case and why investigations can quickly be discontinued.“
Fromm elaborates on what constitutes a multiple personality (correctly: person with dissociative identity disorder):
„Im Gegensatz zum Krankheitsbild der Schizophrenie sind „multiple Persönlichkeiten jedoch fähig, ihre Wahrnehmung zu differenzieren und einen Realitätsabgleich durchzuführen. Insofern haben Aussagen von „multiplen Persönlichkeiten“ oft eine hohe Plausibilität, allerdings nicht selten im Kontext einer gestörten Raum-Zeit-Wahrnehmung.“[46]
Here is the translation:
„In contrast to the clinical picture of schizophrenia, however, „multiple personalities are capable of differentiating their perception and carrying out a reality comparison. In this respect, statements by „multiple personalities“ often have a high plausibility, but not infrequently in the context of a disturbed space-time perception.“
This circumstance leads to the fact that many statements of victims of ritual abuse are not directly verifiable, because accurate and inaccurate memories can be mixed with each other and a temporal and localisation of experiences is often not possible or only possible with difficulties without comprehensive therapy[47].
Written sources alone are not sufficient
It should be noted at this point that studying publicly available writings and websites of the individual Satanist groups alone can help to get a first impression, but cannot replace insider knowledge. Against this background, dropout and therapist reports play an important role in illuminating the „dark side of Satanism“. It would be absurd if Satanists were to publicly air points relevant to criminal law in individual cases. Due to the enormous number of small and very small Satanist churches, orders, cults, grottos, pylons, etc., general statements about „Satanism“ are not possible. Therefore, if specific organisations or members become conspicuous under criminal law, it cannot be deduced from this that this must apply to all organisations and all their members.
Even within the Christian churches there are criminals of all kinds, whereby paedophiles certainly attract the greatest publicity. Examples include the then 75-year-old priest Bernard Preynat, who was sentenced to five years in prison in 2020[48], or the case of the priest Benedikt Treimer, who was sentenced to three years in prison in 2007 – also for abuse[49].
In her book, however, Chantal Frei, a dropout of satanic ritual abuse, describes – among others – satanic rituals in the Sagrada Familia[50] in Barcelona and in Westminster Abbey[51] in England, among others, in which the highest social circles are involved. In public interviews, she names the people anonymised in the book, including the late German showmaster Peter Alexander, the recently deceased Queen of England, the three tenors (José Careras, Luciano Paverotti and Placido Domingo), the former English prime minister Tony Blair, the US actor Tom Cruise and the French-born Gérard Depardieu[52].
In particular, Chantal describes how satanic rituals were committed under a Christian guise[53]. Accordingly, Christian teachings are deliberately turned upside down, Bible verses are taken out of context and reinterpreted satanically. Using concrete examples, Chantal describes how Bible verses were misused as justification for ritual abuse, beatings and other acts. The author also explains how many Christian communities have been infiltrated by Satanists, who thus only pretend to lead a Christian life. Just because someone can recite Bible verses flawlessly does not make them a real Christian[54].
This article first appeared on December 19th 2021 in German on https://critical-news.de/satanismus-teil-2-ritueller-missbrauch-und-menschenopfer// and has been slightly updated for the English version. All references to Chantal Frei and Marcel Polte appear here for the first time.
[1] See e. g. Ulla Fröhling „Vater unser in der Hölle. Durch Inzest und den Missbrauch in einer satanistischen Sekte zerbrach Angelas Seele.“ Bergisch Gladbach (Bastei Lübbe), 6 th edition, 2009 (Bastei Lübbe Taschenbuch Band 61 625), pp. 271 – 272. On severe abuse in front of running cameras of small children with highest risk of death see Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, pp. 150 – 151
[2] Peter H. Jamin „Sexopfer Kind. Die Hintergründe des Falls Dutroux und die Machenschaften der Porno-Mafia.“ Bergisch Gladbach (Bastei Lübbe), 1997 (Bastei-Lübbe Taschenbuch Band 60 446), pp. 311 – 312
[3] https://t.me/geschichten_aus_wikihausen/300, last accessed on 06.10.2021
[4] See e. g. Dr. Lacter „Child Rape and Torture Materials on the Dark Web: Peter Scully and Beyond” on „endritualabuse.org” from 29.09.2018. Available at https://endritualabuse.org/child-rape-torture-materials-dark-web/, last accessed on 09.10.2021.
[5] Siehe about Snuff-Videos also Diana Napolis „Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive“ at Dr. Lacter on „endritualabuse.org“ from 01.01.2007. Available at https://endritualabuse.org/satanism-and-ritual-abuse-archive/, last accessed on 09.10.2021
[6] See e. g. Ulla Fröhling „Vater unser in der Hölle. Durch Inzest und den Missbrauch in einer satanistischen Sekte zerbrach Angelas Seele.“ Bergisch Gladbach (Bastei Lübbe), 6th edition, 2009 (Bastei Lübbe Taschenbuch Band 61 625), p. 368
[7] See e. g. Polte, Marcel „Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda.“ Bad Homburg (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2019, p. 45 – 47.
