In various forums for people interested in Tanzania, tempers flared because of an ongoing vaccination campaign. One topic of discussion was monkeypox, which has become a horror scenario worldwide. In addition, there were door-to-door-visits for vaccination due to outbreaks of a wild polio virus, initially in neighbouring Malawi. But now let’s take it one step at a time.
Monkeypox panic so far only abroad
Due to the appearance of monkeypox first in Europe, reported in the press, and warnings from the World Health Organisation (WHO) about an increasing number of cases around the world, local health authorities are also alarmed. The population is informed about the typical symptoms via the media[1], [2]. However, there have not yet been any such cases in the country. Accordingly, no plans for ordering a corresponding vaccine have become known so far.
According to press reports, security measures have been increased to prevent possible outbreaks:
- Increased screening of people entering the country.
- Increased surveillance of infectious diseases at community level
- Increased awareness of appropriate hygiene measures[3]
Traumatic Maasai smallpox experience
It is conceivable that the Maasai meet a possible outbreak of monkeypox with a special background. Wikipedia, which should be used with caution as a source, reports among other things as follows:
„Die Macht der Massai wurde durch die großen Katastrophen gebrochen, die im letzten Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts über Ostafrika hereinbrachen. Die Rinderpest dezimierte die Rinderherden der Massai, die Pocken und eine verheerende Hungersnot töteten große Teile der Bevölkerung. 1904 und 1911 wurden Edikte erlassen, die 60 Prozent des bisherigen Massai-Gebietes enteigneten und der britischen Kolonialverwaltung zusprach, die das Land an Siedler verkaufte. Die Massai wurden in das Gebiet südlich der Eisenbahnlinie der Ugandabahn verdrängt.“[4]
Here is the translation:
„The power of the Maasai was broken by the great catastrophes that struck East Africa in the last decade of the 19th century. Rinderpest decimated the Maasai cattle herds, smallpox and a devastating famine killed large parts of the population. In 1904 and 1911, edicts were issued that expropriated 60 per cent of the previous Maasai territory and gave it to the British colonial administration, which sold the land to settlers. The Maasai were displaced to the area south of the Uganda railway line.“
The fact that GAVI, the global vaccination alliance closely associated with the name of Bill Gates, seems to have a special interest in vaccinating the Maasai is evidenced by an article from 2015, which reports on how vaccines are brought from the central vaccine warehouse in Dar es Salaam to the most remote pharmacies in Arusha province to the children of the semi-nomadic Maasai[5].
Adult vaccination rather uncommon in Tanzania
Vaccinations in Tanzania are mainly associated with young children. For example, according to a Tanzanian source, vaccines against polio and smallpox are
„are usually given to infants in postnatal clinics, so they are compulsory in that sense.“
To avoid this, one option is a home birth, which is also rather unusual in Tanzania[6].
Does Gates Foundation profit from polio vaccination campaign?
On 17 March 2022, an outbreak of wild polio first occurred in a three-year-old girl in Lilongwe in neighbouring Malawi. The last outbreak of polio in Tanzania was in 1996[7], [8], [9], [10]. Since 2015, the country had been considered polio-free[11], [12].
This was followed by a vaccination campaign organised by WHO in close collaboration with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, UNICEF and health partners[13]. In this context, it is known that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation invested considerable sums in the development and administration of oral polio vaccination in Africa, but did not contribute to the fight against the causes, especially better access to clean water and an improvement in the hygiene situation[14].
Transparency rather not the goal
Before going into more detail about the vaccination campaign itself, one detail is interesting on the sidelines. According to insiders, there seems to be an internal memo from the Tanzanian government that even doctors are not supposed to give more detailed information on the vaccines used. A doctor in Arusha said that the usual health facilities are not allowed to give such information.
Currently, the vaccination campaign is aimed at children under five years of age and focuses on oral vaccination[15]. It was organised in several phases. According to UNICEF, the current campaign began on 20 March 2022 in Malawi and then continued in the neighbouring countries of Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia[16].
Vaccination rounds planned for millions of children
The first phase in Tanzania lasted a total of three days from 24 March to 27 March 2022 and reached over one million children in the four regions bordering Malawi – Mbeya, Njombe, Ruvuma and Songwe – according to WHO[17].
