Tan­z­a­nia Part 4. The vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia under Magufuli’s heirs

Tan­z­a­nia has been hit by a vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign. Under the for­mer pre­si­dent of Tan­z­a­nia, Dr. John Pom­be Mag­ufu­li, the plans for a „vac­ci­na­ti­on“ of lar­ge parts of the popu­la­ti­on against Covid-19 would have been unthinkable. Like Eri­trea and Burun­di, such plans were oppo­sed in this coun­try[1]. The­r­e­fo­re, many suspec­ted that Mag­ufu­li had been „in the way“.

Litt­le mea­su­res, few deaths

Nevert­hel­ess, the bare figu­res of deaths attri­bu­ted to Covid-19 show that Tan­z­a­nia has come through the pan­de­mic signi­fi­cant­ly bet­ter than many other count­ries, despi­te a lar­ge lack of Coro­na-mea­su­res. Here is a com­pa­ri­son of figu­res from Tan­z­a­nia, the USA, Iran and Ger­ma­ny as of 30.09.2021[2]:

Deaths per 1 mil­li­on inhabitants1.1261.4492.1070,86

The num­ber of „cases“ (i.e., tes­ted posi­ti­ve for Covid-19) had total­led 33,500 as of 16.02.2022[3], and as of 20.05.2022 this num­ber had increased to just 34,002[4]. Accor­din­gly, the num­ber of deaths from (or due to) Covid-19 increased from 796[5]  to 803[6]. At the same time, as of 16.02.2022, only 2.9% of the popu­la­ti­on had recei­ved all the plan­ned vac­ci­ne doses with one of the Covid-19 „vac­ci­nes[7].       

Mama Samia sup­ports WHO agenda 

Unli­ke her pre­de­ces­sor, the new pre­si­dent, Samia Sulu­hu Hassan, sup­ports the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign pro­mo­ted by the WHO, among others, and pushed it for­ward[8]. Accor­ding to the media she had also been the first to be jab­bed against Covid-19 on 28 July 2021 as a „role model“ for her com­pa­tri­ots[9], [10]. Howe­ver, the­re were also voices that doub­ted that the Pre­si­dent had been injec­ted with more than just a pla­ce­bo[11].

Tan­z­a­nia wants to expand with vaccines

In Janu­ary 2022, „Mama Samia“ announ­ced that it would build its own fac­to­ry in Tan­z­a­nia to pro­du­ce „vac­ci­nes“ against Covid-19. From the­re, they want to sup­p­ly the South and East Afri­can count­ries. Sin­ce they will have to invest more than 100 mil­li­on US$ for the import of for­eign vac­ci­nes until 2030, the con­s­truc­tion of their own faci­li­ties is cal­led an eco­no­mic neces­si­ty[12]. The Euro­pean Uni­on has also been approa­ched to finan­ce the pro­ject[13].

Future p(l)andemics alre­a­dy in sight?

A report on „Health Poli­ce Watch“ sug­gests that the fac­to­ry plan­ned in Tan­z­a­nia is likely to be a plant for the pro­duc­tion of BioNTech’s mRNA gene non-the­ra­py. Cor­re­spon­ding pro­duc­tion plants have also been laun­ched in Rwan­da and Sene­gal for 2022[14]. While for Tan­z­a­nia so far the­re had only been talk of a plant for the pro­duc­tion of a Covid-19 vac­ci­ne, Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, is quo­ted to have said the following:

“The new pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties are desi­gned to pro­du­ce not only COVID-19 vac­ci­nes, but other “future vac­ci­nes” in the plan­ning for mala­ria, tuber­cu­lo­sis and HIV“[15]

Injec­tions initi­al­ly with Janssen’s vaccine

As ear­ly as 24.07.2021, a total of 1,058,400 vac­ci­ne doses of the Jans­sen vac­ci­ne were deli­ver­ed from the USA to Tan­z­a­nia by John­son & John­son. This was part of the COVAX cam­paign [16] (COVAX = „COVID-19 Vac­ci­nes Glo­bal Access“), which aims to ensu­re equal and equi­ta­ble access to „vac­ci­nes“ world­wi­de. The first pha­se of the cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia las­ted from 22/09/2021 to 14/10/2021[17].

It should be noted at this point that the John­son & John­son “vac­ci­ne”, as well as tho­se of Astra­Ze­ne­ca, Vax­art and Nova­vax, are each pro­du­ced by Emer­gent Bio­So­lu­ti­ons[18] and that the same com­pa­ny also pro­du­ces the “vac­ci­ne” for mon­key­pox[19]. The well-known phy­si­ci­an Dr. Hei­ko Schö­ning explains that Emer­gent Bio­So­lu­ti­ons used to be cal­led Bio­Port and that I had been in

“2001 in den USA der allei­ni­ge Impf­stoff­her­stel­ler gegen den Krank­heits­er­re­ger Bacil­lus anthr­acis (Anthrax)“[20]

This means in „in 2001, it was the sole vac­ci­ne pro­du­cer in the USA against the patho­gen Bacil­lus anthr­acis (anthrax)“.

Anthrax as pre­pa­ra­ti­on for 2020?

In his book „Game Over“, Schö­ning shows clear par­al­lels bet­ween the anthrax attacks in the run-up and the sub­se­quent attacks on the World Trade Cen­ter in 2001 and the cur­rent coro­na cri­sis sin­ce 2020.

Initi­al­ly, the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia had suc­cee­ded in „vac­ci­na­ting“ 16,000 peo­p­le per day, accor­ding to media reports. The tar­get was 59,774 per day. In ear­ly June 2022, it was repor­ted that the second pha­se of the cam­paign had enab­led an increase to 64,000 peo­p­le per day. The third pha­se of the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign was ope­ned on 02.06.2022[21].

Archi­pe­la­go reli­es on Sino­vac and „hono­u­red“ the child­ren too

On the island of Zan­zi­bar, the Chi­ne­se Sino­vac was alre­a­dy being used[22] in mid-July 2021[23], [24], befo­re the start of the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign on the main­land. The aim is to inject a total of 1.4 of the archipelago’s 1.6 mil­li­on inha­bi­tants against Covid-19. The cam­paign was also aimed at child­ren over the age of 10[25].

