In connection with the Corona years 2020 to 2022, the public debate on the subject of „Satanism“ has increased greatly. Although often no distinction is made between different manifestations of Satanism, between prejudices, testimonies and verifiable facts. Here a statement by Hans Gasper and Friederike Valentin in the book by Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk fits very well:
„In der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Satanismus sind zwei Fehler möglich: die Überschätzung und die Unterschätzung.“[1]
Here is the translation:
„In dealing with Satanism, two mistakes are possible: overestimation and underestimation.“
Satanists are omnipresent
It can be an expression of overestimation to assume that there is a Satanic conspiracy behind everything, that it has completely infiltrated politics, the courts and the military, and to equate Freemasons[2], Illuminati[3] and Satanists as well as all forms of occultism indiscriminately[4]. This does not mean that there may not be Satanists in key positions and that there may not be commonalities between the various groups named here. There are more and more drug and child trafficking rings being reported worldwide[5].There are various reports of Satanists in such circle. Anyway, it cannot necessarily be deduced from this that this is an indication of an increasing spread of Satanism.
Accusations in most cases not verifiable
An underestimation results above all from the assumption that there are only a few (known) Satanists in terms of numbers and that in many cases the individual Satanists or Satanist organisations accused of crimes could not be proven in court. The lack of written sources can also lead to an underestimation of Satanic forms of expression, although it is not to be expected that groups that are actively trespassing criminal laws will also document this in written form for the prosecution authorities.
Are we in the last days?
In addition to the individual assessment of the dangerousness, such fears also play a role that see the current Corona situation as the final battle between good and evil, God and Satan. The New Testament Revelation of John plays a special role in this context. Here there are indeed various points of reference that can be interpreted apocalyptically.
First of all, we should refer to Revelation 13 verses 16 to 18 (here quoted after the King James Version):
“ 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Interpretations about the meaning of the number 666 are manifold (here are only four examples):
1. Emperor Nero
„Diese Zahl soll nach dem neutestamentlichen Buch der Offenbarung (Kapitel 13, 11 – 18) die Zahl des „Tieres mit den zwei Hörnern“ sein. Im neutestamentlichen Zusammenhang bedeutet dieses Tier mit der Zahl 666 die Macht des römischen Reiches. [….] Legt man die Zahlenwerte des hebräischen Alphabetes zugrunde, so könnte die Rätselzahl 666 auf den römischen Kaiser Nero hinweisen.“ [6]
Here is the translation:
„This number is said to be the number of the „beast with two horns“ according to the New Testament book of Revelation (chapter 13, 11 – 18). In the New Testament context, this beast with the number 666 signifies the power of the Roman Empire. [.…] If we take the numerical values of the Hebrew alphabet as a basis, the riddle number 666 could refer to the Roman emperor Nero.“
2. The Pope
It is sometimes claimed that the Pope’s tiara bears the inscription „VICARIUS FILII DEI“ (Vicar of the Son of God). If one takes the Latin numerical values (I = 1, V = 5, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500) one comes to the number 666. The German Wikipedia writes on this:
„Diese Bezeichnung kommt jedoch nur sehr selten vor, als Variation der gebräuchlicheren Prägung Vicarius Christi (Statthalter Christi). Dies war ein gewöhnlicher Titel für alle Bischöfe, erst seit dem 12. Jahrhundert verstärkt ein Titel des Papstes. Auf den erhaltenen alten Tiaren findet sich diese Inschrift nicht.“[7]
Here is the translation:
„This designation, however, occurs only very rarely, as a variation of the more common coinage Vicarius Christi (Governor of Christ). This was a common title for all bishops, and only since the 12th century increasingly a title of the pope. On the surviving ancient tiaras this inscription is not found.“
3. Corona variant Omicron
The Corona variant Omicron is officially called B.1.1.529. Adding the numerical values 1+1+5+2+9 together gives the number 18. Adding the numerical values of 666 together gives 6+6+6, which is also 18.