To free up nurses for the polio campaign, the Corona vaccination campaign was suspended for the period of three days. Although the vaccination was declared voluntary, many people perceived it as compulsory. One informant reported that schools had also been written to recommend vaccination for children under 5, but that parents were allowed to decide individually whether to accept the offer.
Coffee and cake for immunisation teams?
From 18/05/2022 to 21/05/2022, a second „round of immunisation“ was done to reach a total of 10,576,805 children under five in all districts of the country[18]. Part of the campaign was to encourage the people of mainland Tanzania to invite the immunisation teams directly into their homes[19]. Something similar was reported for the island of Zanzibar:
„Likewise, in Zanzibar, the Ministry of Health and partners also organised a launch event that was officiated by the His Excellence the Vice President Honourable Hemed S Abdalla who called on parents to invite vaccinators and ensure every under 5 child in the Isles get vaccinated in the four days of the campaign.“ [20]
Immunisation door-to-door-visits for prepared children
On The Citizen, parents were asked to prepare their under-five children for mobile vaccination teams that would go from house to house for this purpose.
„The vaccinated child will be marked and the house as well so that those prepared for a verification exercise can determine the number of those reached and those not reached”[21]
Marking on a house wall in Dar es Salaam. Source: Stefano, telegram
One of the author’s interviewees reported that the campaign was conducted in a way that was positively received by the citizens.
„For stance last week nurses were passing in people’s residences and give out the vaccines to the children and a good example is my neighbour whom we share the same background yard allowed her three children to get vaccines.“
The fear that some Tanzanians associate with Covid 19 vaccines does not seem to exist here in many cases.
Polio vaccine for more than 20 million children
UNICEF has announced that there will be further rounds of vaccination in the coming months, with the aim of reaching more than 20 million children in total[22]. It goes on to say:
„In Tanzania, UNICEF has trained 2,147 health workers, 5,128 social mobilizers and 538 town criers, and facilitated the procurement of 3,000 vaccine carriers and 360 cold boxes, expected to be delivered in April 2022 for use in the upcoming rounds of campaigns.“ [23]
Many reasons for a possible disease
The main cause of an outbreak of polio is drinking water contaminated with the faeces of a virus carrier. According to UNICEF, people in areas with poor sanitation and children under five are particularly at risk [24]. The coördinator of a vaccination campaign in the Rukwa region, Mr Oswald Temba, describes the possibilities of infection as follows:
„Mr Temba said polio is spread when the stool of an infected person is introduced into the mouth of another person through contaminated water or food (fecal-oral transmission). Oral-oral transmission by way of an infected person’s saliva may account for some cases.“[25]
Vaccinations as the cause of AIDS?
A connection between the first appearance of AIDS in Africa and a polio vaccine produced in the 1950s on the basis of the tissue cultures of macaque monkeys, which was also used in Africa, has been suspected time and again. To this day, therefore, there are proponents of the opinion that there is a causal link between the polio vaccine and the appearance of AIDS[26], [27], and other people who dismiss this theory as an alleged conspiracy theory and as having long been „scientifically disproved“[28], [29].
Considering the obvious cover-up attempts for vaccination experiments in Africa in the past, it would not be surprising if a closer look at the injustice to many people in Africa should also be denied at that time.
Vaccination experiments on Africans not an isolated case
An article on „Telepolis“ reports, among others, about the US-American researcher Hilary Koprowski:
„In diesem Wettlauf hielt Koprowski lange den Vorsprung, auch in gigantischen praktischen Feldstudien. Doch die Impflinge waren nicht von Polio bedrohte amerikanische Kinder, sondern nichtsahnende kleine Afrikaner in Dörfern und Savannen, die schlicht gezwungen wurden, sich die Impflösung auf die Zunge träufeln zu lassen. Zwischen 1957 und 1960 wurden dazu mehr als eine Million Menschen in den damaligen belgischen Kolonien Kongo, Ruanda und Burundi ohne ihre Zustimmung geimpft, ein Menschenversuch gegen jede ärztliche Ethik, der in der Geschichte der modernen Medizin nur noch von den Zwangsversuchen der SS-Ärzte an KZ-Häftlingen und geistig behinderten Kindern an Skrupellosigkeit übertroffen wurde.“ [30]
Here is the translation:
„In this race, Koprowski held the lead for a long time, even in gigantic practical field studies. But the vaccinees were not American children threatened by polio, but unsuspecting little Africans in villages and savannahs who were simply forced to have the vaccine solution dripped on their tongues. Between 1957 and 1960, more than a million people in the then Belgian colonies of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi were vaccinated without their consent, a human experiment against all medical ethics that in the history of modern medicine was only surpassed in ruthlessness by the forced experiments of SS doctors on concentration camp prisoners and mentally handicapped children.“
Uganda scandal, vaccination deaths and forced contraception
More recent „case studies“ on Africans may be mentioned here as examples:
- In the early 1990s: in Uganda, with the coöperation of the US presidential advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, an apparently manipulated study was conducted „zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Nevirapin und AZT bei der Verhinderung der Übertragung von HIV von der Mutter auf das Neugeborene“[31] („to test the efficacy and safety of nevirapine and AZT in preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to newborn“). Many deaths and serious vaccine damage to a large number of subjects resulted.