As the employee of a hotel in Zan­zi­bar told the aut­hor, she had been urged to accept the injec­tion so that she could take the cove­ted visa for a flight to Gre­at Bri­tain. As a result, she had felt unp­lea­sant side effects in her arm for some time. Ano­ther Tan­z­a­ni­an repor­ted how his father had to be hos­pi­ta­li­sed within a short time of the injec­tion, while he hims­elf had not deve­lo­ped any sym­ptoms from the Jans­sen vac­ci­ne. One infor­mant repor­ted that he had heard from seve­ral fri­ends that they had suf­fe­r­ed from fati­gue, cir­cu­la­ti­on pro­blems (some­ti­mes also blood clots) and diz­ziness after being injec­ted with Janssen.

Con­ti­nua­tion of the cam­paign on the mainland

Accor­ding to cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on from the muni­ci­pal health office of Aru­sha, the third lar­gest city in Tan­z­a­nia, from the begin­ning of June 2022, the Covid 19 vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia is con­ti­nuing, but now with Sino­ph­arm, Moder­na and Pfi­zer. The peo­p­le who want to get “vac­ci­na­ted” are free to choo­se which vac­ci­ne they want to be injec­ted with. Pfi­zer, howe­ver, is expen­si­ve to store. For this reason, injec­tions with other „vac­ci­nes“ are pau­sed as long as a Pfi­zer batch has not been used up. Tho­se who would pre­fer to use Sino­ph­arm or Moder­na would have to wait until Pfi­zer had been used up accordingly.

Over­all, howe­ver, the know­ledge of deaths or serious side effects in tem­po­ral con­nec­tion with the „vac­ci­na­ti­ons“ seems to be lar­ge­ly unknown.

No long-term obser­va­ti­on of vac­ci­na­ti­on side effects

Accor­ding to an infor­mant, the­re had only been a sys­te­ma­tic recor­ding of side effects in the VAERS data­ba­se for the dura­ti­on of one week:

“At that time, the issue of serious side-effects had not yet come up, so the health atten­dants were loo­king for the usu­al, tem­po­ra­ry, vac­ci­ne side-effects (e.g. nau­sea, hea­da­ches, arm dis­com­fi­tu­re, etc). It does­n’t seem as if the health care pro­fes­sio­nals are fol­lo­wing the cur­rent report­ing in the US and Euro­pe regar­ding the incre­asing num­ber of adver­se reac­tions, as well as deaths among the vac­ci­na­ted. One of the vol­un­teers I spo­ke with said that she does­n’t think this is a pro­blem here, becau­se if the­re were pat­terns of adver­se reac­tions, ‘somehow peo­p­le would have been chat­ting about them by now’. So the­re is no lon­gi­tu­di­nal VAERS data.”

Serious side effects of vac­ci­na­ti­on hard­ly recorded

Accor­ding to a vac­ci­ne coör­di­na­tor at the regio­nal Mount Meru Hos­pi­tal in Aru­sha, no major side effects have been obser­ved the­re. As a rule, only hea­da­ches and gene­ral body malai­se occurred:

“the vac­ci­ne atten­dants don’t keep a VAERS lon­ger than the one-week win­dow. Now that peo­p­le are get­ting 2 shots with the Sino­ph­arm and Pfi­zer vac­ci­nes, when they come for the second shot peo­p­le are asked whe­ther they have expe­ri­en­ced any side effects“

Muni­ci­pal Health Office par­ti­al­ly self-critical

A doc­tor working for the Muni­ci­pal Health Office in Aru­sha sta­ted that he was not awa­re of any serious side effects, but self-cri­ti­cal­ly admit­ted that this could also be due to the fact that the­re would be no fol­low-up. It should be bor­ne in mind that this is the hig­hest level of medi­cal care within this conur­ba­ti­on. It remains unclear whe­ther the cur­rent con­tro­ver­sies sur­roun­ding „vac­ci­ne safe­ty“ in Euro­pe and the US are even known.

Per­ma­nent cost reduc­tion yes, case moni­to­ring only short-term

Accor­ding to a doc­tor at Kili­man­ja­ro Chris­ti­an Medi­cal Cent­re (KCMC), one of the major refer­ral hos­pi­tals in the coun­try, the hos­pi­tal does not have long-term recor­ding of adver­se events in the VAERS sys­tem. This medi­cal doc­tor, who was invol­ved in admi­nis­te­ring vac­ci­nes to col­le­agues, medi­cal stu­dents and also to pati­ents, shared that Moder­na was also among the vac­ci­nes that were initi­al­ly used. Howe­ver, this „vac­ci­ne“ was with­drawn from cir­cu­la­ti­on becau­se of the high cost of kee­ping it in the sto­rage chain.

Accor­ding to the obser­va­tions of this doc­tor, he did not noti­ce any serious side effects. Nevert­hel­ess, the­re had been some cases of blood clot­ting dis­or­ders as well as cases of pati­ents with liver pro­blems. He belie­ves that the­re were not many cases of heart com­pli­ca­ti­ons after the „vac­ci­na­ti­ons“. Moreo­ver, accor­ding to him, it is dif­fi­cult to estab­lish cau­sa­li­ty, as more and more peo­p­le have health pro­blems nowadays.

The hos­pi­tal does not test pati­ents for pos­si­ble ele­va­ted levels of fibrin D‑dimers.

The Tan­z­a­ni­an govern­ment has com­mis­sio­ned a stu­dy on the com­pa­ra­ti­ve effec­ti­ve­ness of the dif­fe­rent “vac­ci­nes” against Covid-19 on the mar­ket. This will be car­ri­ed out by all hos­pi­tals that deli­ver “vac­ci­nes”. It will mea­su­re how many anti­bo­dies are pre­sent in the body after vac­ci­na­ti­on and how long they remain in the body.

How does Tan­z­a­nia defi­ne safe”?

Afri­ca Rene­wal“ of 26.07.2021 quo­tes the Tan­z­a­ni­an Minis­ter of Health, Dr Doro­thy Gwa­ji­ma, as having told the public that the vac­ci­ne was „safe“ and that all qua­li­ty tests had been com­ple­ted. The injec­tion would be made available free of char­ge at appro­pria­te places[26], [27].

To date, most Tan­z­a­ni­ans seem to be una­wa­re that the vac­ci­nes from Pfi­zer / BioNTech (Comirna­ty), Gam­a­leya (Sput­nik Light), Jans­sen (Ad26.COV2.S), Sino­ph­arm (Covilo) and Sino­vac (Coro­na­Vac) used in Tan­z­a­nia only have emer­gen­cy use aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on and are still in cli­ni­cal tri­als world­wi­de out­side of Tan­z­a­nia[28], [29]. Accor­ding to one inter­view­ee, the main con­cern of many peo­p­le was that the „vac­ci­nes“ had been deve­lo­ped far too quickly.