On 30.01.2020, Covid-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern[8]. Exactly 666 days later, on 26.11.2021, the WHO then designated Omicron as a new variant of concern[9]. Since the number 666 is the number of a man, this could be interpreted as a reference to the current WHO Secretary-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:
„Verschiedene Medien berichteten davon, dass der WHO-Generalsekretär Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag des Genozids in Äthiopien angeklagt worden sei. Die Klage wurde von dem amerikanischen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler David Steinmann erhoben, der 2019 für den Friedensnobelpreis vorgeschlagen wurde. Tedros sei einer der drei maßgeblichen Entscheidungsträger in Äthiopien gewesen, der während seiner Amtszeit in den Jahre 2005 bis 2012 die die Tötung, Inhaftierung und Folterung von Amhara, Konso, Oromo und Somali-Stämmen, mit der Absicht der ethnischen Säuberung, während der besagten Periode leiteten. Oppositionelle seiner Maßnahmen habe man durch vorsätzliche Verhaftungen sowie Untersuchungshaft einzuschüchtern versucht.“[10]
Here is the translation:
„Various media reported that WHO Secretary-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had been charged with genocide in Ethiopia at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The case was brought by American economist David Steinmann, who has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Tedros was one of the three key decision-makers in Ethiopia who led the killing, detention and torture of Amhara, Konso, Oromo and Somali tribes, with the intention of ethnic cleansing, during his tenure from 2005 to 2012 during the said period. Opposition to his measures had been sought to be intimidated through deliberate arrests as well as pre-trial detention.“
If one believes the theory that the omicron variant is actually a consequence of vaccination[11], one could also link the respective vaccine manufacturers to the number of the beast.
4. Graphene oxide
Spain’s La Quinta-Columna said it had detected a 99.99% concentration of graphene oxide, a highly toxic substance, in Pfizer vaccine [12], [13].
. This also gives rise to speculation:
„Graphen ist eine Substanz, die aus reinem Kohlenstoff besteht.
In dem Bibelvers sagt Johannes, der Autor der Offenbarung (Apokalypse), dass die Zahl 666 die Zahl des Menschen ist.
Und er sagt dies, weil die Zahl 666 mit dem Kohlenstoffatom und dem Menschen in Verbindung steht.
Kohlenstoff ist eines der 5 Elemente der menschlichen DNA und besteht aus 6 Protonen, 6 Elektronen und 6 Neutronen, was der Zahl 666 entspricht.
Kohlenstoff und Graphen sind identisch, beide bilden hexagonale Zellen.
Die Aufnahmen, die sie machen, enthalten also die Ordnungszahl 666 und sechs Winkelmuster.
Es handelt sich um einen Code, der in der Bibel „das Malzeichen des Tieres“ genannt wird und die Kontrolleure wissen lässt, wer „sie“ sind. Es kennzeichnet sie, wie Viehzüchter ihr Vieh kennzeichnen.“[14]
Here is the translation:
„Graphene is a substance that consists of pure carbon.
In the Bible verse, John, the author of Revelation (Apocalypse), says that the number 666 is the number of a man.
And he says this because the number 666 is associated with the carbon atom and man.
Carbon is one of the 5 elements in human DNA and is made up of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons, which corresponds to the number 666.
Carbon and graphene are identical, both form hexagonal cells.
So, the images they make contain the atomic number 666 and six angular patterns.
It is a code called »the mark of the beast« in the Bible that lets the controllers know who »they« are. It marks them like cattle ranchers mark their cattle.“
In any case, the number 666 plays a prominent role in many Satanist groups, in movies (e.g., „The Omen“ from 1976) or in heavy metal (e.g., the album „The Number of the Beast“ by Iron Maiden). It should at least be mentioned in this context that the number 666 could possibly be due to a transcription error and that the numbers 616 or 665 could actually be meant[15].
According to the Bible, the mark of the beast is to be distinguished from the number of the beast, even though the two are often equated with each other. If one looks at the text of Revelation quoted above, it says among other things as follows:
„… that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”
Vaccination as a mark of the beast?
If one considers that shopping had been (and maybe will be again) largely dependent on the presentation of a vaccination card, not only in Germany (VR), one could interpret the experimental mRNA vaccinations against Covid-19 as a „mark of the beast“. If we think one step further, namely the planned introduction of the digital euro[16] and a possible gradual abolition of cash[17], [18], it could happen in the future that the keeping of an account would be linked to the presence of a vaccination card. For example, since 11 December 2021 until spring 2022, the cashier’s area of the Sparkasse Hannover (savings bank Hanover) could only be entered on the basis of VRT, and the step to VR no longer seems too far away.