„Als Westfal einige zufällige Stichproben von 43 dieser Säuglinge zur Untersuchung auswählte, hatten alle von ihnen 12 Monate nach Beendigung der Studie »unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen«. Nur von ihnen waren überhaupt HIV-positiv.“[32]
Here is the translation:
„When Westfal selected some random samples of 43 of these infants for study, all of them had „adverse reactions“ 12 months after the study ended. Only of them were HIV positive at all.“
- 2010: experiments funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with a GlaxoSmithKline vaccine Mosquirix against malaria in seven African countries with 151 African babies dying in the trial and 1048 out of 5,049 babies with subsequent severe side effects[33]. In his book on Dr Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy quotes the editor of the British Medial Journal as follows:
„Bei denjenigen, die Mosquirix erhielten, war die Rate der Hirnhautentzündungen zehnmal so hoch wie bei denjenigen, die nicht geimpft wurden. Es traten vermehrt Fälle von zerebraler Malaria auf, und bei Mädchen verdoppelte sich das Risiko des Todes (gleich welcher Ursache)“ [34]
Here is the translation:
„Among those who received Mosquirix, the rate of meningitis was ten times higher than among those who were not vaccinated. There were increased cases of cerebral malaria and the risk of death (from any cause) doubled in girls.“
Although the WHO ultimately did not approve the vaccine for the whole of Africa, hundreds of thousands of children in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya were nevertheless vaccinated with it[35].
- 2014: Tetanus vaccination of girls and young women in Kenya with the apparent aim of „protecting“ them from possible pregnancy without their knowledge. For this purpose, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) was added to the vaccine. As early as 1976, the WHO had developed such a vaccine for „birth control“ (better: to prevent pregnancy) [36], [37], [38].
Disastrous vaccination campaign also in India
Reports from India in 2012 make Gates‘ good intentions in developing and administering his polio vaccine seem dubious to say the least:
„A paper written by Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in 2012 wrote about the Gates-CDC-WHO mass oral polio vaccine effort there: ‘… while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis. In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated…’“[39]
First the vaccine, then the occurrence of polio
That oral vaccines promoted by Gates were responsible for the polio outbreaks in various African countries is supposed to be proven by an admission of the WHO:
„One week later on September 2 [2016], WHO was forced to backtrack and admit that new polio outbreaks in Sudan were linked to an ongoing series of new polio cases in Chad and Cameroon. According to the WHO, further polio cases have been registered in more than a dozen African countries including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia. But the shocking thing is that the outbreaks are all reportedly caused by the Gates-backed oral polio vaccine.“ [40]
Vaccination experiments on children unspoken about
The „Ärzteblatt“ in Germany also reported on this scandal in 2020:
„Wenige Tage, nachdem die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) das Poliovirus in Afrika für ausgerottet erklärte, hat die UNO neue, durch Impfungen ausgelöste Polio-Fälle im Sudan gemeldet. […] Im Sudan wurden seit mehr als zehn Jahren keine Fälle mehr nachgewiesen. Neben dem wilden Poliovirus gibt es allerdings noch eine weitere Form von Polio, die durch Impfungen ausgelöst wird. Vor allem in Ländern, in denen die Impfquoten gering sind, kommt es nach Angaben der WHO vereinzelt zu solchen Ausbrüchen, so wie jetzt im Sudan..“[41]
Here is the translation:
„A few days after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the polio virus eradicated in Africa, the UN has reported new vaccine-triggered polio cases in Sudan. […] No cases have been detected in Sudan for more than ten years. However, in addition to wild poliovirus, there is another form of polio that is triggered by vaccination. According to the WHO, such outbreaks occur sporadically, especially in countries where vaccination rates are low, as is now the case in Sudan…“
It remains to be observed whether there will be similiar anomalies in Tanzania in the coming years. Without knowledge of the specific vaccine used in the country, it is not possible to verify whether these are actually substances from the „forge“ of the vaccine manufacturers „promoted“ by the Gates Foundation.