Dead child­ren after emer­gen­cy-appro­ved vac­ci­ne not for the first time

This is not the first time that non-regu­lar­ly licen­sed vac­ci­nes have led to gre­at suf­fe­ring for many peo­p­le. The US pre­si­den­ti­al advi­sor, Dr. Antho­ny Fau­ci, used an appar­ent­ly mani­pu­la­ted DAIDS-Nevi­ra­pi­ne stu­dy to con­vin­ce the WHO in 2000 to issue an offi­ci­al emer­gen­cy vaccine:

„die WHO im Jahr 2000 davon über­zeu­gen, eine offi­zi­el­le Not­zu­las­sung (Emer­gen­cy Use Aut­ho­riza­ti­on Appr­oval, EUA) für die Ein­zel­do­sis Nevi­ra­pin zur Ver­hin­de­rung der Mut­ter-Kind-Über­tra­gung zu ertei­len. Die WHO war zu die­sem Zeit­punkt bereits eine Mario­net­te von Big Phar­ma. Dr. Fau­ci nutz­te die­se vor­läu­fi­ge WHO-Zulas­sung, um Prä­si­dent Bush zum Kauf von Nevi­ra­pin im Wert von Mil­lio­nen Dol­lar zu bewe­gen. Boeh­rin­ger begann, vie­le Pro­dukt­ein­hei­ten sei­nes töd­li­chen und unwirk­sa­men Medi­ka­ments an Kli­ni­ken und Ent­bin­dungs­kli­ni­ken in 53 Ent­wick­lungs­län­dern zu liefern.

[…] Allein das Klein­ge­druck­te der Lan­cet-Stu­die ent­hüll­te, dass 38 Babys gestor­ben waren, 16 in der Nevi­ra­pin-Grup­pe und 22 in der AZT-Grup­pe.“[30]

Here is the trans­la­ti­on based on the free ver­si­on of DeepL​.com:

„con­vin­ced the WHO in 2000 to grant an offi­ci­al Emer­gen­cy Use Aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on Appr­oval (EUA) for sin­gle-dose nevi­ra­pi­ne to pre­vent mother-to-child trans­mis­si­on. The WHO was alre­a­dy a pup­pet of Big Phar­ma at this point. Dr Fau­ci used this pro­vi­sio­nal WHO appr­oval to per­sua­de Pre­si­dent Bush to buy mil­li­ons of dol­lars worth of nevi­ra­pi­ne. Boeh­rin­ger began sup­p­ly­ing many pro­duct units of its dead­ly and inef­fec­ti­ve drug to cli­nics and mate­r­ni­ty hos­pi­tals in 53 deve­lo­ping countries.

[…] The small print of the Lan­cet stu­dy alo­ne reve­a­led that 38 babies had died, 16 in the nevi­ra­pi­ne group and 22 in the AZT group.“

US pre­si­den­ti­al advi­sor in the cross­fi­re of criticism

Robert F. Ken­ne­dy J. of Children’s Health Defen­se descri­bes in detail the stra­te­gies Dr. Fau­ci used to cover up the Ugan­da scan­dal.  Despi­te the risks appar­ent­ly known to all invol­ved[31], this “dead­ly drug” was ship­ped world­wi­de to deve­lo­ping count­ries“ „to be used on pregnant women.“ [32]

Safe­ty of Jans­sen „vac­ci­ne“ high­ly doubtful

The alle­ged safe­ty of the vac­ci­ne from Jans­sen (John­son & John­son) should also be ques­tio­ned. For exam­p­le, on 05.05.2022, the Ame­ri­can FDA recent­ly mas­si­ve­ly rest­ric­ted the emer­gen­cy appr­oval[33], [34], which had been in place sin­ce 27.02.2021[35], to peo­p­le aged 18 and over due to fre­quent cases of throm­bo­sis[36], [37]:

“After con­duc­ting an updated ana­ly­sis, eva­lua­ti­on and inves­ti­ga­ti­on of repor­ted cases, the FDA has deter­mi­ned that the risk of throm­bo­sis with throm­bo­cy­to­pe­nia syn­dro­me (TTS), a syn­dro­me of rare and poten­ti­al­ly life-threa­tening blood clots in com­bi­na­ti­on with low levels of blood plate­lets with onset of sym­ptoms appro­xi­m­ate­ly one to two weeks fol­lo­wing admi­nis­tra­ti­on of the Jans­sen COVID-19 Vac­ci­ne, war­rants limi­ting the aut­ho­ri­zed use of the vac­ci­ne.“ [38]

Proac­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on on war­nings from abroad to vac­ci­na­ted peo­p­le in Tanzania?

Alre­a­dy in April 2021, after seve­re vac­ci­ne reac­tions, the emer­gen­cy appr­oval for North Caro­li­na / USA was sus­pen­ded[39] and sub­se­quent­ly in the who­le USA[40], in May 2021 the Jans­sen vac­ci­ne was stop­ped in Den­mark due to reports of blood clots[41]and in Novem­ber 2021 war­nings were issued in Cana­da due to pos­si­ble auto­im­mu­ne dis­or­ders as a result of the John­son & John­son injections:

„Health Cana­da is updating the labels for the Astra­Ze­ne­ca and John­son & John­son COVID-19 vac­ci­nes to add immu­ne throm­bo­cy­to­pe­nia (ITP), an auto­im­mu­ne con­di­ti­on, as a poten­ti­al side effect.

In a state­ment on Tues­day, the agen­cy said very rare cases of ITP have been repor­ted inter­na­tio­nal­ly after recei­ving the Vax­ze­vria (Astra­Ze­ne­ca) and Jans­sen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccines.

ITP is a dis­or­der that can cau­se easy or exces­si­ve brui­sing and blee­ding, which results from unu­sual­ly low blood plate­let levels.“ [42]

High secu­ri­ty despi­te deaths?!

Various serious side effects[43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51]  inclu­ding death[52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [57]   have beco­me known world­wi­de as a result of the admi­nis­tra­ti­on of the Jans­sen „vac­ci­ne“. In the past, indi­vi­du­al vac­ci­na­ti­on bat­ches had alre­a­dy attrac­ted atten­ti­on due to con­ta­mi­na­ti­on befo­re the start of the Tan­z­a­ni­an vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign[58], [59].