The circumstances of the current and possibly future vaccination campaign also give rise to fears that vaccination could be interpreted as the mark of the beast. In Australia and the USA, for example, research is already being done on microneedle patches for vaccination[19]. On such patches, the SWR wrote in September 2021:
„Das neu entwickelte Polymerpflaster ist mit minikleinen gedruckten Mikronadeln beschichtet. Die sind so mini, dass wir sie nicht spüren. Und diese Mikronädelchen wiederrum werden mit dem Impfstoff benetzt. Das Impfpflaster kann man sich dann aufkleben und sich damit eben selbst schmerzfrei impfen.“[20]
Here is the translation into English:
„The newly developed polymer patch is coated with tiny printed microneedles. They are so mini that we don’t feel them. And these micro-needles in turn are wetted with the vaccine. You can then stick on the vaccine patch and vaccinate yourself painlessly.”
Do fantasies come true?
A microchip implanted under the skin as a vaccination card also already exist[21] and could be interpreted not only as a further step into transhumanism, but also as the mark of the beast. For example, on 04.12.2021, the Russia Today website stated:
„Angesichts der neuen Coronavirus-Variante Omikron und steigender Infektionszahlen erlässt die schwedische Regierung neue Maßnahmen und macht einen Impfnachweis im Alltag notwendig. Dies scheint mehr Menschen dazu zu bringen, sich Mikrochips implantieren zu lassen.“[22]
Here is the translation:
„In light of the new coronavirus variant Omicron and rising infection numbers, the Swedish government is enacting new measures and making vaccination proof necessary in everyday life. This seems to be driving more people to get microchips implanted.“
An article from late 2019 already stated as follows:
„Researchers headed by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin. The quantum dots are composed of nanocrystals, which emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone. “[23]
This may also explain why so much emphasis was being placed in Germany (and in a similar way worldwide) on installing a Corona warning app, a Luca app or using a digital vaccination card with a QR code on the mobile phone. The French Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, made it clear in an interview on 18.12.2021 that the control of whether the individual case is a genuine vaccination card should be accompanied by a control of the identity:
„On peut reposer la question du contrôle d’identité associé au contrôle du passe.“[24], [25]
Here is the translation:
„The question of identity control combined with pass control can be asked again.”
In this respect, vaccination could be interpreted in connection with the vaccination passport or Green Pass as the mark of the beast.
Jakob Tscharntke, pastor of the Evangelical Free Church of Riedlingen, expressed himself as follows in a sermon on 29 November 2021:
„Wer sich heute impfen lässt, der wird eines Tages mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit, das Malzeichen des Antichristen annehmen.“[26]
Here is the translation:
“Whoever allows himself to be vaccinated today will one day, with a high degree of probability, accept the mark of the Antichrist.”
Micro Needles in the White House
A statement made by Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, at a press conference held by Joe Biden on 10.09.2021 also caused irritation among appropriately sensitised persons. She spoke of „marked people“[27], meaning those who had been vaccinated.
A similar interpretation can be found elsewhere:
„Sie verändern Deine DNS-Merkmale mit tierischer DNS („Bestie“), wodurch das Bild Gottes (ihre DNS-Codierung) mit der Tier-DNS verändert wird. Bald werden Sie nicht mehr in der Lage sein, etwas zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen, wenn Sie nicht nachweisen können, dass Sie geimpft sind. Die Luziferase-Quantenpunkt-Tätowierung ist die Gen2-Version davon. Ja, es ist das Zeichen des Tieres, es ist nur noch nicht die Tattoo-Version, bei der Mikronadeln auf z.B. einer Art Folie verwendet werden… diese Folien haben hunderte von Mikronadeln, die einem Vipernzahn nachempfunden sind, um den Impfstoff zu verabreichen und Sie mit einem Quantenpunkt-Tattoo zu markieren.“[28]
Here is the translation:
„They change your DNA traits with animal DNA („beast“), changing the image of God (their DNA coding) with the animal DNA. Soon you will not be able to buy or sell anything unless you can prove you are inoculated. The luciferase quantum dot tattoo is the Gen2 version of this. Yes, it’s the mark of the beast, it’s just not the tattoo version yet, using microneedles on, say, some kind of foil… these foils have hundreds of microneedles modelled on a viper’s tooth to administer the vaccine and mark you with a quantum dot tattoo.“
Traditional Satanic image in flux
The enzyme luciferase named in this context is used, among other things, in the mRNA gene non-therapy of Moderna[29] as well as Pfizer[30]. Apparently, it is possible to check the vaccination status of a person under the influence of a special light[31]. Inevitably, when thinking of luciferase, many might think of the „light bearer“, i.e., „Lucifer“, who is often equated with Satan. Such an equation of the fallen morning star of Isaiah 14 first occurred in the New Testament (Luke 10 verse 18)[32]. Since then, an equation of Satan and Lucifer has been widespread and can also be found, for example, in Ellen Gould White’s book „The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan“ from 1888/1911. Lucifer gained special significance at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, among others, with Eliphas Lévi and within the framework of Helena Blavatsky’s „Theosophical Society“. In the process, Lucifer increasingly detached himself from the traditional Satanic figure and from the enemy of God to an enlightened but nevertheless dangerous figure[33].