A Tanzanian informant reported that in Tanzanian, mostly state-run schools, there are repeated cases of pupils being abused as test candidates for vaccination experiments without the prior consent of their parents. When side effects occur, both parents and teachers are usually very upset. At the same time, however, no one in the authorities wants to know anything about it. Many Tanzanians regard this as an open secret that is kept quiet.
Permanent protection questionable
According to Dr Martin Hirte, the extent to which oral vaccination can permanently prevent the outbreak of polio is controversial. In case of doubt, a country is only truly polio-free if no polioviruses can be found in the waste water for years[42]. The production on the basis of monkey kidney cell cultures also means that it is
„kaum zu verhindern [sei], dass Fremdviren aus den Zellkulturen in den Impfstoff gelangen. In den USA durften Polioimpfstoffe auch dann noch in den Verkehr gelangen, wenn bis zu 100 Fremdviren pro Impfdosis nachweisbar waren. Noch 1976 fanden sich bis zu 100.000 Affenviren pro Impfdosis (Kyle 1992). Zwischen 1953 und 1963 wurden auf diesem Weg 10 bis 30 Millionen US-Amerikaner und mehrere Hundert Millionen Menschen weltweit mit dem Simianvirus 40 infiziert (Shah 1976). Dieses Virus findet sich in Hirntumoren und wird auch mit anderen Krebsformen in Zusammenhang gebracht, etwa mit dem Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom.“[43]
Here is the translation:
„hardly possible to prevent foreign viruses from the cell cultures getting into the vaccine. In the USA, polio vaccines were still allowed to be marketed even if up to 100 foreign viruses were detectable per vaccine dose. As late as 1976, up to 100,000 monkey viruses were found per vaccine dose (Kyle 1992). Between 1953 and 1963, 10 to 30 million US Americans and several hundred million people worldwide were infected with simian virus 40 in this way (Shah 1976). This virus is found in brain tumours and is also associated with other forms of cancer, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.“
Europe has long relied on inactivated vaccine
Unlike in Tanzania, oral vaccination was replaced by boosted inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in most Western countries as early as 1998. Since 2013, the WHO has already been recommending „die schrittweise Einführung des Totimpfstoffs in allen Ländern, in denen keine Poliofälle mehr auftreten.“[44] („the gradual introduction of the inactivated vaccine in all countries where polio cases are no longer occurring.“)
On this, „“ states as follows:
„Seit 1998 wird die Polio-Impfung in Deutschland nicht mehr mit dem Schluckimpfstoff durchgeführt. Bei dem Schluckimpfstoff handelt es sich um einen Impfstoff mit abgeschwächten, lebenden Impfviren. Diese werden von den Geimpften über einige Wochen ausgeschieden. Menschen mit geschwächtem Immunsystem, die mit den Impfviren in Kontakt kommen, können vereinzelt an einer Impfpoliomyelitis erkranken (weniger als 1 auf mehrere Millionen Impfungen). Aus diesem Grund haben viele poliofreie Länder – wie auch Deutschland – in den vergangenen Jahren auf Totimpfstoff (inaktivierten Impfstoff) umgestellt.“[45]
Here is the translation:
„Since 1998, polio vaccination in Germany has no longer been carried out with the oral vaccine. The oral vaccine is a vaccine with attenuated, live vaccine viruses. These are excreted by the vaccinated person over a period of several weeks. People with weakened immune systems who come into contact with the vaccine viruses can occasionally contract vaccine poliomyelitis (less than 1 in several million vaccinations). For this reason, many polio-free countries – like Germany – have switched to killed vaccine (inactivated vaccine) in recent years.“
Sick through contact with vaccinated people
The risk of poliovirus transmission from newly vaccinated to unvaccinated people is also mentioned by another source:
„Bei der OPV können Viren außerdem aufgrund von Ausscheidungen über den Stuhl in die Umwelt gelangen. Dies war nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die Ursache für zwei Ansteckungen mit Polio in der Ukraine vor einigen Wochen und einem Todesfall in Laos.“[46]