The effec­ti­ve­ness of the Jans­sen “vac­ci­ne”, for exam­p­le, was also cle­ar­ly cal­led into ques­ti­on in March 2022. For exam­p­le, it was said that a sin­gle injec­tion would pro­ba­b­ly not pro­vi­de the pro­mi­sed (rela­ti­ve) immu­ni­ty, but that a second injec­tion with an mRNA vac­ci­ne would be requi­red [60]:

“Rese­ar­chers found that one John­son & John­son dose was 24 per­cent effec­ti­ve at pre­ven­ting virus-rela­ted emer­gen­cy depart­ment or urgent care visits, while two John­son & John­son doses were 54 per­cent effec­ti­ve com­pared to 79 per­cent after one John­son & John­son dose and one dose of eit­her of the mRNA vac­ci­nes.“ [61]

Abso­lu­te effec­ti­ve­ness only about 1 per cent

In her book „Coro­na-Imp­fung“, Bea­te Bah­ner, a lawy­er spe­cia­li­sing in medi­cal law, refers to a stu­dy in the renow­ned jour­nal „The Lan­cet“, accor­ding to which the actu­al risk reduc­tion („abso­lu­te effi­ca­cy“) for all Covid-19 vac­ci­nes was only about 1 %. For the „vac­ci­ne“ Jans­sen by John­son & John­son as well as for Spik­evax by Moder­na, the abso­lu­te effi­ca­cy was only 1.2 %, for Comirna­ty by BioNTech / Pfi­zer 0.84 %[62].

Focus on doc­tors, tou­ristic indus­try and the elderly

As in other count­ries, the cam­paign initi­al­ly tar­ge­ted par­ti­cu­lar­ly „prio­ri­ti­sed“ groups:

  • Peo­p­le working in the health sector
  • Peo­p­le aged 50 and over
  • Peo­p­le with pre-exis­ting con­di­ti­ons[63]

From various con­ver­sa­ti­ons on the ground in Aru­sha, it was repor­ted that mas­si­ve pres­su­re to „vac­ci­na­te“ had also been exer­ted on employees of the tou­rism indus­try.  They had been „infor­med“ that it was irre­spon­si­ble not to get „vac­ci­na­ted“. Unli­ke in Ger­ma­ny, howe­ver, the­re had been no pos­ter campaign.

Cele­bri­ties as com­pa­n­ions of the vac­ci­na­ti­on campaign

Ano­ther inter­view­ee repor­ted that the govern­ment had enga­ged various cele­bri­ties for the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia. The­se included par­ti­cu­lar­ly pro­mi­nent govern­ment offi­ci­als and enter­tain­ment artists. Social net­works such as You­Tube, Insta­gram and Twit­ter were used, as well as tele­vi­si­on sta­ti­ons. In this way, the govern­ment tried to get as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble to „vac­ci­na­te“.

Various peo­p­le said that they had not been injec­ted, but that it would be detri­men­tal to them if, for exam­p­le, local aut­ho­ri­ties beca­me awa­re of it. Most Tan­z­a­ni­ans, howe­ver, seem to have no pro­blem admit­ting that they did not par­ti­ci­pa­te in the vac­ci­na­ti­on campaign.

Vol­un­t­a­ry pres­su­re on teachers?

For schools in Aru­sha, too, attempts had been made to get peo­p­le to inject them­sel­ves. Here, too, pres­su­re was exer­ted on the tea­ching staff to have the vac­ci­ne injec­ted by John­son & Johnson.

At St. Con­stani­ne Inter­na­tio­nal School in Aru­sha, accor­ding to wit­nesses, the­re had been for

„zwei Tage ein Impf­an­ge­bot für Eltern und Leh­rer. Laut Schu­le sind 80% der Leh­rer geimpft. Unter 18 Jah­ren wird hier nie­man­dem ein Impf­an­ge­bot gemacht.“[64]

Here is the translation:

„the­re was an offer of vac­ci­na­ti­on for par­ents and tea­chers for two days. Accor­ding to the school, 80% of the tea­chers are vac­ci­na­ted. No one under the age of 18 is offe­red vac­ci­na­ti­on here.“

Accor­ding to locals, such figu­res are not repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for other schools eit­her. The named school is con­side­red the oldest, best and pro­ba­b­ly most expen­si­ve inter­na­tio­nal school in Aru­sha, which makes it inac­ces­si­ble to many Tan­z­a­ni­ans. In other schools in Aru­sha, many par­ents would rather have been very afraid of com­pul­so­ry vac­ci­na­ti­ons for their child­ren, which makes simi­lar­ly high vac­ci­na­ti­on rates unli­kely, even among tea­ching staff.

From ano­ther school in Aru­sha, a tea­cher repor­ted that the cam­paign was rather desi­gned to moti­va­te tea­chers to vol­un­t­a­ri­ly opt for „vac­ci­na­ti­on“. It was simi­lar with other peo­p­le, such as doc­tors or employees. Here, too, the main focus was on encou­ra­ging the respec­ti­ve per­sons accordingly.

Lar­ge cities in the focus of the vac­ci­na­ti­on campaign

In par­ti­cu­lar, the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign sought to reach the 10 regi­ons of Tan­z­a­nia most affec­ted by Covid-19, inclu­ding Aru­sha, Dar es Salaam, Dodo­ma, Kigo­ma Iringa, Mbeya, Mtwa­ra and Mwanza[65]. The aim was to achie­ve a vac­ci­na­ti­on rate of at least 60 %[66], [67].

The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on was pro­vi­ded on the suc­cess of the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in 2021, just a few months after Dr Magufuli’s death:

„Ende August waren lan­des­weit 304, 603 Per­so­nen geimpft, davon 201.476 Män­ner und 103.127 Frau­en. Wenn die Zahl stimmt, hat Tan­sa­nia in einem Monat nur ein Drit­tel der erhal­te­nen Impf­do­sen ver­braucht. Ins­ge­samt gibt es laut Gesund­heits­mi­nis­te­ri­um 550 Impf­stel­len in staat­li­chen und pri­va­ten bzw. kon­fes­sio­nel­len Kran­ken­häu­sern.“ [68]

Here is the translation:

„At the end of August, 304, 603 peo­p­le had been vac­ci­na­ted across the coun­try, of which 201,476 were men and 103,127 women. If the figu­re is cor­rect, Tan­z­a­nia has used only one third of the vac­ci­ne doses recei­ved in one month. Accor­ding to the Minis­try of Health, the­re are a total of 550 vac­ci­na­ti­on cen­tres in govern­ment and private/denominational hospitals.“ 

Almost 90 % of the popu­la­ti­on con­ti­nues to go wit­hout injections

As of 11/05/2022, figu­res have been updated for the real num­ber of „vac­ci­na­ted“ in Tanzania:

„In Tan­sa­nia wur­den bis­lang 6.483.895 COVID-19 Erst­imp­fun­gen durch­ge­führt (Stand: 01.05.2022). Dies ent­spricht einer Impf­quo­te min­des­tens ein­mal geimpf­ter Per­so­nen von 10,5%. Grund­im­mu­ni­siert sind 5,6% der Bevöl­ke­rung.“ [69]

Here is the translation:

„6,483,895 initi­al COVID-19 vac­ci­na­ti­ons have been admi­nis­te­red in Tan­z­a­nia to date (as of 01/05/2022). This cor­re­sponds to a vac­ci­na­ti­on rate of at least once vac­ci­na­ted per­sons of 10.5%. Basic immu­ni­sa­ti­on covera­ge is 5.6% of the population.“

The­se figu­res should be taken with a grain of salt. Various peo­p­le have repor­ted that it is very easy to obtain fake vac­ci­na­ti­on cer­ti­fi­ca­tes in Tan­z­a­nia. Could it be that espe­ci­al­ly in the tou­rism sec­tor or among govern­ment employees, the num­ber of clai­med „immu­nis­ed“ peo­p­le dif­fers from the real num­ber? Accor­ding to a recent press report, 2,200 peo­p­le are accu­sed by the Spa­nish poli­ce of having ente­red their names in the vac­ci­na­ti­on regis­ter wit­hout pri­or „vac­ci­na­ti­on“ in exch­an­ge for money:

Dar­un­ter ist auch Jose Maria Fer­nan­dez Sou­sa-Faro, Prä­si­dent des spa­ni­schen Phar­ma­rie­sen Phar­ma­Mar. Auf der Ankla­ge­schrift sol­len sich aus­schließ­lich Pro­mi­nen­te und die euro­päi­sche [sic!] Eli­ten fin­den.“[70]

Here is the translation:

„Among them is Jose Maria Fer­nan­dez Sou­sa-Faro, pre­si­dent of the Spa­nish phar­maceu­ti­cal giant Phar­ma­Mar. The indict­ment is said to include only cele­bri­ties and Euro­pean elites.“

The­re is much to sug­gest that Tan­z­a­nia is no different.

Accor­ding to the Mount Meru Hos­pi­tal in Aru­sha, the “vac­ci­na­ti­on” rate is incre­asing, espe­ci­al­ly in rural are­as. More and more peo­p­le are having the so-cal­led „vac­ci­nes“ injec­ted vol­un­t­a­ri­ly. Howe­ver, the sup­p­ly of “vac­ci­nes” depends on the avai­la­bi­li­ty of bat­ches impor­ted from abroad. Time and again, indi­vi­du­al doses expi­re when an ampoule is ope­ned but the expec­ted vac­ci­nees fail to appear.

For a total popu­la­ti­on of 61,498,438 peo­p­le, only 840 peo­p­le died from or with Covid-19, despi­te the low vac­ci­na­ti­on rate com­pared to many Euro­pean count­ries[71]. It would not sur­pri­se if the num­ber of cases would rise after the next vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia has hit the road.

New cam­paign sin­ce June 2022

In order to increase vac­ci­na­ti­on rea­di­ness again, the „Initia­ti­ve for Glo­bal Vac­ci­ne Access“ (Glo­bal VAX) was laun­ched on 02.06.2022. The launch event took place in Dar es Salaam and was ope­ned by the United Sta­tes Ambassa­dor to Tan­z­a­nia, Dr Donald Wright. He poin­ted out that the Biden govern­ment had dona­ted a total of almost five mil­li­on doses of vac­ci­ne and that this was just the begin­ning[72].

An amount of 25 mil­li­on USD has been made available for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the cam­paign. The aim is to increase the vac­ci­na­ti­on rate from the cur­rent 15 % to 70 % of the vac­ci­ne-eli­gi­ble popu­la­ti­on in Tan­z­a­nia by Decem­ber 2022. The rate should also be increased to 70 per cent world­wi­de. Tan­z­a­nia is one of the ele­ven prio­ri­ty count­ries in sub-Saha­ran Afri­ca. Abo­ve all, the aim is to ensu­re that the more dif­fi­cult-to-reach peo­p­le in rural Tan­z­a­nia will also be rea­ched[73].

About track­ing ques­tionable safety

Dr Wright had also said that they wan­ted to „track vac­ci­ne safe­ty, data, and ana­ly­tics“[74]. It remains unclear how anyo­ne can speak of safe­ty at all in view of the ever more wide­ly publi­cis­ed dama­ge in con­nec­tion with the „vac­ci­nes“ that con­ti­nue to be appro­ved only on an emer­gen­cy basis.

For exam­p­le, the WHO data­ba­se „Vigi­Ac­cess“ lists a total of 3,803,946 pos­si­ble nega­ti­ve side effects for the Covid „vac­ci­nes“, wher­eby one can search sepa­ra­te­ly for Comirna­ty by BioNTech / Pfi­zer or for Covid-19 vac­ci­ne Jans­sen by John­son & John­son, but recei­ve the same infor­ma­ti­on in each case, inclu­ding 177. 234 reports (2%) on dis­or­ders of the blood and lympha­tic sys­tem, 244,080 reports (3%) on car­diac dis­or­ders, 1,013,669 (11%) mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tem and con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue dis­or­ders, and 1,510,696 (16%) dis­or­ders of the ner­vous sys­tem[75].  Taking the offi­ci­al figu­res for Ger­ma­ny alo­ne, the most recent safe­ty report of the Paul Ehr­lich Insti­tu­te sta­tes as follows:

„In ca. einem Pro­zent der Ver­dachts­fall­mel­dun­gen (n = 2.810 Fäl­le) wur­de ein töd­li­cher Ver­lauf in unter­schied­li­chem zeit­li­chen Abstand zu einer COVID-19- Imp­fung mit­ge­teilt. 116 Fäl­le wur­den vom Paul-Ehr­lich-Insti­tut als kon­sis­tent mit einem ursäch­li­chen Zusam­men­hang mit der jewei­li­gen COVID-19-Imp­fung bewer­tet (syn­onym: wahr­schein­lich oder mög­li­cher ursäch­li­cher Zusam­men­hang).“[76]

Here is the translation:

„In about one per­cent of the suspec­ted cases (n = 2,810 cases), a fatal cour­se was repor­ted in dif­fe­rent time inter­vals to a COVID-19 vac­ci­na­ti­on. 116 cases were asses­sed by the Paul Ehr­lich Insti­tu­te as con­sis­tent with a cau­sal rela­ti­onship with the respec­ti­ve COVID-19 vac­ci­na­ti­on (syn­onym: pro­ba­ble or pos­si­ble cau­sal relationship).“ 

You may also take a look at the EMA-data­ba­se for Euro­pe. As of 28.5.2022, 1,817,563 suspec­ted cases, inclu­ding 25,076 deaths, and 538,568 serious adver­se events were repor­ted the­re. Alre­a­dy 34,233 child­ren were affec­ted, inclu­ding 182 deaths as well as 12,534 serious adver­se reac­tions[77].