For our consideration of the mark of the beast, however, what is decisive at this point is rather that the microneedling process described above,
„um ein Tattoo für die Hand [handelt], die unser Erkennungszeichen und unsere Impfaufzeichnungen enthalten wird“[34]
(„a tattoo for the hand, which will contain our identification mark and our vaccination records“).
This again fits with the Revelation of John 13 verse. 16:
“… a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: … “
There are many more topical reference points that make one think of apocalyptic end times, but this topic will not be explored further at this point. Instead, we will first look at what is meant by Satanism and Satanists.
Different varieties of contemporary Satanism
In the public sphere, it is above all the so-called reactive, paradigmatically conformist Satanism (reaktiv, paradigmatisch konforme Satanismus[35]) that plays a role, in which Satan is worshipped as an ultimately superior counter-god. However, in keeping with Christian doctrine, he remains a personification of evil and, with black masses, upside-down crosses, etc., fulfils all the usual clichés. The extent to which there are organised groups of such Satanism that also practise crimes such as human sacrifice or cannibalism is disputed, at least in religious studies (German: “Religionswissenschaft”)[36], [37]. In her dissertation, for example, the scholar on religious studies, Dagmar Fügmann, wrote:
„Hinweise auf andere Gruppierungen oder Einzelpersonen, die unter dieser Ausprägung des Satanismus eingeordnet werden könnten (wie beispielweise die häufig beschworenen Kinderpornographen-Ringe mit satanistischem Hintergrund, die Straftaten mit Bezug auf ein satanistisches Weltbild ausführen sollen), konnten bis heute letztlich nicht verifiziert werden.“[38]
Here is the translation:
„Indications of other groups or individuals that could be classified under this manifestation of Satanism (such as, for example, the frequently invoked child pornography rings with a Satanist background, which are said to carry out crimes with reference to a Satanist world view) could ultimately not be verified to date.“
What about all the individual cases?
The scholar on religious studies, Joachim Schmidt, also considers many of the standard accusations against Satanists, such as „infanticide followed by cannibalism“[39] or the enormous number of ritual murders attributed to Satanists in general, to be generally unverifiable, significantly exaggerated and common clichés and as such also satisfying the sensationalism of journalists[40]. Here the journalist Fromm counters with detailed information on websites of the cannibalistic scene, whereby the transitions to occultist, ritual-sexual murder fantasies as well as Satanist ideas seem to be fluid[41]. Cannibalism is also mentioned in a victim report cited by him, which was even shown on public television in 2003[42]. Introvigne refers to a publication from 1980, according to which a cult victim was raped, among other things, and then new-born babies were sacrificed and eaten[43]. Other similar reports, including human sacrifice, were repeatedly reported by victims of the same Satanic organisation over the following twenty years[44].
In the 1995 book by Introvigne and Türk, Gasper and Valentin distinguish between “institutionalisierten Satanismus“ (institutionalised Satanism, e.g. First Church of Satan, Temple of Set) and the “sexualmagisch-satanistisch inspirierte Szene“ (sexually magical Satanist-inspired scene). Regarding the latter, it is correctly stated as follows:
“Weil diese Szene insgesamt wenig erforscht ist, weil zudem in diesen nur kleine Gruppen vieles auch von ganz konkreten Konstellationen abhängt, hat die Sensationsdarstellung, wenn etwas Schlimmes passiert, freies Feld.“[45]
Here is the translation:
„Because this scene as a whole is little researched, because moreover in these only small groups much also depends on very concrete constellations, sensationalism has a free field when something bad happens.“
Between the above-mentioned poles, Türk sees a total of five main currents of Satanism in the German-speaking world:
- Okkulter Neo-Satanismus (Occult Neo-Satanism)
- Synkretistischer Jugend-Satanismus (Syncretistic Youth Satanism)
- Sexualmagische Gruppen (Sex magic groups)
- Gruftieszene (Goth scene)
- Künstlersatanisten (Artistic Satanists)[46]
Türk makes it clear – as do other authors – that although the goth scene likes to be seen in a Satanic context, an equation is practically always inaccurate:
“Die Polizei geht von einem allgemeinen, aus der Literatur bekannten Vorurteil aus. Schwarzgekleidete, auf Friedhöfen herumstreunende Jugendliche müssen Satanisten sein. Es muß, so will es das allgemeine Vorurteil, viel Blut fließen, und Mädchen müssen Satan geopfert werden. In der Tat gestalten sich dann die Ermittlungen in dieser Richtung als sehr schwierig. Der Grund dafür lieg […] in der Tatsache, daß sie faktisch mit Satanismus recht wenig zu tun haben.“[47]
Here is the translation:
„The police start from a general prejudice known from literature. Black-clad youths roaming around cemeteries must be Satanists. The general prejudice is that a lot of blood must flow and girls must be sacrificed to Satan. In fact, investigations in this direction turn out to be very difficult. The reason for this lies […] in the fact that they have little to do with Satanism.”