[8] „Sixteen-Year-Old Sentenced To Life In Prison For Ritual Murder “at „apnews.com“ from 11.06.1988. Available at https://apnews.com/article/af0504ea0487d759c6f7a8a52b07a35d, last accessed on 27.10.2021
[9] Chantal Frei “Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt“. Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, pp. 64 – 66, 68, 76, 93 – 94
[10] Chantal Frei “Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt“. Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, pp. 82 – 83
[11] Chantal Frei “Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt“. Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, pp. 39 – 40, 82 – 83
[12] Chantal Frei “Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt“. Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 53
[13] See e. g. Jo Conrad “Prominente Täter“ on “youtube.com” from 03.05.2022. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1716262pBw&t=2700s, last accessed on 18.09.2022
[14] See e. g. Polte, Marcel „Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda.“ Bad Homburg (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2019, pp 48 – 49
[15] Cf. Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, pp. 130 – 131
[16] Massimo Introvigne “Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne und Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 212
[17] Massimo Introvigne “Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne und Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 210
[18] Rainer Fromm „Satanismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Kult und Gewalt.“ München (Olzog), 2003, p. 158
[19] Guido und Michael Grandt „Schwarzbuch Satanismus“. München (Knaur), 1996, p. 118
[20] All-Ein-Sein “Die okkulte Élite – Church of Satan, Temple of Set und the Finders Teil 7” on youtube.de from 09.11.2017. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS-oQDoIKE, min. 14:58 bis 15:39 last accessed on 21.11.2021
[21] „Black online“ at blackmagazin.com. Available at https://www.blackmagazin.com/?p=21398, last accessed on 21.11.2011
[22] All-Ein-Sein “Die okkulte Élite – Church of Satan, Temple of Set und the Finders Teil 7” on youtube.de from 09.11.2017. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS-oQDoIKE, min. 44:24 bis 50:07 last accessed on 21.11.2021
[23] All-Ein-Sein “Die okkulte Élite – Church of Satan, Temple of Set und the Finders Teil 7” on youtube.de from 09.11.2017. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS-oQDoIKE, min. 52:54 bis 54:02 last accessed on 21.11.2021
[24] On the accusations against Aquino, cf. also Massimo Introvigne “Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne und Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 182
[25] Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, p. 201
[26] Cf. Wendy Hoffmann “Die versklavte Königin. Erinnerungen an Stromfolter und Mind-Control“. Kröning (Asanger), 2021, p.253
[27] Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd, 2000, p. 206
[28] Guido und Michael Grandt “Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd, 2000, p. 206 – 207
[29] Cf. e. g. .Daniel Krähenbühl and Noah Knüsel “NACH SRF-DOK: Psychiatrische Klinik stellt Oberarzt nach Satanisten-Aussage frei“ on „20min.ch“ from 17.12.2021 at 04:45 Uhr. Available at https://www.20min.ch/story/psychiatrische-klinik-stellt-oberarzt-nach-satanisten-aussage-frei-299602706199?fbclid=IwAR3WWI1dJV2kdpyJIDsPm9TgZYav6dkQl82zmQEn_PUB7e8sfGk6Sne2YVs, last accessed on 19.12.2021: „Satanisten, die Kinder foltern, sexuell missbrauchen, ihr Blut trinken und sie sogar essen? Wie eine SRF-Doku zeigt, sind ein Psychiater, Politiker, Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und sogar ein Polizist davon überzeugt, dass es in der Schweiz Zirkel gibt, die im Untergrund operieren und satanistische Rituale organisieren, bei welchen Kinder misshandelt und getötet werden.
Hinter diesen kruden Aussagen steht der Verein Cara (Care About Ritual Abuse), der zum Thema Weiterbildungen anbietet, Filme produziert und Bücher vertreibt.“ Here is the translation: „Satanists who torture, sexually abuse children, drink their blood and even eat them? As an SRF documentary shows, a psychiatrist, politicians, teachers and even a policeman are convinced that there are circles in Switzerland that operate underground and organise satanic rituals in which children are abused and killed.
Behind these crude statements is the association Cara (Care About Ritual Abuse), which offers further education on the subject, produces films and sells books.“ Actually there is the report of a dropout from Switzerland, first published in German and since July 2022 also in English: Chantal Frei “SPEAKING OUT!: My Life under and Escape from Satanic Ritual Abuse”.