Under-report­ing of side effects?

If one takes into account that the­re are seve­ral reports, not only from Ger­man old people’s and nur­sing homes[78], whe­re resi­dents died in clo­se tem­po­ral rela­ti­on to the „vac­ci­na­ti­ons“, but neither sus­pi­cious reports were sub­mit­ted nor were inves­ti­ga­ti­ons car­ri­ed out becau­se of „vac­ci­na­ti­on deaths“, it can be assu­med that the actu­al figu­res are at most the „tip of the ice­berg“. If we take the situa­ti­on in Tan­z­a­nia, whe­re the­re is no clo­se moni­to­ring of the deve­lo­p­ment of the health sta­tus after the injec­tion, we can assu­me that the­re is an extre­me under-report­ing of side effects.

Accor­ding to the Minis­ter of Health, Ummy Mwa­li­mu, deve­lo­p­ments in other count­ries are being clo­se­ly moni­to­red, espe­ci­al­ly a signi­fi­cant increase in the num­ber of repor­ted covid infec­tions in South Afri­ca[79].

„Vac­ci­na­ti­on enthu­si­asm“ is limited

Accor­ding to interlo­cu­tors, Aru­sha was one of the first cities in Tan­z­a­nia to start the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign, after Dar es Salaam. At first, it was only sup­po­sed to last a few days. Then it had to be inter­rupt­ed due to a shorta­ge of vac­ci­ne doses.

A resi­dent of Aru­sha gives an impres­si­ve descrip­ti­on of the begin­ning of the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign there:

“In the initi­al pha­se of the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign, the main type of mass mobi­li­sa­ti­on tool deploy­ed was the so-cal­led „acce­le­ra­ted cam­paign“. This took the for­mat of a mass mee­tings (usual­ly in a sports sta­di­um or open-air field), head­lined by pro­mi­nent govern­ment offi­ci­als (Minister/ regio­nal commissioners/members of par­lia­ment), and enter­tain­ment artists (music bands/ tra­di­tio­nal dance trou­pes, etc).

During the­se events, dif­fe­rent pro­mi­nent offi­ci­al guests exhor­ted the public about the bene­fits of vac­ci­na­ti­on. The doc­tor told me that the­se „acce­le­ra­ted cam­paigns“ are no lon­ger done becau­se they tur­ned out to be quite expen­si­ve (Usual­ly the offi­ci­al guests and enter­tain­ment reti­nue were flown in and out of the­se events).”

In the mean­ti­me, such „acce­le­ra­ted cam­paigns“ were no lon­ger held, as they had pro­ved to be quite expen­si­ve. This was main­ly due to the fact that the offi­ci­al guests and the enter­tain­ment reti­nue were flown in and out for the­se events.

Seni­or citi­zens rea­ched abo­ve alle

After a very slow start, the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tan­z­a­nia was exten­ded to three weeks. Peo­p­le are still being „vac­ci­na­ted“ in Aru­sha, but wit­hout queu­es forming and not to the same ext­ent as befo­re or in such a way that it would be noti­ceable when wal­king through the city.

The main tar­get groups were older peo­p­le aged 50 and over, peo­p­le in par­ti­cu­lar­ly expo­sed pro­fes­si­ons (espe­ci­al­ly poli­ti­ci­ans, govern­ment employees and peo­p­le working in the tou­rism indus­try and in the health sec­tor) and peo­p­le under 50 with spe­cial pre-exis­ting con­di­ti­ons (e.g., asth­ma). Older peo­p­le in par­ti­cu­lar would have most­ly accept­ed the offer to be injec­ted against Covid-19. Accor­ding to most of the inter­view­ees, „vac­ci­na­ting“ child­ren was not an issue in Aru­sha. Only pupils and stu­dents from Euro­pean-ori­en­ted inter­na­tio­nal schools were invol­ved in the injec­tion programme.

Curr­ent­ly, it is main­ly young peo­p­le who accept the offer of injec­tions. They would be forced to inject in various ways:

  • Cer­tain job adver­ti­se­ments requi­re their appli­cants to inject before­hand. This is espe­ci­al­ly true for inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and mul­ti­na­tio­nal pri­va­te com­pa­nies[80].
  • Some count­ries impo­se vac­ci­na­ti­on requi­re­ments in order to app­ly for stu­dies abroad
  • Ent­ry requi­re­ments for cer­tain countries

Pres­su­re ins­tead of obligation

Alt­hough the­re was or is no for­mal vac­ci­na­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on in Tan­z­a­nia, employees in cer­tain are­as (e.g., hos­pi­tals) were de fac­to obli­ged to get injec­tions. The majo­ri­ty of tho­se affec­ted had com­pli­ed with this obli­ga­ti­on. The­re were rumours that doc­tors and stu­dents would also have to be „vac­ci­na­ted“. Alt­hough many feared this, not­hing happened.

While the vac­ci­nes from Sino­ph­arm and Pfi­zer were used in Zan­zi­bar, the vac­ci­ne from Jans­sen was used for the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Aru­sha. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the „vac­ci­nes“ in Aru­sha were given by nur­ses from the hos­pi­tals. After the govern­ment rea­li­sed that this was put­ting a strain on the desi­gna­ted medi­cal staff at the expen­se of other ser­vices, they used paid vol­un­teers sta­tio­ned in hos­pi­tals and health centres.

Vol­un­tee­ring for legal reasons

In Aru­sha, too, vol­un­teers are used. For the cur­rent cam­paign, teams of three peo­p­le are being deployed:

  • A com­mu­ni­ty health worker (CHW) to mobi­li­se com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers to be „vac­ci­na­ted“
  • A nur­se to admi­nis­ter the vaccine
  • A data mana­ger to coll­ect and pro­cess the data

The­se teams can be sta­tio­na­ry (i.e., based at a health faci­li­ty) or ambu­lant (i.e., moving from one place to ano­ther). The only „vol­un­teers“ in the­se teams are the data mana­gers. The reason for using „vol­un­teers“ here is to cir­cum­vent the new govern­ment employ­ment regu­la­ti­on, which requi­res an employ­ment con­tract of at least one year.