Schmidt makes basic definitions
Joachim Schmidt, on the other hand, proposes in his monograph a subdivision of Satanism into a total of six categories:
- „Reaktive, paradigmatisch konformer Satanismus“ (reactive, paradigmatically conformist Satanism)
- „Gnostisch umgewerteter Satanismus“ (gnostically re-evaluated Satanism)
- „Integrativer Satanismus“ (integrative Satanism)
- „Autarker, sekundär achristlicher Satanismus“ (Autarkic, secondarily achristian Satanism)
- „Synkretistisch gebrochener Satanismus“ (syncretic fractured Satanism)
- „Primär literarischer Satanismus“ (primary literary Satanism)[48]
In terms of content, Schmidt’s „reactive, paradigmatically conformist Satanism“ largely corresponds to Türk’s „occult neo-Satanism“, i.e., in essence a re-evaluated image of the devil based primarily on Catholic theology. Türk quite rightly points out that such Satanism can only exist if it is seen as a conscious breach of taboo, while at the same time referring to the Christian Church as a point of reference[49].
Worshipping the devil is only one indication
In any case, it is not enough to call only those groups „Satanists“ who believe in a real counter-god Satan and worship him as a deity. This would exclude from consideration all those groups who do not regard Satan as a deity and those who focus on philosophical and/or sexual-magical concepts, e.g., those of Aleister Crowley or Anton Szandor LaVey, and who either worship Satan under other names such as Lucifer or Set or even regard him only as a mere symbol[50]. Lucifer is often not seen as personified evil, but rather as a rebel for individual freedom. Introvigne calls this variety of Satanism „Luziferanismus “(Luciferianism) [51].
It is advisable to at least count as Satanist every individual and group that calls itself so.
This article first appeared on December 19th 2021 in German on and has been slightly updated for the English version.
[1] Hans Gasper and Friederike Valentin „Einleitung“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ By Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 5
[2] As early as the end of the 19th century, the Freemasons in particular were accused of Satanism. See for example the Taxil hoax in Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st new edition, 2018, pp. 102 – 110.
[3] Here, for example, reference is made to the „Tierdrama“ (animal drama) of Anton Szandor LaVey’s „First Church of Satan“, which is said to have originated from Bavarian Illuminati. See Massimo Introvigne „Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 176
[4] Cf. e.g. e.g. Hans Gasper and Friederike Valentin „Einleitung“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ By Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 17
[5] See e. g. Mark Mobil on telegram:,,, oder
[6] Türk, Eckhard „Geschichte, Szene, Praktiken – Information und Rat“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit“ von Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 39
[7] „Sechshundertsechsundsechzig“ on „“. Available at, last accessed 01.06.2022.
[8] “Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)” at “” from 30.01.2020. Available at – 01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019-ncov), last accessed on 18.12.2021
[9] “Die Omikron-Variante – Status quo und Ausblick“ at ““ from 15.12.2021. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021
[10] Stephan Witte „WHO-Chef Tedros werden Völkermord und Vertuschung von Epidemien vorgeworfen“ from 17.12.2020 on „“. Available at, last accessed on 01.06.2022.