Here is the translation:
„In OPV, viruses can also enter the environment through faeces due to excretion. This was the cause of two polio infections in Ukraine a few weeks ago and one death in Laos, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).“
Even the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns of the possibility of such a transmission path:
„Nach oraler Gabe von OPV vermehren sich die Lebendviren gewöhnlich für 6 – 8 Wochen im Magen-Darmtrakt der geimpften Person. Sie aktivieren das Abwehrsystem und regen die Antikörper-Produktion an. Gleichzeitig werden Impfviren mit dem Stuhl ausgeschieden. Diese können sich über Schmierinfektionen im Umfeld verbreiten und andere Personen infizieren. Hygienemängel können die Verbreitung begünstigen.“[47]
Here is the translation:
„After oral administration of OPV, the live viruses usually multiply in the gastrointestinal tract of the vaccinated person for 6 – 8 weeks. They activate the defence system and stimulate antibody production. At the same time, vaccine viruses are excreted in the stool. These can spread through smear infections in the environment and infect other people. Hygiene deficiencies can favour the spread.“
It therefore appears that, in addition to small children, people with desolate hygienic conditions are particularly affected by polio and it is precisely here that hygiene deficiencies help to spread vaccine-preventable polio. This leads to the assumption that such a vaccination campaign is likely to increase the risk of further outbreaks.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist
The fact that vaccination against polio is not without risks and side effects is described by Dr Carola Javid-Kistel, Rolf Kron and Ulrike Gerstmayer in their book „Krank geimpft. Betroffene erzählen“ (Sickly Vaccinated. Those Affected Tell) [48]. For example, one affected person reports that she began to squint immediately after the vaccination[49].
On, the following side effects are named as a result of polio vaccination in children, but this apparently refers to vaccination with inactivated vaccines:
„• Sehr häufige Nebenwirkungen: Diarrhoe, Müdigkeit, Abgeschlagenheit, Fieber, Schmerzen, Schwellungen und Rötungen an der Injektionsstelle
• Häufige Nebenwirkungen: Kopfschmerzen, Nausea, Emesis, Exanthem, Arthralgie, Gelenkschwellung, Reizbarkeit, Pruritus, Dermatitis und Hämatom an der Injektionsstelle
• Unbekannte Häufigkeit: Lymphadenopathie, anaphylaktische Reaktionen wie Urtikaria, Angioöden und Atemnot, Krampfanfall, vasovagale Synkope, Guillain-Barré-Syndrom, Faszialisparese, Myelitis, Plexus-brachialis-Neuritis, Schmerzen und vorübergehende Parästhesie/Hypästhesie der Extremität, in die geimpft wurde, Vertigo, Abdominalschmerzen, Krankheitsgefühl, Blässe, starke Schwellung der Extremität, in die geimpft wurde, Induration an der Injektionsstelle.“[50]
Here is the translation:
„- Very common side effects: Diarrhoea, tiredness, fatigue, fever, pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.
- Common side effects: Headache, nausea, vomiting, exanthema, arthralgia, joint swelling, irritability, pruritus, dermatitis and haematoma at injection site.
- Unknown frequency: Lymphadenopathy, anaphylactic reactions such as urticaria, angioedema and respiratory distress, seizure, vasovagal syncope, Guillain-Barré syndrome, fascial paresis, myelitis, brachial plexus neuritis, Pain and transient paraesthesia/hypaesthesia of the limb injected, vertigo, abdominal pain, feeling sick, pallor, severe swelling of the limb injected, induration at the injection site.“
In this context, we need only refer to Guillain-Barré syndrome, which has recently become known as a result of the Covid-19 „vaccines“ promoted by the media and authorities (e.g. as a temporal consequence after an injection with Johnson & Johnson[51]). This is a normally very rare nerve disease that can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis, among other things[52]. [53].
The previous parts of the series at a glance:
Part 1: A »bulldozer« with few sympathies in the West
Topics include PCR tests, freedom of the press
Part 2: Did Magufuli want to leave WHO?