Abu­se of soli­da­ri­ty not a Tan­z­a­ni­an phenomenon

In con­trast to Ger­ma­ny, the main appeal was to the health of the peo­p­le and not to a sup­po­sed soli­da­ri­ty. As in Ger­ma­ny, the next big wave was pain­ted on the wall as a spect­re of doom.

In ana­lo­gy to the vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Ger­ma­ny, the peo­p­le of Tan­z­a­nia were asked by Dr Leo­nard Subi, the direc­tor for vac­ci­na­ti­ons of the local health minis­try, to inform them­sel­ves only from relia­ble sources[81]. It is ques­tionable whe­ther this also means media or experts who are cri­ti­cal of „vac­ci­na­ti­ons“.

The Tan­z­a­ni­an aut­ho­ri­ties appea­led to their popu­la­ti­on to accept the vac­ci­na­ti­on offer and thus prepa­re them­sel­ves against the third wave announ­ced at the time[82].  Curr­ent­ly, they are alre­a­dy war­ning of the impen­ding fourth wave.

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on appoint­ment after one week litt­le used

Unli­ke in Ger­ma­ny, accor­ding to the tes­tim­o­ny of an inter­view­ee from 12.05.2022, the vac­ci­na­ted per­sons were asked to come back one week after the injec­tion if the­re were any com­pli­ca­ti­ons. In fact, this offer was rare­ly taken up.

Accor­ding to insi­der infor­ma­ti­on, tho­se who deci­de to be „vac­ci­na­ted“ in Aru­sha queue up, are brief­ly infor­med about the most com­mon side effects such as hea­da­ches, nau­sea and hea­vy arms, are injec­ted and recei­ve a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of suc­cessful injec­tion after the suc­cessful injec­tion. Unli­ke in Ger­ma­ny, the vac­ci­nees – at least in Aru­sha – do not recei­ve any infor­ma­ti­on leaf­let to sign. A pos­si­ble shift of lia­bi­li­ty from the doc­tor to the pati­ent should the­r­e­fo­re not apply.

Over­view of sel­ec­ted data on the vac­ci­na­ti­on campaign

11.12.2020 The United Sta­tes’ FDA com­ple­tes review for poten­ti­al emer­gen­cy appr­oval of BioNTech’s BNT162b2 vac­ci­ne for the US[83]

21.12.2020 EMA con­di­tio­nal appr­oval of BioNTech / Pfizer’s vac­ci­ne for Euro­pe[84]

06.01.2021 con­di­tio­nal appr­oval of BioNTech / Pfizer’s vac­ci­ne for Euro­pe by the EMA[85]

27.02.2021 Emer­gen­cy appr­oval of John­son & Johnson’s vac­ci­ne by the US FDA[86]

11.03.2021 con­di­tio­nal appr­oval of John­son & Johnson’s vac­ci­ne for Euro­pe by EMA[87]

April 2021 North Caro­li­na / USA sus­pends emer­gen­cy appr­oval for John­son & Johnson’s Jans­sen vaccine

May 2021 Den­mark sus­pends emer­gen­cy mar­ke­ting aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on for John­son & Johnson’s Jans­sen vaccine

22.09.2021 to 14.10.2021 first pha­se of vac­ci­na­ti­on cam­paign in Tanzania

24.07.2021 first batch of John­son & Johnson’s vac­ci­ne arri­ves in Tanzania

28.07.2021 „Mama Samia“ gets „vac­ci­na­ted

29.10.2021 Emer­gen­cy use appr­oval of BioNTech / Pfizer’s vac­ci­ne Comirna­ty by the United Sta­tes’ FDA for child­ren aged 5 to 11 in the USA[88]

Novem­ber 2021 Cana­da warns of auto­im­mu­ne dis­or­ders cau­sed by John­son & Johnson’s Jans­sen vaccine.

Janu­ary 2022 Announce­ment to set up a fac­to­ry to manu­fac­tu­re Covid-19 vac­ci­nes in Tanzania

02 June 2022 Third pha­se of Tanzania’s Initia­ti­ve for Glo­bal Vac­ci­ne Access cam­paign opens in Dar es Salaam

[1] “Wäh­rend Euro­pa flei­ßig impft, leh­nen drei afri­ka­ni­sche Staa­ten die Sprit­ze rigo­ros ab“ on „focus​.de“ from 29.05.2021 at 3:22 p. m. Available at https://​www​.focus​.de/​p​o​l​i​t​i​k​/​a​u​s​l​a​n​d​/​a​f​r​i​k​a​-​t​a​n​s​a​n​i​a​-​b​u​r​u​n​d​i​-​u​n​d​-​e​r​i​t​r​e​a​-​v​e​r​w​e​i​g​e​r​n​-​i​m​p​f​s​t​o​f​f​e​-​m​i​t​-​w​e​l​t​w​e​i​t​e​n​-​a​u​s​w​i​r​k​u​n​g​e​n​_​i​d​_​1​3​3​4​0​4​2​8​.​h​tml, last acces­sed on 12.05.2022.

[2] See Robert F. Ken­ne­dy Jr. “Das wah­re Gesicht des Dr. Fau­ci. Bill Gates, die Phar­ma­in­dus­trie und der glo­ba­le Krieg gegen Demo­kra­tie und Gesund­heit“. Rot­ten­burg (Kopp-Ver­lag), 2022, pp. 16 – 17.

[3] Ali­na Ramos Mar­tin “Tan­z­a­nia wants EU to sup­port set­ting up Covid-19 vac­ci­ne plant” auf “ple​ng​lish​.com” from 16.02.2022 at 11:15 a. m.. Available on https://​www​.ple​ng​lish​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​2​/​0​2​/​1​6​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​w​a​n​t​s​-​e​u​-​t​o​-​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​-​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​-​u​p​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​p​l​a​nt/, last acces­sed on 30.05.2022.

[4] Hil­da Mha­ga­ma “Tan­z­a­nia Laun­ches Initia­ti­ve to Increase Covid-19 Vac­ci­ne Upt­ake” on “allaf​ri​ca​.com” from 03.06.2022. Available on https://​allaf​ri​ca​.com/​s​t​o​r​i​e​s​/​2​0​2​2​0​6​0​3​0​2​6​0​.​h​tml, Last acces­sed on 03.06.2022.