[30] See e. g. Guido und Michael Grandt “Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, pp. 207 – 214
[31] All-Ein-Sein “Die okkulte Élite – Church of Satan, Temple of Set und the Finders Teil 7” on youtube.de from 09.11.2017. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS-oQDoIKE, min. 56:05 bis 56:33 last accessed on 21.11.2021
[32] Guido und Michael Grandt “Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, pp. 188 – 189
[33] Mike Warnke mit Dave Balsiger and Les Jones “Der Agent des Satans.“ Erzhausen (Leuchter-Verlag EG), 4th edition, 1992
[34] See, for example, references to inconsistencies with https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/363510.The_Satan_Seller, last accessed on 13.10.2021. For example, Chris Padgett wrote on 05.01.2011: “Well at the time I really liked this book, because like most people who read it they thought the story was in fact an authentic biography. We had a few of his tapes, and I can remember even going to see him live once when I was a kid. I loved his comedy and approach to ministry! It was in the late eighties I think, when his ministry was called into question. It was reported that he was never a satanic priest, nor had he been in the military, etc. It was a mess! Hard to take someone seriously who based his whole ministry on a lie. (less)“. Another reader, Matt Friedmann, wrote on 25.08.2016: “As has been well-known for over twenty years, this „autobiographical“ account was largely fabricated. In the mid-1990s, I was handed a copy of the magazine containing a deeply damaging account, not only of this book, but of Warnke’s entire testimony. John Trott and Mike Hertenstein published a thorough expose in the pages of Cornerstone magazine, vol. 21, issue 98, in July 1992. A more detailed version of their research on Warnke is to be found in their subsequent book, Selling Satan. Both the article and the book may be found with a google search.”
[35] Jürgen Hauskeller in Lukas „Vier Jahre Hölle und zurück.“ Bergisch Gladbach (Bastei Lübbe), 1995
[36] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st New edition, 2018, p. 234.
[37] Other sources should also be treated with caution. See e.g. Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd editon, 2000, pp. 36, 39. If, for example, the Grandt brothers interpret the Gallic god Cernunnos in their book as the embodiment of darkness in the cosmic world because of the antlers growing out of his forehead, the focus here should rather be on the desire for such an interpretation, but not on the existing source situation, which has left precisely no written sources to support such an interpretation. At least as far as the interpretation of mythological „correspondences“ of Satan and Lucifer is concerned, one should rather rely on the monograph by Joachim Schmidt. This does not mean, however, that the Grandt brothers are generally unusable as a source, but one should also approach other interpretations with due caution.
[38] Joachim Schmidt “Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st New edition, 2018, pp. 136, 174
[39] Joachim Schmidt “Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st New edition, 2018, p. 136. Schmidt does not provide a source to prove his claim.
[40] Joachim Schmidt “Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. Neuauflage, 2018, S. 135
[41] Polte, Marcel “Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda.“ Bad Homburg (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2019, S. 55
[42] See also Guido und Michael Grandt „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, pp. 114, 123
[43] Polte, Marcel „Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda.“ Bad Homburg (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2019, p. 38 – 42
[44] Deutscher Bundestag, 13. Wahlperiode „Endbericht der Enquete-Kommission „Sogenannte Sekten und Psychogruppen““, Drucksache 13/10950 from 09.06.1998, S. 46. Available at https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/13/109/1310950.pdf, last accessed on 22.11.2021. About the use of drugs and hypnosis involved in Satanic ritual abuse also see Marcel Polte “Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda“ Bad Homburg (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2019, pp. 10, 18
[45] Deutscher Bundestag, 13. Wahlperiode „Endbericht der Enquete-Kommission „Sogenannte Sekten und Psychogruppen““, Drucksache 13/10950 from 09.06.1998, S. 97. Available at https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/13/109/1310950.pdf, last accessed on 22.11.2021
[46] Rainer Fromm „Satanismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Kult und Gewalt.“ München (Olzog), 2003, p. 198
[47] Cf. Rainer Fromm „Satanismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Kult und Gewalt.“ München (Olzog), 2003, pp. 198 – 199
[48] epd „evangelisch.de“ from 16.03.2020. Available at https://www.evangelisch.de/inhalte/167256/16 – 03-2020/frankreich-paedophiler-priester-zu-fuenf-jahren-haft-verurteilt, last accessed on 23.11.2021
[49] „Pädophiler Priester aus Riekofen zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt“ at „daserste.ndr.de“. Available at https://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/aktuell/Paedophiler-Priester-aus-Riekofen-zu-drei-Jahren-Haft-verurteilt,priester2.html, last accessed on 23.11.2021
[50] Manuel Polte „Vorwort von Dr. Marcel Polte“ in Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 7. See also Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 85
[51] Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 121 – 122
[52] See Jo Conrad „Prominente Täter“ on “youtube.com” from 03.05.2022. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1716262pBw&t=2700s, last accessed on 18.09.2022.
[53] Manuel Polte „Vorwort von Dr. Marcel Polte“ in Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 7. See also Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, pp. 26 – 27, 85
[54] See especially Chantal Frei „Ich rede! Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt:“ Greven (Kindle Direct Publishing), 2021, p. 154 – 157.