Topics include Gates-Foundation, opposition to the WHO
Part 3: Mama Samia and the World Economic Forum
Topics include World Economic Forum, Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030, sustainability
Part 4: The vaccination campaign in Tanzania under Magufuli’s heirs
Topics include vaccine safety, medical education, case surveillance, adverse side effects
Teil 5: Agenda, safaris and poaching
Topics include 2030 Agenda, hunting safaris, Maasai, Environmental protection, poaching
[1] „Tanzania issues precautionary notice over monkeypox as cases rise in Europe” auf „” vom 26.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[2] „Tanzania issues alert over monkeypox as outbreak reported in Europe” auf “” vom 27.05.2022 um 07:36 Uhr. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 16.06.2022.
[3] Samwel Mwalongo „Tanzania: No Monkeypox Cases in Tanzania, Says Ministry“ auf „“ vom 25.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[4] „Massai“ auf „“. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 16.06.2022.
[5] Tom Maguire „In photos: Reaching remote Masai communities with life-saving vaccinations” auf „” vom 26.01.2015. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 16.06.2022.
[6] Siehe hierzu Dave Brych „Tochter gesund & glücklich! Hausgeburt in Afrika – Frei & Unabhängig Podcast mit Dave Brych 012“ auf „5 Ideen“ vom 11.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[7] „Polio immunisation campaign begins in four countries after case confirmed in Malawi – UNICEF” auf „” vom 20.03.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[8] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[9] Peti Siyame „Tanzania: Rukwa to Administer Door-to-Door Polio Vaccination” auf „” vom 26.04.2022. Aufzurufen unter sowie auf – 04-256266a3c628d0d.aspx, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[10] Herieth Makwette „Tanzania to conduct house to house polio vaccination” auf „” vom 12.05.2002. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[11] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[12] Peti Siyame „Tanzania: Rukwa to Administer Door-to-Door Polio Vaccination” auf „” vom 26.04.2022. Aufzurufen unter sowie auf – 04-256266a3c628d0d.aspx, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[13] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[14] William Engdahl „Gates Foundation vaccine spreads polio across Africa“ auf „“ vom 01.10.2020, zuletzt aktualisiert am 01.10.2020 um 16:31 Uhr. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[15] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[16] „Polio immunisation campaign begins in four countries after case confirmed in Malawi – UNICEF” auf „” vom 20.03.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[17] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[18] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[19] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[20] „Tanzania ramps up nationwide vaccination against polio” auf „” vom 19.05.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[21] Herieth Makwette „Tanzania to conduct house to house polio vaccination” auf „” vom 12.05.2002. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[22] „Polio immunisation campaign begins in four countries after case confirmed in Malawi – UNICEF” auf „” vom 20.03.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[23] „Polio immunisation campaign begins in four countries after case confirmed in Malawi – UNICEF” auf „” vom 20.03.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[24] „Polio immunisation campaign begins in four countries after case confirmed in Malawi – UNICEF” auf „” vom 20.03.2022. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[25] Peti Siyame „Tanzania: Rukwa to Administer Door-to-Door Polio Vaccination” auf „” vom 26.04.2022. Aufzurufen unter sowie auf – 04-256266a3c628d0d.aspx, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[26] Ekkehard Jänicke „Verseuchte Polio-Impfstoffe die Ursache der AIDS-Epidemie?“ auf „“ vom 16.06.2000. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2020.
[27] William Engdahl „Gates Foundation vaccine spreads polio across Africa“ auf „“ vom 01.10.2020, zuletzt aktualisiert am 01.10.2020 um 16:31 Uhr. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[28] Vgl. „MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT VACCINES. Debunked: The Polio Vaccine and HIV Link“ auf „“. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[29] Vgl. „HI-Virus entstammt nicht verunreinigtem Polio-Impfstoff“ auf „“ vom 21.05.2004. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2022.
[30] Ekkehard Jänicke „Verseuchte Polio-Impfstoffe die Ursache der AIDS-Epidemie?“ auf „“ vom 16.06.2000. Aufzurufen unter, zuletzt aufgerufen am 29.05.2020.
[31] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. „Das wahre Gesicht des Dr. Fauci. Bill Gates, die Pharmaindustrie und der globale Krieg gegen Demokratie und Gesundheit.“ Rottenburg (Kopp), 1. Auflage, 2022, S. 417
[32] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. „Das wahre Gesicht des Dr. Fauci. Bill Gates, die Pharmaindustrie und der globale Krieg gegen Demokratie und Gesundheit.“ Rottenburg (Kopp), 1. Auflage, 2022, S. 420
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