Tan­z­a­nia Part 5. Agen­da, Safa­ris and Poaching

Tan­z­a­nia is a popu­lar tou­rist desti­na­ti­on for safa­ris. Wild­life such as ele­phants, lions and zebras can be obser­ved in the wild. In order to pro­tect the natio­nal parks sus­tain­ab­ly, high ent­rance fees are char­ged for access. This is also to finan­ce and moti­va­te the ran­gers who are sup­po­sed to pro­tect the wild­life from poaching.

Tan­z­a­nia Part 2: Did Mag­ufu­li want to lea­ve WHO?

Accor­ding to a Tan­z­a­ni­an insi­der known to the edi­to­ri­al team, Magafu­li had plans to lea­ve the WHO as well as a num­ber of other inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. This had led to a rift bet­ween the late pre­si­dent and his key medi­cal advi­sor from the Minis­try of Health. wei­ter­le­sen…