[11] See e. g. Dr. Bodo Schiffmann from min. 11:56 a.m. at from 19.12.2021
[12] „Pfizer-Impfstoff besteht zu 99,99% aus Graphenoxid: „Sie wollen Menschen töten““ on „“ vom 07.07.2021. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[13] See also
[14] See
[15] „Sechshundertsechsundsechzig“ at „“. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021
[16] „Digitaler Euro – Häufig gestellte Fragen“ on „“. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[17] For corresponding concerns, see e.g.„BUNDESBANK-UMFRAGE: Viel Skepsis gegenüber dem digitalen Euro“ on „“ of 25.10.2021 at 12:19. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[18] Robert Müller-Török und Oliver Sievering „Bargeldabschaffung aus ökonomischer und technischer Sicht: In Deutschland unmöglich?“ at „“ from 09.07.2021. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[19] „Forschung an Piks-Alternative. Kommt die Corona-Impfung per Pflaster?“ on „n‑“ from 05.11.2021. Available at https://www.n‑, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[20] Anja Braun „Corona-Impfung per Pflaster” on „“ from 29.09.2021 at 3:21 p. m.. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[21] See e. g. „Få covidbeviset under huden – går att få som ett chip“ on „“ from 28.10.2021 at 02:29 a. m.. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[22] „Schweden machen es vor: Implantierter Microchip zum Nachweis einer Corona-Impfung“ on „“ from 04.12.2021 at 1:26 p. m.. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[23] “Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin” on “” from 19.12.2019. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[25] See also France 24: “Troisième dose, vaccination des enfants : Olivier Véran serre la vis en France“ on ““ from 18.12.2021 um 11:34 Uhr. Available at‑v%C3%A9ran-serre-la-vis-en-france, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[26] See, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[27] “White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Holds Press Briefing, September 10, 2021 | LIVE“ on ““ from 10.09.2021 at 1::11:50 h. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[28], last accessed on 18.11.2021.
[29] Stephan Witte “Moderna Teil 9: Von Haien, Squalenen und Leuchtkörpern“ on ““ from 19.05.2021. Available on, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[30] See e. g. “Decision. Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech” on “” from 14.12.2021. Available at, last accessed on 18.12.2021: “Study R‑20 – 0072: Biodistribution of BNT162b2 using the luciferase protein as a surrogate marker protein after intramuscular injection in mice. Toxicology“
[31] Stephan Witte “Moderna Teil 9: Von Haien, Squalenen und Leuchtkörpern“ on ““ from 19.05.2021. Available on, last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[32] For more detail on this see Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st reprint, 2018, pp. 21 – 22.
[33] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1st reprint, 2018, pp.110 – 113
[34], last accessed on 18.12.2021.
[35] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 14
[36] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 14
[37] Dagmar R. Fügmann „Zeitgenössischer Satanismus in Deutschland. Weltbilder und Wertvorstellungen im Satanismus.“ Marburg (Tectum), 2009 (also Würzburg, Universitätsdissertation, 2008), pp. 1 – 27
[38] Dagmar R. Fügmann „Zeitgenössischer Satanismus in Deutschland. Weltbilder und Wertvorstellungen im Satanismus.“ Marburg (Tectum), 2009 (also Würzburg, Universitätsdissertation, 2008), pp.. 1 – 30 bis 1 – 31
[39] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, p. 235. However, see one of many examples in Guido und Michael Grandt’s „Satanismus. Die unterschätzte Gefahr.“ Düsseldorf (Patmos), 2nd edition, 2000, p. 132
[40] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, p. 234 – 239
[41] Rainer Fromm „Satanismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Kult und Gewalt.“ Munich (Olzog), 2003, pp. 202 – 203
[40] Rainer Fromm „Satanismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Kult und Gewalt.“ Munich (Olzog), 2003, p. 236
[41] Massimo Introvigne “Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 154
[42] Massimo Introvigne “Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 154
[43] Hans Gasper und Friederike Valentin „Einleitung“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Von Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 9
[44] Türk, Eckhard „Geschichte, Szene, Praktiken – Information und Rat“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit“ von Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 35. Explanation on pp. 36 ff. Translations not in the original book.
[45] Türk, Eckhard „Geschichte, Szene, Praktiken – Information und Rat“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit“ von Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 73
[46] Joachim Schmidt „Satanismus. Mythos und Wirklichkeit.“ Berlin (Second Sight Books), 1. reprint, 2018, pp. 13 – 17
[47] Siehe Türk, Eckhard „Geschichte, Szene, Praktiken – Information und Rat“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit“ von Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 100
[48] Cf. also Eckhard Türk’s criticism of such a restrictive definition: Türk, Eckhard „Geschichte, Szene, Praktiken – Information und Rat“ in „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit“ by Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk. Fribourg, Basel, Vienna (Herder), 1995, p. 32 – 35
[49] Massimo Introvigne „Auf den Spuren des Satanismus“ in Massimo Introvigne and Eckhard Türk „Satanismus. Zwischen Sensation und Wirklichkeit.“ Freiburg im Breisgau (Herder), 1995, p. 197