[5] Ali­na Ramos Mar­tin “Tan­z­a­nia wants EU to sup­port set­ting up Covid-19 vac­ci­ne plant” on „ple​ng​lish​.com” from 16.02.2022 at 11:15 a. m.. Available on https://​www​.ple​ng​lish​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​2​/​0​2​/​1​6​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​w​a​n​t​s​-​e​u​-​t​o​-​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​-​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​-​u​p​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​p​l​a​nt/, last acces­sed on 30.05.2022.

[6] Hil­da Mha­ga­ma “Tan­z­a­nia Laun­ches Initia­ti­ve to Increase Covid-19 Vac­ci­ne Upt­ake” on “allaf​ri​ca​.com” from 03.06.2022. Available on https://​allaf​ri​ca​.com/​s​t​o​r​i​e​s​/​2​0​2​2​0​6​0​3​0​2​6​0​.​h​tml, last acces­sed on 03.06.2022.

[7] Ali­na Ramos Mar­tin „Tan­z­a­nia wants EU to sup­port set­ting up Covid-19 vac­ci­ne plant” auf “ple​ng​lish​.com” from 16.02.2022 at 11:15 a. m.. Available on https://​www​.ple​ng​lish​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​2​/​0​2​/​1​6​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​w​a​n​t​s​-​e​u​-​t​o​-​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​-​s​e​t​t​i​n​g​-​u​p​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​p​l​a​nt/, last acces­sed on 30.05.2022.

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[80] Cf.. Nan­cy McDon­nell “Etwa 10 Pro­zent der Mit­ar­bei­ter des PEI nicht geimpft“ on “epocht​i​mes​.de“ vom 14.05.2022 at 11:04 a. m. Available on https://​www​.epocht​i​mes​.de/​w​i​s​s​e​n​/​f​o​r​s​c​h​u​n​g​/​e​t​w​a​-​1​0​-​p​r​o​z​e​n​t​-​d​e​r​-​m​i​t​a​r​b​e​i​t​e​r​-​d​e​s​-​p​e​i​-​n​i​c​h​t​-​g​e​i​m​p​f​t​-​a​3​8​1​3​5​7​5​.​h​tml, last acces­sed on 17.05.2022: „Etwa zehn Pro­zent der Mit­ar­bei­ter des Paul-Ehr­lich-Insti­tuts (PEI) sind nicht geimpft, wie aus einer Anfra­ge der Epoch Times her­vor­geht.“. Here is the trans­la­ti­on: “About ten per­cent of the employees of the Paul Ehr­lich Insti­tu­te (PEI) are not vac­ci­na­ted, accor­ding to an enquiry by the Epoch Times”

[81] Stel­la Vuzo “Tan­z­a­nia recei­ves first COVID-19 vac­ci­ne batch” on “un​.org” from 26.07.2021. Available on https://​www​.un​.org/​a​f​r​i​c​a​r​e​n​e​w​a​l​/​n​e​w​s​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​r​e​c​e​i​v​e​s​-​f​i​r​s​t​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​b​a​tch, last acces­sed on 11.05.2022.

[82] Stel­la Vuzo “Tan­z­a­nia recei­ves first COVID-19 vac­ci­ne batch” on “un​.org” from 26.07.2021. Available on https://​www​.un​.org/​a​f​r​i​c​a​r​e​n​e​w​a​l​/​n​e​w​s​/​t​a​n​z​a​n​i​a​-​r​e​c​e​i​v​e​s​-​f​i​r​s​t​-​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​v​a​c​c​i​n​e​-​b​a​tch, last acces­sed on 11.05.2022.

[83] “Emer­gen­cy Use Aut­ho­riza­ti­on (EUA) for an Unap­pro­ved Pro­duct. Review Memo­ran­dum“ on “fda​.gov“. Available on https://​www​.fda​.gov/​m​e​d​i​a​/​1​4​4​4​1​6​/​d​o​w​n​l​oad, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

[84] “Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten: Beding­te Markt­zu­las­sung für COVID-19-Impf­stof­fe in der EU*“ on “ec​.euro​pa​.eu“ vom 11.12.2020. Available on https://​ec​.euro​pa​.eu/​c​o​m​m​i​s​s​i​o​n​/​p​r​e​s​s​c​o​r​n​e​r​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​/​d​e​/​q​a​n​d​a​_​2​0​_​2​390, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

[85] “Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten: Beding­te Markt­zu­las­sung für COVID-19-Impf­stof­fe in der EU*“ on “ec​.euro​pa​.eu“ vom 11.12.2020. Available on https://​ec​.euro​pa​.eu/​c​o​m​m​i​s​s​i​o​n​/​p​r​e​s​s​c​o​r​n​e​r​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​/​d​e​/​q​a​n​d​a​_​2​0​_​2​390, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

[86] “Covid-19: EMA emp­fiehlt beding­te Zulas­sung für Impf­stoff von Jans­sen“ on “jans​sen​.com“ from 11.03.2021. Available on https://​www​.jans​sen​.com/​g​e​r​m​a​n​y​/​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​e​m​a​-​e​m​p​f​i​e​h​l​t​-​b​e​d​i​n​g​t​e​-​z​u​l​a​s​s​u​n​g​-​f​u​e​r​-​i​m​p​f​s​t​o​f​f​-​v​o​n​-​j​a​n​s​s​e​n​-​a​l​s​-​e​i​n​z​e​l​d​o​sis, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

[87] „Covid-19: EMA emp­fiehlt beding­te Zulas­sung für Impf­stoff von Jans­sen“ auf “jans​sen​.com“ from 11.03.2021. Available on https://​www​.jans​sen​.com/​g​e​r​m​a​n​y​/​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​e​m​a​-​e​m​p​f​i​e​h​l​t​-​b​e​d​i​n​g​t​e​-​z​u​l​a​s​s​u​n​g​-​f​u​e​r​-​i​m​p​f​s​t​o​f​f​-​v​o​n​-​j​a​n​s​s​e​n​-​a​l​s​-​e​i​n​z​e​l​d​o​sis, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

[88] “Not­fall­zu­las­sung von Comirna­ty für Fünf- bis Elf­jäh­ri­ge in den USA“ on “gel​be​-lis​te​.de“ vom 03.11.2021. Available on https://​www​.gel​be​-lis​te​.de/​n​a​c​h​r​i​c​h​t​e​n​/​f​d​a​-​n​o​t​f​a​l​l​z​u​l​a​s​s​u​n​g​-​c​o​m​i​r​n​a​t​y​-​a​b​-​5​-​j​a​h​ren, last acces­sed on 04.06.2022.

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